

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the worst foundation error committed by Asian women?
Too white | 31%
Too pink | 34%
Too orange | 29%
Too dark | 6%

Which brand of foundation works best on Asian women?
Estee Lauder | 10%
Lancome | 9%
Prescriptives | 8%
Awake | 2%
Other | 71%

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question about concealers:

I was using either the yellow correction concealer from Physicians Formula,(gentle cover lipstick tube style, costs around $5 for the trial size) and it is working fine, or/ as an alternative, the L'Oreal "Feel Natural" in a tube with the sponge applicator(is around $10) is pretty good but being the product junkie that I am, I want to try something new.

5S (a Shiseido company) makes a concealer in a pencil that looks pretty good but it's $17 and I am feeling a little hesitant about shelling out for that. Has anyone tried that?

Revlon "skin lights" also makes a concealer. Has anyone tried this? It comes in a wand with a brush on the end. I am intrigued since I had read previously on this site that foundation applied with a brush was supposed to be good.

Any comments on these products? I want to try them, but don't want to spend the money unless I hear something good...
dark circle girl    Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 05:40:26 (PST)
ha. I'm a ghost whitie and I hate it too. but I don't use bronzer or whatever. I just keep it natural and use sheer foundation in exactly my shade. In winter my mum (thanxx mum) says I look like I just got released from a hospital when I'm not wearing blush, so blush is my best friend. I like using a subtle peach or pink that lets my skin come through (cream formula or a good powder blush) and it really does look much better than if I leave my skin untouched. Ghost white skin does not equal beauty. I guess pale looks good if balanced with heavy makeup elsewere-- bright lips and eyes, but how nice can that look in "real life" off the runway? (mine is really completely blemish free, awesome complexion, as far as complexions go, however, I really wish I could darken just a bit so I look OK in wintertime with just mascara and a touch of powder.) My sis is blessed with a nice, smooth complexion that is olive, and looks great in the winter, so non-ghosties, don't go out and whiten your skin-- make best of what you've got. Honestly, melanin is there for a reason-- I've gotten second degree burns from being in the sun at the beach(with sunblock!!) so I don't consider myself blessed.
eurasiangirl    Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 17:26:17 (PST)
Isn't it funny how so many Asian women think that the standard for being beautiful is to have really pale, white skin? While most Whites can't get enough of a sun tan. It would make a really interesting topic for a psychological study. Natural skin tone, one that matches your neck and even inner wrist (recommended by a beauty expert somewhere, don't know if that works well for Asians with yellow skin tone since my wrist is paler on the inside than the outside), should be the main goal of any foundation. Freckle face and Iridescent, you might want to read about skin lighteners (supposedly can lighten your sun spots and freckles) under know what the ending is (just in case they remove the URLs). Make sure to get the ones with Kojic Acid instead of that harsh chemical stuff. I've also read that Zhen Cosmetics cater to the Asian Women. I'm going to give that a try. Shiseido is good but just too expensive for my budget. Zitty, I've tried Cover Girl concealer with anti-acne ingredients and it seems to work well. You might want to give that a try.
Bokchoy    Friday, January 11, 2002 at 17:03:47 (PST)
Have you realised when people wear foundation that is obviously a shade too pale for them, it makes them look chalky and ghostly? Whatever happened to natural glow?
I've heard of skin whiteners, what do they do? To they peel of your skin, or just slowly bleach it? It sounds gross anyway. But I guess I can't judge people who want pale skin, coz I've got it. And don't particularyly like it. With Foundation, I actually try to go for a darker shade. Just to make me look less pale.
Everyone at school calls me Snowflake and stuff like that, because even the caucasian girls are darker (if only slightly), but my mum STILL yells at me about getting "too tanned" and not being "white enough". Geez, from the way she goes on about it, you'd think having pale skin was the ultimate beauty standard. *rolls eyes*

To freckle face,
Sunscreen and a hat, with sunglasses should work. Even if they don't, at least it'll prevent sun cancer, which is more important.
Iridescent    Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 22:15:42 (PST)
I agree with "Ohpleaze"--if your foundation is too light, it makes your face look really ashy and painted. I see this a lot more often with phillipino/pakistani ladies than asian, but in any case, all ladies, please check your foundation in the natural light before you buy because if it's lighter than you are, you aren't fooling anyone! and it looks horrible! like LL says, stripe it along your lower cheek/jawline, neck and if it doesn't match, don't buy it. It is hard to find a good colour match, but don't waste your money on the wrong colour.
spooky    Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 11:07:06 (PST)
I think foundation color should match your natural neck skin tone.
Lisa Lai    Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 10:09:56 (PST)
Why do Asians want to make their skin all pale and ghostly white??? i think it is unattractive and makes them look scary because of the contrast in hair and eyes. i am not referring to those who have light skin naturally, i just think skin whiteners are kind of ridiculous just like eyelid surgeries. whatever
Ohpleaze    Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 00:07:57 (PST)
what is your favourite concealer? I have some pimples that keep coming back
zitty    Friday, December 28, 2001 at 08:03:41 (PST)
prescriptives stick foundation is one i am currntly in love with- it's summer here, and it has an spf20+. I also like the calvin klein liquid foundation for winter . i'm getting all these freckles even though i am full blood chinese descent, and i think it's due to the harsh sun in australia - i look at my relatives who were born and raised in hk and their skin is nowhere near as sun damaged as my family over here! does anyone know anything that will help fade freckles? they look really weird. i'm fine with the ones i have, but i don't want anymore!!!
freckle face    Friday, December 14, 2001 at 17:51:52 (PST)