Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following fashion faux pas is committed most often by Asian women?
Wearing colors that are wrong for their coloring or features |
Wearing cuts that are wrong for their proportions and/or size |
Dressing inappropriately for the occasion |
Wearing clearly outdated styles |
Which of the following colors is generally most flattering on Asian women?
Black |
Other |
Which of the following fashion brands is most flattering on Asian women?
Calvin Klein |
Emporio Armani |
Chanel |
Versace |
Prada |
Bebe |
Other/No Response
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I do know of a free on-line magazine designated for Asian Women...in English. However..you are right...there are no published AA fashion magazines that you can buy on the stands or anything.
Good idea...I like it.
Beijing Angelique   
Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 00:03:31 (PDT)
low rider jeans look good only on people with a small waist and slim hips at the same time. If you have regular "woman" hips, you just look like crap in low riders --it is just ugly. People with Jenna Elfman's body type (everything extra elongated)from "Dharma & Greg" look great in low rider jeans, but basically almost everyone else - especially gross looking Tara Reid (the skeletor), Britney Spears(a bimbo Barbie type) types look just cheap and ridiculous.
chicky poo   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 17:02:25 (PDT)
to Be,
OK. I'm in. You find the financial backing and do the marketing and the distribution (in other words, be the CEO) and I'll take care of the writing, graphics, and designs (I'll be the CTO!)
We'll have so much fun!
The only problem to this is that magazines die painful deaths every day due to lack of readership & advertising revenue. Even Oprah is having problems with her rag, and she's a famous black woman with millions and millions following her. If you can get a really good sound business plan together, find a venture capitalist to back you up (or at least some Angel money), then we'll see!
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 12:29:41 (PDT)
LISTEN UP EVERYONE! Who wants to be rich while helping millions of young AF??
Here's the way to do it...create an AA FASHION MAGAZINE!!! There are millions of asian females who are interested in seeing fashions, hairstyles, and makeup uniquely for asians in ENGLISH!! There are NO websites or magazines that show a variety of asian fashion, makeup, or hairstyles (this includes asiam.net).
I'm surprise no one thought of this already. They're bound to make money b/c there is absolutely no competition. Common sense can tell you its in high demand...look how many young AF who love fashion but can not read the asian languages...even if they can, its still nice to not have to travel overseas to purchase an asian fashion magazine.
Also, one of the biggest problems young AF face in america is not having many good asian role models. Heck, we dont even see enough accurate representations of AA much less role models. AA fashion magazine would be the perfect place to include this. It would also be great place to discuss issues young AF face (believe me, I've been there and know there are too many), include inspirational stories about AA, fashion uniquely for asians (maybe with a flare of our ethnicity), makeup tips for asians (to enhance our appearance while CELEBRATING our ethnic features), and hairstyles that would work on our hair.
AF, dont you agree? Why are we handing our moneys to caucasian's fashion magazines when they arent even catering to us?!! This is the best way to reach out to young AF, while helping them create their own identities w/o sacrificing their ethnicities -- lets have our own fashion magazine!
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 21:26:08 (PDT)
hmmmm... i definitely think that a lot of stars have taken it too far with lowrider jeans, but i think they look cute on some people if they get the right pair. i don't think the crotch-grazing jeans look good on anyone, but they make low riders in many different styles. you should try a pair that is a couple inches lower than a pair of normal-fitting jeans, but high enough so you don't have to worry about ass cleavage. i would stay away from anything that says "ultralow", "superlow", "limbo" or anything of that sort. i think Levi's and Old Navy make several styles of low-riders which aren't too low.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 14:54:58 (PDT)
I HATE low rider jeans, I don't understand how you can wear them and be comfortable! When you sit down they always show your underwear. And I think it looks really tacky when stars like Britney wear them so low you can see their hip bones. I can't wait for them to go out of style.
c girl   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 11:24:40 (PDT)