Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following fashion faux pas is committed most often by Asian women?
Wearing colors that are wrong for their coloring or features |
Wearing cuts that are wrong for their proportions and/or size |
Dressing inappropriately for the occasion |
Wearing clearly outdated styles |
Which of the following colors is generally most flattering on Asian women?
Black |
Other |
Which of the following fashion brands is most flattering on Asian women?
Calvin Klein |
Emporio Armani |
Chanel |
Versace |
Prada |
Bebe |
Other/No Response
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Moonshineprincess, I thought you were gone? Darn.
I hate low rise jeans. They look terrible, they're so low now you can practically see people's butt cracks. It looks trashy.
NE girl   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 06:21:37 (PDT)
I love the new trend of wearing low rise jeans with big brown leather belts. does anyone else dress like this? it is so sexy. why didn't i think of it before......
Friday, July 12, 2002 at 19:59:06 (PDT)
I think asian women are beautiful;
I admire their shape and features, they really should just be sure to wear clothes that fit just right;not to hang too lose. I am thin my self and I know how hard it is to find this.
Kim Knmpepito@hotmail.com   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 16:59:29 (PDT)
what is a wrap top?
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 20:17:08 (PDT)
as a flatty,
I've got to say that tunics make my near none-existent bustline look non-existent. booooo on tunics!
I think the only choice us flatties have is the semi-fitted, shaped blouse or tshirt. Nothing too voluminous or your little nothings will just be lost!
chicky poo   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 08:04:55 (PDT)
Does anyone know anything about the clothes manufacturer, Reference?
Their stuff is very trendy, seemingly decent quality, dirt cheap, AND made in the USA. I just bought a few peasant tops at about $15-20 a pop. (Beats paying $100-150 for similar things by ABS, Laundry, etc.)
I guess what worries me is not knowing whether it relies on sweat shop labour. If it does, I'll stop buying clothes there.
Asian Dominatrix   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 16:35:44 (PDT)
One thing I've realized is that wrap tops are never flattering on flat chested people like me, perhaps they are great minimizers for the big-chested? Tunics, on the other hand, help me look surprisingly shapely.
Chinese Girl   
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 10:26:06 (PDT)
"...Money may give you a lift, but money alone do not give you class."
OK, you're absolutely right about that, we don't have to have lotsa money to act classy, but I still think it's kinda pitiful to act classy and look like a poor church mouse. Still, I'm not complaining, mind you. I like my simple sub-riche look (the kind that I don't have to worry when my puppies jump on my lap look).
"...we dont need an asian britney spears"
And here again, I disagree with you. An Asian Britney Spears would go very far in advancing the attitudes and thought-processes of quite a few of our hip-n-sassy AF sisters. After all, not all of us are going to want to be portrayed as the high-class elegant woman of the era. Some of us would like to be considered cute airhead bimbos, and to truly encompass and reach all of the AFs out there, we need to take into consideration the younger (think junior clothing) AFs if we are to influence the thoughts of the younger generations in any meaningful way.
"...I think we should show the world how sexy AM (and AF) can be, w/o the sex-crazed"
And once again, I disagree with your assessment of the sexiness of AMs. I think sexual availability is incredibly addictive and magnetic to the audience. A tanned muscular Asian male body, fully clad in sexy clothes is the embodiment of sexiness--hence, class (dare I say, Asian GQ?). But a tanned muscular Asian male body, barely clad in ripples of ocean waves is the embodiment of sexual tension that pulls the audience along on a tangential path which will keep them coming back for more (more subscribers, more advertisers, more money). :)
Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 20:12:11 (PDT)
If wise is synonymous to confusion, than I'm beyond wise. You have a good head on your shoulders. I just have a few comments.
"I am concerned about AA issues (aren't we all?)"
Something tells me you are just saying this to be humble. I think you know the real answer. If most AA are truly concern about AA issues, than we wouldnt have most of the problems we have today. Voicing our opinions is a big step to supporting AA.
"Anyway, I'm not as great a leader as I am a pep-rally cheerleader."
You're ahead of most others b/c you know your strength.
"But I try to be nice. Really I do! It's just that some folks are sooooo ignorant!"
Tell me about it!!!
"Class goes hand in hand with money...To look and act classy, ya gotta have money. Lots 'n lotsa money!"
That's certainly not true! To look and act classy, you gotta have confidence, manners, and a good sense of style. Money may give you a lift, but money alone do not give you class. BTW, alot of wealthy people are snobby (that's not class). I hope AC Dropout isnt reading this either...I dont feel like getting into another lengthy discussion.
"And what's wrong with having great-looking sexy Asian models in the magazine?"
Nothing is wrong with this. Attractive looking asian models is important (espeically b/c that is what defines models). But its possible to be attractive w/o looking slutty...we dont need an asian britney spears.
"And what's wrong with sex-crazed Asians (especially men), who have been portrayed in the American culture for so long as being cold, unemotional, polite, highly intelligent but boring sexless beings?"
I think we should show the world how sexy AM (and AF) can be, w/o the sex-crazed. Sexiness is classy, while sexual availability is demeaning.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 20:00:03 (PDT)