

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following fashion faux pas is committed most often by Asian women?
Wearing colors that are wrong for their coloring or features | 36%
Wearing cuts that are wrong for their proportions and/or size | 22%
Dressing inappropriately for the occasion | 24%
Wearing clearly outdated styles | 18%

Which of the following colors is generally most flattering on Asian women?
Black | 86%
Other | 14%

Which of the following fashion brands is most flattering on Asian women?
Calvin Klein | 12%
DKNY | 14%
Emporio Armani | 11%
Chanel | 7%
Versace | 9%
Prada | 11%
Bebe | 9%
Other/No Response | 27%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

So you feel that we are the new subculture that will change the way AAs view each other and the world. Hmmm...that's new. but this new phenomenon, "...the cultural creatives are deeply concern about psychological and spiritual development, altruism, authenticity, women and racial issues, and improving environmental conditions" sound really deep. I mean, reallllly deep. I can barely make up my mind whether or not I want to wear brown or pink lipstick as I'm driving down the freeway. Usually, it's the one that I grab first since I can't really take my eyes off the road to see what the color is. I would love to develop spiritually and psychologically but I'm afraid that if I do, then I will truly be alone since no one will understand anything I say (see how alone Jesus was? His disciples were always puzzled at everything he said, even when it was so straight-forward (what part of "treat others as you would yourself" do you not understand?). See how Budha got everyone all confused? They think he's God, even after he's told them over and over and over that he's not!)

Reaching self-actualization is something akin to reaching enlightenment. I'm kinda sorta a bad girl. I eat meat and candy and junk food, and to reach enlightenment, you gotta eat lotsa veggies. You also have to go beg for food and then go into the desert and chant something boring for hours (and you can't think about anything fun, you have to empty your mind of all extraneous thoughts and just focus on the words that you're chanting). I just don't have it in me to do that. Not really destined yet for that pie-in-the-sky dreamboat. I would like to make a positive difference in society, but I don't really have the influencial grabs (like money or fame or even a sugar daddy)...on second thought, that sugar daddy sounds real dull. A sugar stud sounds better, doesn't it?

OK, I admit to being too damn idealistic and having too many unreachable goals (refer to my 4 desirable qualities in a stud). My family thinks I'm nuts too. I told them that I would consider reopening the funny farm if I had enough converts willing to follow me around and be my sex-slaves (just joking!!!).

Seriously, If I had all the time and money in the world that I needed, I would love to spend a good large chunk of my time and money at orphanages in Asia and teach American English to kids who would otherwise never have the oportunity to learn anything. Can you imagine what poverty-stricken children can do for themselves if they are literate in the one language that can quite literally open doors for them anywhere in the world that they roam? but...alas...I must work to feed myself. time... money... converts... (sigh)
MLK    Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 23:11:30 (PDT)
Angel money? Not quite there yet. All I need is to develop a business plan, gain more knowledge of the fashion industry, and form connections with wealthy contributors. Not much, right?

"All you would need would be sexy Asian models (both men and women) posing in great clothes that reveal more than they cover, Me & Poet Warrior would then be writing soft-porno stories"
Sounds like Cosmopolitian. Having attractive models on the cover is important to help sell the magazines. Especially a fashion magazine. I get irritated when I see ugly asian models, when so many ordinary asian are much more beautiful. The prettier ones do not look pure asian, while the uglier ones do...I'm just appalled b/c I've seen more beautiful pure blooded asians on the streets then on some of these websites. And it seems like these 'makeover' models appearance were enhances b/c of the camera angle rather than the makeup (so much for a makeover). Again, I've seen WAY BETTER makeup on ordinary AF.
If 'money' becomes the sole drive of this magazine, and sex becomes our main seller...then we have molded ourselves to be an outcome of a commericialized world who sees no errors in this modernized superficial lifestyle. Taking a different approach in today's society is risky (expect alot of critics to challenge your ideas), but the result can have a dramatic (yet positive) effect.

There's a book I accidently came across the today...its called "the cultural creatives." It is about an emergence of a new form of subculture that is quietly changing the world.
You seem to exhibit these traits. Unlike the moderns (who accept this contemporary world w/o reasoning) and the traditionals (who hope to restore old america and opposes today's secular worldviews), the cultural creatives are deeply concern about psychological and spiritual development, altruism, authenticity, women and racial issues, and improving environmental conditions. Basically, their ultimate goal is to reach self-actualization and their hope is to make a positive difference in society. 50 million people is estimated to be "cultural creatives". In other worlds, we're not as alone as we sometime feel...nor should we feel compel to conform to this society w/o rationalizing its values like many have.

I think this book would be inspirational for those who can relate. In the past, my family and some friends have heavily criticized me for being too idealistic and having unreachable goals. In the back of my mind, I would wonder if there was something seriously wrong with me. It took me a few years to convince myself that I didnt have any psychological disorder, and I learned not to discuss it at all. But secretly, my goal has always been to prove to them and myself of my potentials. Thinking outside the box has hurt me, but it has also unexpectedly advanced me. Anyways, this book reassured me that ordinary people are capable of doing extraordinary things.

I found the link...tell me what you think.
be    Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 02:13:32 (PDT)
to be

Come on, Be...don't underestimate yourself, now. And what's with the lumping me & Poet Warrior together in the same writing category? He's way above my league! He could be my professor! and if AC Dropout has insight on everything, he should have a Dear Abby column...I mean a Dear AC column.

And all that's left is you. One tip. A magazine is, first and foremost, a business to make profit. If I told you that you would have no trouble selling your magazine at all (and in fact, could probably make millions) if you made it an Asian nudie rag, what would you think? All you would need would be sexy Asian models (both men and women) posing in great clothes that reveal more than they cover, Me & Poet Warrior would then be writing soft-porno stories (go PW!) and AC Dropout would be heading an advice column for sexual problems (like incontinence during you-know-what, or STDs getting in the way of you-know-where). I wonder what his responses would be. hahaha!

So now that you have some kind of business plan, where's our Angel money? :)
MLK    Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 23:01:25 (PDT)
Beijing Angelique:
Please give me the link to the asian women fashion website. I've found some websites designated for asian women also, but the information on fashion and styles are limited. Some of them dont even have pictures (its so irritating)!! What the point of having articles about fashion & style when you dont have any illustrations or photographs?!

I think I'm unqualified to run a magazine business (or any business for that matter). Might be easier to just hand the task over to someone with better credentials. You and chris (poet/warrior) would be the perfect writer. AC dropout could have a relationship/health advise column, since he has insights on every topic. Young AF would be asking, "I seem to be ovulating too much, what should I do?" I bet AC dropout would come up with a clever answer...hahha.

'O' magazine is not doing well? That's really surprising...considering she is one of the most influential people in america. Rosanne and some other celebrities also have their own magazines...I figured 'O' mag must have been doing well, otherwise the other celebrities would not have followed her footsteps.
be    Monday, May 20, 2002 at 19:40:32 (PDT)