

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the worst foundation error committed by Asian women?
Too white | 31%
Too pink | 34%
Too orange | 29%
Too dark | 6%

Which brand of foundation works best on Asian women?
Estee Lauder | 10%
Lancome | 9%
Prescriptives | 8%
Awake | 2%
Other | 71%

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Hey Does anyone else have this prob? I recently noticed that my neck is a shade or two darker than my face, and this is freshly scrubbed, out of the shower. I'm not sure what I should do. Oh yeah. My legs, like my face, is deathly pale too.
egirl    Friday, April 19, 2002 at 13:56:07 (PDT)
I had been using MAC up until I noticed that it was starting to look dark and even a bit orangey on me. :( I then found Body & Soul which has been a godsend, since it's all yellow-based!
Doll    Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 16:12:04 (PDT)
how do you rid your nose of blackheads? Mine is getting disgusting and washing my face frequently is not helping it. I am trying not to eat any deep fried or other nasty grease, but it still looks like my nose is a mess.
help my nose!    Monday, April 08, 2002 at 23:10:27 (PDT)
I've used every line of foundations for my oily skin (Estee Lauder, Lancome, Christian Dior, etc.,) I finally found one that I am happy with, Chanel Double Perfection foundation. It is kinda pricey, but you don't need a lot for a good coverage so it lasts longer and it keeps me shine free longer than any other make-up.
carol    Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 05:14:46 (PST)
Make sure you match the foundation to your NECK, not your FACE. That's one of the worst make-up mistakes. If you match the foundation to your face, your face always ends up looking lighter than your neck...
Cute Chinese Girl    Friday, March 29, 2002 at 00:08:32 (PST)
I've just recently started using foundation. I've found that it gives me a more finished look. I use a damp makeup sponge with vitamin E already in it. Dot the foundation on face and blend it outwards. I get a more finished and smooth look with a damp sponge. Use the triangle ones, they last for a week. And make sure to soak and rinse with soap and water after each usage..the sponge will expand, then contract when dry. Tell me what you think.
TD    Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 23:33:38 (PST)
Im yellowish-pinkish.. And I found MAC C30 to be good before. & I dont know what happened, but recently they seem to be adding more dead-yellow color into it.. and it just makes me look like a corpse!!! Argh. What do I do now??
BTW, MAC is a good foundation. I just got problem with their so-called "improvement"... :(
KilikaA    Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 22:18:48 (PST)
I've been using the skinlights concealer in light (even though I was complaining about it being too light coloured -it's ok when I put another colour on top) and it's an ok product. at least it isn't orange like the "medium" one. I still prefer my l'oreal "feel natural" concealer.
girl    Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 04:22:30 (PST)
Everyone should use yellow-based foundation. Lorac has a good line, and so does Bobbi Brown. Yellow is very natural and very correcting too. :)
Vallie    Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 00:28:57 (PST)
i hate orange, clay-like foundation. prescriptives is great!
tsc    Monday, March 18, 2002 at 06:16:26 (PST)
I hope you can provide us the list of brands-foundations that is best for asian women. Because I've been using make up for 5 years now, I've tried from revlon, max, loreal, estee laudeer but it seems like nobody can really bring out the best in me or my real colouring.

janine    Monday, March 18, 2002 at 00:21:44 (PST)
Well, there. I just went out and bought Revlon's Skinlights Illuminating Lotion in Natural light. It seems great. Light and shimmering. Perfect for this look I saw the other day, where you 'spotlight' certain areas of your face and bring them forward. I hope it works well, will report later.
Indy    Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 21:52:47 (PST)