

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following fashion faux pas is committed most often by Asian women?
Wearing colors that are wrong for their coloring or features | 36%
Wearing cuts that are wrong for their proportions and/or size | 22%
Dressing inappropriately for the occasion | 24%
Wearing clearly outdated styles | 18%

Which of the following colors is generally most flattering on Asian women?
Black | 86%
Other | 14%

Which of the following fashion brands is most flattering on Asian women?
Calvin Klein | 12%
DKNY | 14%
Emporio Armani | 11%
Chanel | 7%
Versace | 9%
Prada | 11%
Bebe | 9%
Other/No Response | 27%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Asian Dominatrix:

I try to do a search on "Filene's Basement". They're based in Boston and have several locations all over the US, but not in Texas. To tell you the truth, I have no clue where the discounted designer stores are in Texas. Sure there is Marshall and Ross everywhere...but it takes too much time to dig through the pile of junk they have to get to the good stuff. I just dont have the patience for that.

I usually shop at the Galleria, Highland Village, or NorthPark in Dallas, and the Galleria or Rice University area in Houston. They're high end type of stores, and their clothes are expensive....but they have the BEST selections when they have sales.

I'm looking for discounted designer brand (like Gucci, Versace, Anna Sui, Hen Feng, etc) clothing stores in Texas (either Houston or Dallas). If anyone knows, please inform me. Thanks!

I agree with you that those are common fashion mistakes. But I have a few corrections...

1) too tight clothes: That's not only asians, that MAJORITY of the population (asians AND whites, latinos, blacks, etc)

2) dressing to slutty: Again, that's not restricted to only asians. Britney Spears started the prostitution look, and now all the girls in America are on the bandwagon.

3) dressing like a clone: Brand names have alway been popular and desired, regardless of race or culture. You're right that Bebe and Prada are popular with Asians...Hilfiger and Calvins are popular with Blacks, I'm sure there are brand names that Latinos are more inclined to buy, and the brand names Whites tend to wear are not as easy to narrow down b/c they are the majority.

Annoying White Dude:
Are you annoying or annoyed? You seem annoyed from your last post, but I can see why you can also be annoying. Let me explain why...

You said you've seen non-americanize Japanese girls wearing outlandish fashion. You continue by saying its a fashion error and you often see Asian women wearing weird styles, etc. My question to you is...would it still be weird if White American pop stars were wearing that? I've notice attractiveness doesnt set trends, but a likeable superstar can.

Do you see my point here? Fashionista was just scrutinizing asian females for being fashion clones, and you're scrutinizing asian females for dressing different. Many people (of all ethnic groups) have made fashion mistakes, but why does the asian females' fashion mistakes surpass all others???
be    Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 05:30:41 (PDT)

woah woah woah, sounds like fashionista is jealous of asian girls who dress sexy! i hardly see any asian girls who dress too tight if they are fat or whatever. most of the asian girls who dress sexy ARE sexy. period.
Asian Babe    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 12:15:27 (PDT)
These are the most common fashion faux pas that I see AFs make:

-too tight clothing, especially shirts. If you have rolls of fat on your upper body, don't wear a tight shirt. Likewise, if your stomach is not perfectly flat, don't wear a tiny t shirt and low rider pants.

-dressing too slutty. Don't wear a miniskirt to work, and leave the 4 inch heels at home. BTW, girls that are 5'0 and wear 4 inch heels just end up looking ridiculous.

-dressing like a clone of every other AF around, with a Bebe t shirt, black pants and black Prada bag.
fashionista    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 19:10:26 (PDT)

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I get a chance to go to Woodfield!


Hey, no time no see! The shop I was referring to is Filene's Basement. They usually have an announcement in the papers when they're getting in new designer stuff. Marshall's sometimes gets in designer stuff as well, too, but not as frequently.

What part of Texas do you live in? What are the hot shops around there?
Asian Dominatrix    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 12:35:09 (PDT)
Asian Dominatrix:
I recall a few monthes ago you stated that there was a store in chicago with discounted high end brand names. What's the name of that store? Do they have a website?

I wonder why those stores are so rare. I mean, I dont think they exist in Texas. If anyone knows of one, please inform me.
be    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 01:17:28 (PDT)
ANnoying White dude:

I couldn't stop laughing when I read your post. I would agree with you on the cheaply made too-high shoes on the older Flip women, that is a defnite fashion error. But about the young japanese women who like to dress funky, I think its cool, and my boyfriend who is 19 thinks it is cool too. All of my guy friends who are around the ages 18-22 like the creative artistic, funky look on asians. They prefer it over the usual typical style that asians wear -- Too many asians wear all black and brown and dress sophisticated like they are going to work or something. I guess that it really depends on what age you are to like what kind of style. Annoying white dude, I am guessing that you are probably 30 years old or maybe 40 (from your tastes, you sound it). Or maybe white dudes got different tastes. BUt who cares, since Asian guys are the best in taste and they smell better too. hah!
Asian Babe    Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:12:47 (PDT)