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has anyone tried Lancome's Mattifier? It's supposed to be an oil control gel that turns into a powder to absorb excess oil on your face. it's kind of expensive ($25 for a small tube). i was wondering if anyone has tried it and think it works before i spent the money for it. thanks.
Saturday, June 01, 2002 at 20:21:14 (PDT)
Traditional toner receipe.
For oily skin you absolutely need to stock alots of oil blotting paper. SHISEIDO and ESTEE LAUDER have it. You may need to use 3-4 blotting paper each time to sop up excess oil on your face. Then powdering with brush, what a perfect idea. You need to repeat the proses a few times during the day.
Now the traditional receipe,
Homemade toner for oily skin. Squeeze lime or lemon, and put it in a bottle. Then use it as toner, apply it thin with cotton ball. It might tingle if your face is sensitive. But it's OK. Let it dry naturally, don't rub it or wash it.
Keep your lime juice in the cooler, you may use it for a week. REMEMBER put it in the cooler. And you will see the result in a few weeks.
Of course we can't do much with the super oily skin we have, it will always be. We just try to reduce the excces oil. Try my receipe, it works for me. Hope it work for you to.
Oh, ya! for the best use it at night before sleep. Or if you don't go anywhere all day aplly it in the morning or afternoon, whenever your time is convenient. Use it just once a day enough. don't over use it. Because Lime & lemon have strong acid though. Well, good luck!
Friday, May 31, 2002 at 09:00:37 (PDT)
Don't wash your face often to get rid of oily skin. That's not the solution, gonna make the skin worse by drying it up and losing the moisture of your skin. Don't even think , Oh dry up the skin that's good. That's what i need. NO.NO!
Dry skin will makes aging sooner. Start having wrinkles and fine lines. It needs a lot of moisturizer. But oily skin does not need it. You know what, oily skin is the best skin b'c it slows down the aging. We'll look much much younger than our actually age. And keep us free of wrinkle & fine line soon. So oily skin is the BEST but, is tricky to manage it. If mistreated it can cause acne. I also agree that eating oily deep fried foods, Nuts, chili too much will make your skin oilier. That's right!
I also have oily skin. And I Would like to share my tips with you guys.
1. Wash your face twice a day is enough, every morning after you brushing your teeth and nigth before go to bed. Do it routinely every day.
2. Don't waste money to buy foundation. Even if they claim to be oil free. "Oil Free" mean the content inside of the foundation is oil free. That does't mean will be oil free on our skin. Even added the oil supply to the skin.
3. Just use any loose powder with velvet puff or using face brush (remember blow the excess powder first)then smooth it again with preesed powder to flawless finish. If you stayed at home, just use loose powder more than enough to ligthen up your face.
4. DO purchace blotting tissue paper that make specially to blot the excess oil. The brand that I recomended is SHISEIDO. And one more thing, buy CLEAN & CLEAR pressed powder to touched up after blotting with those special tissue paper. The pressed powder is work for cover the shine. You still need to retouch a few times.
If you're a busy woman who can't go without makeup, well you still can use foundation to base your makeup then loose powder and pressed powder. SO YOU NEED blotting tissue Paper more then. Remember to dust the powder.
My Special tip to touch up use small blusher brush to dust the face works better than puff. Try it!.
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 02:36:35 (PDT)
Most of the powders and foundations out there are just too pink, orange, or muddy for any type of skintone, period.
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 13:49:18 (PDT)
For really oily skin my advice would be to use one of those oil-controlling gels after washing your face in the morining and before putting on your makeup.
Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 18:36:05 (PDT)
If your skin is really oily, powder just can't do as much good as just washing it. If you cake on too much powder on oily skin, you will only cause your face to break out!
I used to wash my face at lunch time, follow up with a good toner, and then just powder again, lightly. After a summer of doing this, my skin improved significantly.
Also, if you eat oily, deep fried foods, the oil will come out of your pores and make your skin oilier. I notice this in my own face even now that my skin is no longer even "oily"
chicky poo   
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 17:00:17 (PDT)
i was wondering if any of you ladies knew of a good pressed powder for oily skin. my skin gets super oily within a few hours after i wash my face. i've used cornsilk and covergirl pressed powder which claim to sop up excess oil, but those don't really work that well. if anyone has advice on managing overly oily skin, please help!
Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 17:26:43 (PDT)