

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the worst foundation error committed by Asian women?
Too white | 31%
Too pink | 34%
Too orange | 29%
Too dark | 6%

Which brand of foundation works best on Asian women?
Estee Lauder | 10%
Lancome | 9%
Prescriptives | 8%
Awake | 2%
Other | 71%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
My current fave products to use in terms of faking a perfect complexion:
Prescriptives Traceless Skin Responsive Tint in Level 1, and when I want a heavier coverage or feel, I use Prescriptives Virtual Skin in Real Cream. Another foundation that's worked well for me is Clinique Superbalanced Makeup in Fair. The Clinique is a tad on the darker side for my skin, but it makes me look healthy without looking painted! I really like Clinique, and it's only about $17. But I also really like my prescriptives, which I'm using now. That line is a little more expensive but not too much-- $32 for the tint, and $25 for Virtual Skin. My general feeling about foundation is that it is the ONE item to shell out a little extra for. Bad foundation that doesn't blend into your skin can break a person's look. It doesn't help to have a great outfit or hair if your face is going to look fake and clay-ish. Unfortunately I found this out the hard way-- by trial and error. When I was about 16 I used Cover Girl products and low-end drug store brands (even L'Oreal isn't as good as makeup counter stuff, trust me!!) I thought my face looked fine in natural light, but then in pictures, my skin looked totally fake and painted. So my bit of advice is to invest in a GOOD foundation, use only as much as your skin requires to look even and zitless, and then use a tiny bit of powder to set. That's it! :o) Hope this helps. The colors I mentioned above are good for skin like mine which has barely noticeable yellow undertone in some areas and red undertones on my cheeks and nose area and is really damn pale-- burns never tans in the summer (unless it's fake ;P)in the winter resembles cottage cheese and can get flaky and dry. Oh yeah the good thing about the prescriptives traceless is that it DOES NOT have any oil in it, but still moisturizes a bit. Perfect for dry to normal skin like mine that breaks out under stress.

Have fun! :o)
eurasiangirl    Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 07:49:33 (PST)
I've been looking for those lipstick multi-packs you've mentioned and can't find even one! The only colour sets I can find are really awful cheapo sets. Is Trish McEvoy available in department stores or only on-line or in specialty stores?
chinese cdn girl    Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 04:55:00 (PST)
I prefer Zhen foundation. It's not too pink, not too brown.
API    Monday, November 05, 2001 at 13:56:58 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix,

thanks for the tip! I'm not sure Trish McEvoy is available in Toronto (where I live), but I know we do have Prescriptives.
chinese cdn girl    Monday, October 15, 2001 at 18:44:07 (PDT)
Chinese cdn girl,

Have you checked out Trish McEvoy's Maxed out with gloss? I just recently found it here (it's been sold out for a while). It's a small compartment of 10 lip colours in a slightly larger size than a credit card case It's about $18 (somewhat pricy), but great if you have difficulty getting through a tube of lipstick.

Prescriptives also has a X-mas package of little lipsticks and a lipgloss if you're interested. (Thank God for these X-mas gift packages!)
Asian Dominatrix    Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 15:15:49 (PDT)
Zhen Cosmetics is the only company I've found to make foundations for Asian women.
AsiaChick    Monday, October 01, 2001 at 22:11:37 (PDT)
you guys are great!
bruingirl*    Friday, September 21, 2001 at 12:59:29 (PDT)
Max Factor Lipfinity is impressive --it stayed on so well after eating & drinking that I needed to remove it with baby oil. Excellent product! I highly recommend it --I just wish it was cheaper, and came in a tower of pots so that you could get several colours at once (I never seem to use up an entire package of anything)

chinese cdn girl    Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 16:47:45 (PDT)
Does Revlon still make the "even out" foundation? I liked it quite a bit since it really did seem to smooth out the surface of your skin, and the colour was a good match(honey beige), and it had SPF 20 in it too. But I never see it around anymore.

My only suggestion for the product for improvement would have been to reduce the fragrance.
chinese cdn girl    Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 16:45:28 (PDT)
Stila is great!
AW    Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 16:11:46 (PDT)
i use the gentle cover one, its a wand form concealer
hope u find it    Sunday, September 09, 2001 at 12:04:36 (PDT)
Physician's formula cover stick in yellow is pretty good for dark undereye circles, but it comes a few finishes--don't buy "powder finish" stick --it's dry and chalky. The other stick called "gentle cover" is creamier and doesn't make your face look like dust. I don't know about the liquid one with the sponge applicator, but it would probably be ok.
chinese girl    Sunday, September 09, 2001 at 06:51:31 (PDT)
Happy Gal,
IS the Physicain's Formula you use the one that is half a concealer stick, and half in a tube? I'm tryng to locate it by me, please let me know!!

KAF    Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 15:47:24 (PDT)
Face Stolkhom has a yellow foundation but only in matte.
sree vaid sree vaid    Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 14:17:49 (PDT)
I am AJ/K and I have been using tubes of Kao Sofina that I bought years ago and am hoarding in the refrigerator - the vanilla beige and the honey beige - for summer and winter colors - but I can't seem to find an American dept. store to sell it, and I can't get the site on line - something to do with the download of Kanji, anyway, the Kao Sofina was the most perfect color makeup (bought it in Hawaii). For some reason, could not get Noevir's foundations to match me unfortunately, and I break out with ShiSeido. I live in the boondocks of NY and there is only Walmart here, so I hope to try out the Mac lines, since so many of you like it.
lai    Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 05:47:14 (PDT)
my search for the perfect concealer is over. YEEESSSS!!!!! not even my expensive bobbi brown concealer covers my flaws and undereye circles as well as the Physician's Formula cream concealer yellow. it's fabulous--especially for us asians with yellow undertones. and besides that, it's really cheap too. (i paid 4.99) just take yr time to blend it in well and then put yr foundation on top.
happy gal    Saturday, August 04, 2001 at 18:35:46 (PDT)
hey all,
am so glad to find others in the same boat as me! am looking for a light (not too heavy) foundation which will give a natural & sheer coverage. i have no idea where to start! my skin gets pretty oily at times as well, any suggestions? i'm thinking MAC or b.brown. have tried shishedo, made me look way too light, which was noticeable in photos! in need of great help!
AF, 19, down under    Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 08:41:48 (PDT)
Chinese cdn girl,

I don't know where you can find a container like that over here - I haven't seen one myself. Right now, I'm waiting for my friend to bring me back one of those containers you've described from Sephora in the States. Meanwhile, maybe it's worth scouting the spice aisle in the grocery store for a shaker-type container. Empty out spices, clean and reuse :)
AF, 24    Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 20:17:14 (PDT)
Prescriptives Exact Markeup Virtual skin, in shade Real Petal 17 is fantastic! People always comment on how fantastic my skin looks everytime I wear it. It's simple to apply, and looks natural. Check out Its a beauty site with loads of reccomended products for Asians.
Lauren    Monday, July 23, 2001 at 01:45:39 (PDT)
I'd have to say that generally, to get a good foundation, you have to go with the department store brands and stay away from the low cost brands.
MAC STudiofix is great, they have a whole line of colors with beige and yellow undertones. Another great but kind of pricy liquid foundation is Laura Mercier. I can only find it at Neiman Marcus. She makes a good line of yellow based foundations.

Also, there is Zhen Cosmetics, specifically made for Asian women from light to dark skin tones. I haven't tried it yet, so if anyone has, could you please tell me how it is?
MAC Fanatic    Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 03:15:56 (PDT)
Dear AF,24
yup, lost quite a bit of it! my only complaint about that product is the packaging -the tin is pretty, but it's not very practical.

Do you know of any refillable mini salt-shaker type of container that I could transfer it into ? It would be a lot more portable that way(and if it was really small, and plastic, it would be light to carry as well)
chinese cdn girl    Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 06:47:25 (PDT)