

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, what's your definition of an F.O.B. ("Fresh-off-the-boat" immigrant)?
Anyone not born in the U.S. | 31%
Anyone who speaks with a noticeable accent | 30%
Anyone who acts or dresses old-country | 39%

Assuming you are an Asian American, what's your attitude toward F.O.B.s?
I am fully open to friendships/relationships with them. | 44%
I am friendly but would not want to get too close. | 41%
I generally avoid them on a social level. | 15%

Assuming you are an Asian American, what do you find most annoying about F.O.B.s?
They play into offensive stereotypes. | 15%
They are obsessed with flashy materialism. | 39%
They maintain Asian customs and values. | 0%
They are no more annoying than other AA. | 46%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I honestly can say you don't know enough "ABCs" to say what you have been saying, nor know enough about ABCs to hate them. Your hate is unfounded and illogical. Then again, all HATE is unfounded and illogical. But anyways, it's too bad your bf, as you say hates Chinese people and hates being Chinese. However, I don't think it's necessary for someone to speak Chinese to be Chinese. You just are. And no matter what is being debated in this ABC vs. FOC forum, non-asians will only see that Asians are Asians. ABCs do have a sense of culture, but it might be one that you would not necessary recognize nor like. ABCs are very much divided between the Asian world and the Western World. As such, the sense of culture they have is one of a fusion of both. To look at one and ignore another, is not only foolish, but impractical. Start hanging out with more ABCs and you'll know what I'm talking about. Maybe your bf isn't really a complete ABC anyways. Maybe he's in between. I know all the ABC's I know won't treat people as badly as you might imagine we would. Just make sure you make it clear it's for friendship and intelligent conversation. That way you get an honest response without all the "Pitching-for-a-date" talk. Leave your man if you don't like him.
Elsewise, peace ya'lls!
Steven    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 02:19:41 (PDT)
Larri Kong,

Any real criticism about FOBS by ABCs stems from cultural differences. There many F*** up things about America, but I think most agree that most Asian countries have alot more F*** things going on. It's economically opressed in those places, as well as socially, and culturall repressed. With such issues as human rights, labor rights, and the cultural opression created by such as the Communists in China, it's no wonder why anyone in the West, let alone ABCs have a disdain for FOBs. FOBs are seen as not caring of these issues. There are, obviously, reasons why Fobs come to America and the ones mentioned are a few. You come to the U.S. to get away from opression of some sort, but you have to do your best not share any negative attitudes. Or else you will only confirm the thoughts and concern that ABCs have about FOBs, which is that they have old-world backwards ideas about doing things which would only serve to set the progress back that Asian American's have worked for generations to be realized. Anything else said, isn't real criticism, it's just insulting. Take it as you would from anyone opposing you, but don't blame all ABCs. Your hate only maintains cultural stagnation.
Steven    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 02:05:19 (PDT)
The FOB/ABC debate evokes differing responses as every individual has his own upbringing and circumstances. It all depends upon to what/which degree the immigrant's family has assimilated into it's host country/culture/society. It's easy to spot an individual who is still set in the old ways by his/her dress, language proficiency,cultural traditions, expressions, personality, and behavior. Stereotypes are find a common ground takes effort.
I can understand both sides. I am 5th generation Chinese (Hawaii) on one hand and 2nd generation Chinese(SF) on the other. Nevertheless, both of my parents spoke English at home and adhered to American custom. I learned Mandarin and Cantonese on my own, visited China(will relocate soon to teach), and joined cultural organizations. But I view myself as a white-washed American while recognizing my cultural heritage. I'm a total rocker, clamper (E Clampus Vitus), love NBA, and America for its ethnic diversity but also proud of Bruce Lee, Kelly Hu(fellow Chinese Hawaiian) and the best food in the world!
Dragon Breath    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 10:11:36 (PDT)
Larri Kong and Moonshineprincess:

You guys are both lame if you generalize ABCs. Especially Moonshine. You date an ABC yet hate them? Get real girl.
Stop the BS    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 15:52:17 (PDT)
The worst thing about fobs from Asia is that they chew with their mouth open making lots of sounds. Other than that, there's no major problems that I notice.
Hello    Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 08:48:02 (PDT)