Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, what's your definition of an F.O.B. ("Fresh-off-the-boat" immigrant)?
Anyone not born in the U.S. |
Anyone who speaks with a noticeable accent |
Anyone who acts or dresses old-country |
Assuming you are an Asian American, what's your attitude toward F.O.B.s?
I am fully open to friendships/relationships with them. |
I am friendly but would not want to get too close. |
I generally avoid them on a social level. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, what do you find most annoying about F.O.B.s?
They play into offensive stereotypes. |
They are obsessed with flashy materialism. |
They maintain Asian customs and values. |
They are no more annoying than other AA. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
People come on. Stop this generalization of ABC's. It's not fair to the majority who are trying to be good people. Bashing on ABCs is just as bad as bashing on FOBs. Don't let the few bad apples spoil the bunch. I'm an ABC and i'll admit I don't know as much about my culture or speak Chinese as well as someone from Asia but I do know many things about it and can kinda speak Chinese although it's broken. All the ABCs I know are like that. It's inevitable because we were raised in America and not in Asia. So try to understand the other side's position before coming to conclusions, ABC and FOB.
ABC who doesn't hate   
Friday, September 13, 2002 at 01:40:39 (PDT)
6'1 FOB:
"you think i want to stay here in america or canada? Of course not, i would rather live back in asia anyday. The only reason i have to stay here is because i have to finish off my education, that is the only reason why."
Don't let the door hit your ass on your way out.
Houston Bill   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 09:55:14 (PDT)
6'1 fob
all asian try hard to be white? FYI it's mostly white-wash abc/aa who live in small towns/city who try to be white. (mostly the females) asian in the major citys do not kiss up to the whites or try to act, dress, be like them.
on the other side, you act as if people in china didnt look down on me and judge me before i even said a word when i went there on a tour. just becasue i was born in america, the think they had every right to critizes the way i was dress or how i comb my hair.
im probably one of the few who is really proud to be chinese, but that doesn't mean that i have to look to china for reasons to be proud. i can look at abc and aa history.
im gonna end my post by saying all this aa/abc-fob thing is nothing but middle school s***. i haven't seen any 19-20up yr old makinf fun of fobs.
Mr. Hann   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 23:30:05 (PDT)
6'1 FOB:
"Being a Fob is what being asian is all about."
Right on...
Larriiiii Kong.... 6'1 FOB's younger/shorter sister...   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 21:28:16 (PDT)
I totally agree with you Lariiii Kong. I speak both fluent english, chinese (both cantonese and mandarin). Being a Fob is what being asian is all about. All you asians in america try to hard to be white or fit in a white dominated society. Most of you asians say you are actually asian, when you don't even know a single thing about our rich culture, history and language. How do you even consider yourselves to be asians? Just saying that you are asian just because you look like it on the outside doesn't mean you are a true one. And as for babytearz, you think i want to stay here in america or canada? Of course not, i would rather live back in asia anyday. The only reason i have to stay here is because i have to finnish off my education, that is the only reason why.
6'1 Fob   
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 19:53:30 (PDT)
Do not flatter yourself...
I honestly doubt that any FOBs are trying to be like ABCs...(thank god...)
It is the ABCs...who are trying soooooo hard to be White Americans...
I came to the US when I was 10...I can speak English without an accent...but I can also speak in Chinese without shame...unlike certain ABC individuals...
Honestly it would be just as easy for me to take the side of ABCs...as it would be for me to see myself as a FOB...
I see myself as a FOB...
I see myself as a FOB because I am the hope that the Chinese culture will survive here in the US...
I have hardly met any ABCs who are proud of their culture...
You guys get offended when others see you as Chinese...and you say "I am American!!!"
What is up with that...?
You should be flattered that you look Chinese...since the Chinese(me) are one of the most beautiful looking people...
Come on....
Larriiii Kong....   
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 14:05:04 (PDT)
Alright, to all the F.O.B.s who are reading this right now, I really don't think trying to fit "in" is a crime, but if you trying to fit "in" and you can't speak English right then you're just better off not even trying to fit "in". Because no matter how hard you try to look like an ABC, your accent will ruin your whole look. I'm an ABC and I'm cool with some F.O.B.s but not the one's that come here and act all cocky thinking that they the new "Chan Ho Nam" here. And as for you 6'1fob, if you don't like America then get your fob ass back to China. Now don't get me wrong here, since I'm Chinese, I don't hate on Chinese.
BaByTeaRz AznQtEmz516@aol.com   
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 15:51:42 (PDT)
There's nothing wrong with F.O.B.s, above it all, we are ALL asian. This is the main problem with us asians, always divide each other by race and stereotypes..or any other things you can think of, this is why asians don't have a strong voice in america, unlike the blacks and mexicans..We asians need to stick together...
Friday, September 06, 2002 at 23:01:50 (PDT)
pretty obvious answer:
No it's not.
Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 14:43:37 (PDT)
"Umm..maybe because you live in America??"
Wow! You live in America. You are so special. Why would you want to learn american culture over chinese culture. Anyways.....Why would you even want to learn about american culture, it is all about eating and eating and eating and getting fatter and fatter. (American Culture=obesity). PS. No one likes America outside of this country.
6'1 Fob   
Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 19:11:04 (PDT)
I go to a ghetto school in SF with tons of "real" Fobs and all sorts of made up fob derivatives like gansta' fobs, which makes me an outcast sort of. My weird situation is that my dad is a fairly americanized abc (parents were born in China) and my mom is from a family whos been here since the 1800s. I am however a dime in the dozen because I do not speak a word of Chinese (I can understand to a certain degree though), and my english is equal to that of any white american.
To me, Fobs are not the people I dislike. I find that the people with the least accents or none at all often cause the most problems with me. Fobs however have little in common with me, and I generally make better friends with caucasians.
Since Fobs don't generally dislike me, I have no problem with them. However some Fobs need to be a little more image conscience, and/or learn that english is something they'll need in the US.
What will really piss me off is any Chinese who will attempt to degrade me because I don't speak Chinese. Along with that, I have a slight skin condition which makes me somewhat lighter then most Chinese, which plays into saying that I am not Chinese, but rather a Japanese, Korean, hapa, or even white.
Up to this day I can only say that I've met only two other Chinese that are like me, my brother and a old classmate/friend. We however do have grandparents who speak little or no English, and they do connect us with our Chinese heritage (in contrast to the 100% americanized ABC "jook-sing" banana)
Remember, I don't try to act white, it was the way I was raised, and I think being Chinese is great.
I'm what you should call a realistic banana (yellowish-white on the inside, yellow on the outide with a few different spots).
P.S. The realistic banana has a hard time looking for romantic interests because we are a dime in a dozen in SF.
Not trying to be white   
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 04:28:22 (PDT)
--I have just one question for you, why would you want to follow american culture?--
Umm..maybe because you live in America??
pretty obvious answer   
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 06:55:42 (PDT)