

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the worst foundation error committed by Asian women?
Too white | 31%
Too pink | 34%
Too orange | 29%
Too dark | 6%

Which brand of foundation works best on Asian women?
Estee Lauder | 10%
Lancome | 9%
Prescriptives | 8%
Awake | 2%
Other | 71%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
i've looked at other brands, and while bobbi brown and laura mercier are great, they are both too oily and too thick for my skin. i prefer very sheer foundation, and awake has certainly been the best find
marie    Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 01:16:17 (PST)
I'm also a canadian chinese girl, and a big fan of T.LeClerc. Since The Bay and Halt Renfew discontinued the line, I've had no luck getting my "supply". Would anyone know where to get them?
July    Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 11:45:41 (PST)
chinese cdn girl,

Thanks! I've made notes so I'll know where to go when I visit Toronto. Sad but true, there is so much of Canada I have not seen. I was only out there for a conference 2 years ago and wished I had to time to hit the Anne of Green Gables tour...maybe one day!

I've heard of Holt Renfrew and it now seems very tempting.


Now that I think about it, it does sound like an e-head candy-raver name. Diversity is everything!

Well, let us know what you think of hyppereal when you try it. I really do think a name says a lot. Let's hope they don't change the formula...they did that to my Club Monaco foundation, I think. My second bottle was much greasier:(
Asian Dominatrix    Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 09:58:22 (PST)
I rather like Stila, I find that their foundations do compliment Asian skin. As does MAC
Kate    Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 08:23:18 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix --
our Glamour mag is actually the same as the American issue, but I think (I am not sure about this) that they change some of the adverts to include "Canadian Content".

I live in Toronto and don't really know much about other shopping areas in Canada because I don't actually really travel that much. (and actually, Toronto has a bit of a reputation in Canada as being kind of self-centred, haha)

For high end shopping, the Yorkville area in the middle of Toronto is probably the most expensive shopping area; there's a Holt Renfrew (the largest one in Toronto) which is probably the equivalent of Saks or some other expensive NY store.

for mid-level shopping:
-Eaton Centre--right downtown, is a huge mall which was centred around Eaton's which was a huge national chain department store that was around since the 20s or 30s (which was pretty great while it was around)but went out of business a few years ago when it tried to change it's image from sort of middle class family department store to draw in more younger shoppers with more expensive boutique style merchandise. Eaton's just reopened last year, and now there are only a few stores, but it's kind of more expensive than it used to be, but almost the same.
Another big department store is The Bay (Hudson Bay Co.) which has been around forever since the fur trader days. It tends to be one of the anchor stores in malls.

Other good malls along the subway lines: Yorkdale Shopping Centre, Sherway Gardens.

I don't usually go anywhere that isn't transit accessible since I live almost downtown. (We have Sears here too, but not in Eaton Centre)

Montreal, Quebec has great shopping, but since I don't live there, I can't really name any stores, but they've got The Bay there too, as well as many other options.
chinese cdn girl    Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 07:24:19 (PST)
hehehe. the reason why e-girl made me kinda laugh at first was cause it makes my name sound like some e-head candy-raver's. :o)

I'm psyched about hyperreal now. I kinda like the idea of hyper and real too. :o) cause I'm a hyper person. and real too :o)
e-girl :o)    Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 11:57:38 (PST)

I like that name--it actually sounds like a good cosmetics name! (I imagine little compacts like pagers, but maybe in silver.)

Hyperreal is super! I've used mine up so I'm back to some of my older foundations, which includes the Prescriptives. (Yeah, I know you're not supposed to keep foundations for real long...this is what happens if you're a make-up junkie.)But maybe I'll try the Traceless when I get one of those little sample cards saying I can pick up a free lippie or mascara.

Chinese Cdn Girl,

If you look through the Dec. issue of Glamour (the American edn; I don't know whether Canada has one or not), there is a section on lip palettes.

I just remembered: Mac has a good one at, I think, $30 or $35; there are about 10 colours in there.

BTW, what are the good dept. stores in
Canada? When I went to Nova Scotia 2 years ago for a conference, I only found one--and I can't remember the name of it sadly enough!

Asian Dominatrix    Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 19:47:03 (PST)

I'm not certain at what you meant by what's the best foundation to look fairer. I'm thinking, oh...she means to look light-skinned, as in white. Maybe I'm reading to much into this.
confused    Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 16:36:21 (PST)
oh yeah. one more thing about the slightly shimmery Magic powder-- it's $28, comes in a cute little compact with a nice sized mirror inside, and has a cute brush to match.

e-girl    Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 13:24:51 (PST)
hi hi sweeties,
sorry about my delay in response. I've been busy with my turntables and also my books... (what a combo right?) but anyway, the lodown on traceless-- it IS a bit shimmery, but it's a nicer pigment than something too talc-y for winter. It's really nice. I'd have to think hard for a drawback to this product... It's nice to try with the Magic powder from Prescriptives in translucent-- it's kinda strange but it's dark looking in the package but makes your skin look nice and glowy. that's how everyone (esp my guy friends) describe my skin. And trust me, I'm stressed out and PMSing so it's not just my skin! The stuff must be doing something really right.
I'm definitely curious about the hyperreal... I'll have to check it out for the next foundation candidate for summer. I need to buy two foundations every year-- one in winter for my parched as hell skin and one in summer that gives a little more color... even if it's not TOTALLY my color. I've found that foundation in your skin tone but a TEENSY bit darker (like half a shade, if that's possible!) gives you a glow. I hate looking like a porcelain person... :o(
e-girl    Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 13:23:17 (PST)
What's the best foundation to look fairer?
Apple    Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 04:09:55 (PST)
Asian Dominatrix & Eurasian Girl --

These are great product tips!

tomorrow, I'm going to see if they have the Prescriptives Virtual Skin product at our stores in Toronto. It sounds really good, and I couldn't agree more with your comments about products that look fake. My skin is starting to look kind of blotchy these days, but I can't decide if it's really actually dry or oily: when I use anything that's not oil free, I break out and feel as if a slick develops on my face pretty quickly, and I want to / have to wash it off right away (ok, within about an hour) but if I get stuff for oily skin, it starts to feel chalky and dried up. I am having a lot of difficulty finding something with a nice texture so this stuff sounds quite promising.

I probably won't be going to the US soon, but if I do, I will definitely look for a Saks or Neiman Marcus (or whatever good places will be wherever I go --I love shopping)

chinese cdn girl    Monday, November 12, 2001 at 17:00:42 (PST)
Hello again eurasiangirl,

I completely agree with you about Prescriptives Virtual Skin. It has excellent texture. I have yet to try Traceless, however. It looks very tempting. What sort of coverage is it? I noticed it was kind of glittery and was wondering if it was more like a glittery moisturizer.

If you're in the mood for trying more foundations (I keep doing so out of sheer curiosity than anything else), you can give the Mac Hyperreal a shot. It gives a somewhat tanned look, but glistens and really gives a perfect glow.
Asian Dominatrix    Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:29:10 (PST)
Chinese cdn girl,

If you visit the US, Trish McEvoy is available at Saks, Neiman-Marcus and Nordstrom's. As far as online, I'm not really sure, but I know Sephora does NOT carry it.

BTW, try Bobbi Brown. She's got 2 sets of lip palettes w/ 5 colours each in neutrals and berries. They're about $35.

Also, have you heard of a new make-up line called Rocket? (I think that's the name; I'm not entirely positive.) They've got pocket-sized lipsticks.

I'll let you know if I come across any more reasonably priced palettes!

Asian Dominatrix    Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 13:16:05 (PST)