

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the worst foundation error committed by Asian women?
Too white | 31%
Too pink | 34%
Too orange | 29%
Too dark | 6%

Which brand of foundation works best on Asian women?
Estee Lauder | 10%
Lancome | 9%
Prescriptives | 8%
Awake | 2%
Other | 71%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I like to buy alot of my cosmetic products locally in specialty shops for brand names. Even the local drug stores such as Walgreen, you can get simple essentials cheaply such as Vitamin E cream for face.

For surfing on the web, I found the Hong Kong website for alot of known brands cheaper than here in the USA (even after including shipping.)

If you prefer its English language website then try

Sasa's website is kind of quirky when ordering but eventually you'll get it done.
gal from the SF bay area    Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 12:37:17 (PST)    []
All my friends tell me never to get any of the foundation or concealer from CVS (ex: l'oreal, CG, maybelline..etc) because they said it's pretty bad for my skin. I'm still young and I really don't want to ruin my skin with makeup yet I do want a flawless look at times. I've read through almost this entire section and there are so many different tips that I'm not sure which one to follow. I'm fairly light with combination skin (T-zone / then my cheeks are dry-normal) so it's hard to decide to which type of foundation to use. My skin I found out , much to my dismay, is also sensitive and I would appreciate it a lot if someone could tell me if the store-brand products are bad for my skin. My friend's mother is quite beautiful but she has been using makeup ever since she was young and now her skin is pretty bad so I get worried whenever I put on foundation.

-Thanks! [you can also e-mail me! ;)]
Kitty    Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 13:23:28 (PST)    []
Laneige has the best foundations and powders I've tried. I never touch my MAC or Bobbi Brown foundations and powders anymore since I've tried Laneige which is Korean. I'll be trying more Korean cosmetic/skin care lines soon.
Jenny    Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 17:22:22 (PST)    []
I have "normal" skin, blemish free, with some unevenness of tone so I opt for Clinique's Superbalanced foundation.
gurl    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 17:45:32 (PST)    []
I think the Traceless foundation from Prescriptives works just wonderful. It goes on light and evens out the skin tone, also the camouflage kit from Prescriptives works great! A little goes a long way, my complexion looks great!
chineseamericangirl    Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 17:15:13 (PST)    []
Any ladies here ever used mineral makeup? If you have please tell how is it.
lilly    Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 07:54:11 (PST)    []
Good Information. Please continue to provide future updates on this. MAC & Prescriptives are my favorites.
Kates    Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 16:02:38 (PST)    []
best foundation for my skin coloring which is brown with yellow undertones is made by stila. its called complete coverage foundation (i wear e which is the second to the darkest, the light shades have pink undertones) - i luv it because it covers all the bad stuff (LOL), even coverage BUT it is not thick and pancakey (YUCK) its the reason why we wear makeup - to make you look like you have perfect skin! its sold at select nordstroms or check out second fave is presriptives but their line tends to make me break out. goodluck!
leslie    Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 14:19:37 (PDT)    []
Hi everyone. I've tried Laneige Essential Loose Powder, Air Light Make Up Base & Foundation Soft. They're wonderful and I would like to try other Korean lines/products. Any suggestions?
AsianChick    Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 01:06:37 (PDT)    []
Estee Lauder Equalizer in Cashmere or Honey.

It goes on so light, you feel like you have nothing on. You skin always feels matte without the heaviness. I use Cashmere in the summer, but am closer to Honey in the winter, but I still just buy Cashmere in the winter. It has SPF 8 also.
The carrot    Monday, October 21, 2002 at 12:48:24 (PDT)    []
Has anyone tried MAC's Studio Tech Foundation? I have somewhat dry skin in the winter. Will it work?
One Asian Girl    Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 13:40:40 (PDT)    []
For all the broke ass Asian females: Maybelline Caramel Biege
BrokeNLovinIt    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 20:26:09 (PDT)    []
Im sticking by my shishedo this time round ... clinque gives me oily shiny skin (yucks) hmm estee dries (ooohmmff) inovi - erm hard to blend into my skin manz .. (haiz..)
Sensitive skin :(    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 10:32:09 (PDT)    []
MAC has the best foundation shades for my skin tone. So far I've tried Bobbi Brown and Zhen.
Jenny    Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 19:06:00 (PDT)
My difficulty has always been that I find a great color foundation liquid but the coverage is way too thick. Nu Colour by Nu Skin has a collection of sheer tinted moisturizers that match skin tones by reflecting the natural skin underneath without covering skin like a mask. (I wear "Sand.") I even have combo/oily skin, and this has not once made my skin break out or caused excess oil. The invisible matte powder is great, too, because it adds that touch of airbrushed perfection to my skin. I love the whole Nu Skin line. It is really great for your skin.
drummergrrl    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 18:36:57 (PDT)
this is an awsome site!:)

sarah    Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 10:02:50 (PDT)
I break out a lot, so far the only foundation that works on me is Physicians Formula powders and Almay Oil Free liquid foundations.
Peggy    Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 04:36:52 (PDT)
hi. just wondering what type of foundation works best on asians. also, if theres any foundation or any kind of moisturizer that helps reduce shine, cuz i have reaaaaallly oily skin. please email me at cuz i wont be checkin this site for replies. thanx!!!!
j    Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 00:10:37 (PDT)
I was a cosmetics manager for a large upscale department store for twelve years, and I've experimented with pretty much every treatment and colour line. I've found that Lancome, Shiseido, YSL, Bobbie Brown and Benefit seem to have the best colour line for Asian skin types. Clinique and Lauder seemed to have the worst track record when it came to allergic reactions, ditto with MAC. The biggest mistake that most Asian women make is trying to use a lighter make up so that their skin looks lighter...all that does is make their skin look muddy. The best advice I could give would be to match the skin on your neck as closely as possible so that your skin will look lighter and brighter. Sunscreen is a must and remember that less is more. The best looking finish starts with good skin. No amount of make up can make up for bad skincare.
Onigohan    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 17:14:08 (PDT)
Margaret Kimura Cosmetics is a really good makeup line that is make just for asian girls by an asian girl! Margaret Kimura also has a GREAT book called Asian Beauty. Get it Try it Like it...
thugmissy    Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 09:08:43 (PDT)
This is the best makeup that I have ever used. I have used just about every except for T. Leclerc and Sisley. Not only is the foundation an EXACT match for my skin tone, the makeup colors are so great that I usually do not have to sample at the counter. The only negative is that it is slightly difficult to get if living outside of New York City.
Pipa    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 06:22:37 (PDT)
As far as I know Sacha Cosmetics @ has the only true yellow based foundations in the world.

Others foundations that claim to be yellow-based are really orange and leave a sallow look.
Kamla    Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 13:24:36 (PDT)
honestly, I think using foundations made my asian based companies fit our skin tones better. we have shades too! some people are more yellow based, or brown, or orange, or pink...many american and european companies make a small variety of "asian" tones. MAC makes an asia only line with spf15 which is currently my favorite
b cheng    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 00:33:51 (PDT)
I'VE USED SO MANY BRAND NAME FOUNDATION. But none of them worked for me until I found Laneige foundation (Soft Touch Foundation, SPF 8, Oil Free Type). It's the best product I have seen. When I put it on, I don't feel anything at all. It was flawless, and seems like I don't wear any make up. Amore Laneige Sun Block Milk SPF41 is also an excellent product. You could get this product at Asian Cosmetic store or go to Good luck gals.

ASIANGIRL    Sunday, June 16, 2002 at 03:07:01 (PDT)
I have battled with oily skin and breakouts for the past 20 plus years. I have found Dermalogica dermal clay cleanser to be effective for cleaning and absorbing excess oil. I have switched to Clinique makeup and find their Sheer Matteness helpful for keeping the oil shine down in the T-zone and their Clarifying foundation to work very well ALL DAY! Quite often when you mention oily skin they don't introduce some of the make-up or products that really tackle all-day oily skin. I have had to emphasize this to the sales associates when I shop for skin products. I am also using glycolic acid at night to exfoliate and keep the pores cleaner and more toned down.
Tracy    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 08:48:30 (PDT)