

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following fashion faux pas is committed most often by Asian women?
Wearing colors that are wrong for their coloring or features | 36%
Wearing cuts that are wrong for their proportions and/or size | 22%
Dressing inappropriately for the occasion | 24%
Wearing clearly outdated styles | 18%

Which of the following colors is generally most flattering on Asian women?
Black | 86%
Other | 14%

Which of the following fashion brands is most flattering on Asian women?
Calvin Klein | 12%
DKNY | 14%
Emporio Armani | 11%
Chanel | 7%
Versace | 9%
Prada | 11%
Bebe | 9%
Other/No Response | 27%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I see too many Asian women in black! Asian women have such beautiful skin tones, black just makes you look washed out. A true-red would make an Asian woman glow.
boba    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 19:46:00 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix and MLK:
Some of us envy you!! C cup?! Personally, I think C cups are ideal. Luckily I'm not insecure about my B cup enough to get breast implants...but I'll trade with ya any day! I wear bras in public (otherwise the shape of my nipples would be visible through my shirt), but I dont wear it at home b/c they need air to breathe too. I guess my breasts are too small to be creating back problems.

Asian Dominatrix:
You definitely spend more money than I do on clothes. I'm cheap and picky...I refuse to shop for clothes that's not sale, and they have to be made of good fabric and looks unique. I usually get a banana republic skirt (orginally $98, on sale for $25) or a bebe cashmere sweater (orginally $139, on sale for $39)...the cheapest bargain I got was a ralph lauren shirt (original $68 on sale for $10) at macy's.

I've also notice my shopping techniques are somewhat different from the typical. I dont like shopping at discount outlets...although they're cheap, they dont have good stuff (not in Dallas at least). You're probaly from CA or NY where there are wider selections. I usually look for sales at the high-end stores...b/c the sales can be just as good as the outlets, but they have more variety and more unique pieces.

The biggest mistake I've seen females making is not understanding how to pair clothes together to enhance their features. For instance, I have this anthropology pants (fitting around the butt, but flares towards the bottom). I like to wear it with a body-hugging helps balance the look, by drawing attention to my waist while making me look taller. I've also seen alot of people wearing capris (which is already tight) with a small tight shirt...I think this is a big mistake b/c it can easily come off as sleazy (skin tight pieces from head to toe, in my opinion is not sexy). I have this shirt that goes perfectly with my capris...its sleeveless shirt, with a loose sheer polyster layered w/ another sheer black lining, and the scarf piece (of the same sheer fabric) attached (I saw the exact shirt worn by one of the actresses in ally mcbeal). That shirt is loose fitting yet stylish, and appear it great with a tight bottom like capris.

Color, shade, and fabric is also important. Rule of thumb is to keep it looking heavier on the bottom is almost always more attractive (Heavier in the sense of size, color, weight and volume of fabric, etc). Never do light bottom, dark top (that's makes your upper body appear heavier..which can make you appear shorter...unless that's the look you're trying to achieve).

My friends are always surprise to see my closet...I dont have half the amount of clothes they imagined. And I dont shop half as much as they think I do. I own a lot of basic pieces that are versatile...and I have some unique pieces (that's attractive, but not common) for special occasions. Also, for formal wear...I almost always buy them separately b/c I like to pair them up makes clothes wearing fun and flexible (and it makes people think you have more clothes than you actually do). Bottom line is...clothes can help bring out the best of have fun with it.
be    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 14:40:17 (PDT)
"How can breasts be in fashion? It's a body part. Clothes flattering women with large or small breasts can be in or out of fashion but certainly not, I hope, the breasts themselves.
Breast fashion?"

Unfortunately, the fashion industry seems to dictate what the "perfect" body of the moment is. Back in the '30's and '40's the Hollywood image was more of a curvaceous, glamorous woman. Then in the '70's along came Twiggy and suddenly all models had to be stick thin too. Then in the '90's we saw the rise of the androgynous look- very tall, very thin, small breasts, basically a prepubescent look, with hardly any womanly characteristics at all. Of course noone has to listen to these dictates of what the "in" body type is. It also makes those that don't fit this currently idealized image feel that they are somehow inadequate. Who knows, maybe in 70 years my body will be ideal- 5'4! hahahaha
curious girl    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 12:52:49 (PDT)

Here is the situation with breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty). First off insurance coverage is done in grams. So make sure to know exactly how much is removed and ask your insurance company will cover that amount removed.

You will have the following risk with the procedure: Infection, nonsymmetrical breast, loss of feeling or sensitivity in nipples or areolas, loss of nipple, fat necrosis, develope a undesired shape or size, death, or loss of breast.

Also you will have scars around the areola, below it, and in the crease under the breast are permanent.

I would not suggest the procedure unless absolutely necessary. You're lovely the way your are.

Just take up swimming and biking, instead of jogging.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:11:24 (PDT)