Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following fashion faux pas is committed most often by Asian women?
Wearing colors that are wrong for their coloring or features |
Wearing cuts that are wrong for their proportions and/or size |
Dressing inappropriately for the occasion |
Wearing clearly outdated styles |
Which of the following colors is generally most flattering on Asian women?
Black |
Other |
Which of the following fashion brands is most flattering on Asian women?
Calvin Klein |
Emporio Armani |
Chanel |
Versace |
Prada |
Bebe |
Other/No Response
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hey...I like you sis. You're insightful and very refreshing as well as an incredibly intelligent woman. OK, since you seem to want to know something about me, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a tad bit older than you are, but not any wiser, and definitely not as tenacious as you are in your stance with boring folks (like you-know-who that writes long old boring posts!).
1. I do not care much about wealth or appearance in a mate. Just don't be an gaunt old starving hermit living off the soup kitchen from a nun's convent, or a grungy unbathed free-spirit roaming around in a beat-up RV, looking for that flower-power and sucking up green smoke, that's all I ask...I know...my other requirements are kinda high.
2. I pursue my career because it's better than being unemployed and pursuing stale job leads. If I had my choice, I'd work for myself doing something fun, like writing all day, but I'm not gainfully employed as a writer, so alas, I go through the daily grind of working in an office environment, and then, at the end of the day, I go home and pursue my passion in the form of a much-loved hobby. I write as much as I can, wherever I find the free time, blank paper, or blank screen (on Goldsea). I love to write poetry, music (lyrics and melodies), short stories, (even tried my hand at a couple of novels). I even love to write snippets of mental meanderings about nothing at all to people I don't even know here.
3. I am concerned about AA issues (aren't we all?) and I'd do something about it if I knew what to do. I mean, it's not as cut-and-dried as tree huggers, now, is it? Can you just imagine us going around and hugging Asians? haahaha! Anyway, I'm not as great a leader as I am a pep-rally cheerleader. If you tell me what to yell, and I think it's a good idea, I'll yell it loud and clear and wave my yellow pom poms around. Oh, btw, it helps to be pretty and wearing a miniskirt while you're doing this, 'cause you'll get more attention! ;)
4. Do I really use love rather than hate? I don't know about that. I've actually blasted quite a few fools in here very blatantly a few times. But I try to be nice. Really I do! It's just that some folks are sooooo ignorant!
5. OK, you've sold me on the idea of value, culture, knowledge, and class. I have some of this and a little of that. Value...I'm cheap, yes I am! I'll save here and there whenever I can. :)
Culture...I took some art apreciation classes and I know French! Is that culture enough?
Knowledge...here's where I'm a tad bit shy of a full piece of pie, but I'm quick. I learn fast!
Class...okie. here's where we might have a wee bit o' problem. Class goes hand in hand with money (I think poor ole AC Dropout would have a cow if he saw this part, so don't tell him because then we'd get into a long discussion about it), and I'm poor as a church mouse. To look and act classy, ya gotta have money. Lots 'n lotsa money!
And what's wrong with having great-looking sexy Asian models in the magazine? I think Asians are, on the whole, very good-looking as a race (I know, I know...I sound so self-absorbed and arrogant, don't I, since I'm part of the Asian race myself), and why not have good looking Asian people in the magazine? I'm proud of us! And what's wrong with sex-crazed Asians (especially men), who have been portrayed in the American culture for so long as being cold, unemotional, polite, highly intelligent but boring sexless beings? If I have to, I'll expose them Asian Guys for the horny sexy gorgeous beings that they truly are!
Monday, June 03, 2002 at 22:46:30 (PDT)