

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, what race is the majority of your closest friends?
Asian | 48%
White | 47%
African American | 3%
Latino | 2%

Assuming you are Asian American, what's the best thing about making Asian friends?
Shared experiences | 29%
Shared cultural and social customs | 13%
Not wondering about subtle prejudices | 50%
Similarity of attitude and temperament | 8%

Assuming you are Asian American, what's the best thing about making non-Asian friends?
Expanding social/cultural horizons | 45%
Escaping the prejudices of other Asians | 36%
More acceptance from society at large | 0%
Freedom from cultural restraints | 19%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Counter Puncher,

I love the irony when Asians think they're SO much better than Blacks, and are utterly racist towards them. Oh yes, all black people are uneducated, on welfare, commit crimes. Ever heard of Colin Powell, Will Smith, etc etc etc? You want to be treated fairly here in America, and not to be judged by your skin color or background. But you are doing the SAME THING to blacks. It's just disugsting. So there's no such thing as Asian gangs? Please. I see the criteria for you to judge other human beings is how much money they make, what elite schools they went to, whether they are the "perfect immigrant". You are one arrogant bastard. And you wonder why people of other races wouldn't want to befriend you? Who would want to be friends with someone that thought you were beneath them?
young white female    Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 07:47:02 (PST)    []
You (blacks) aren't the majority and you don't control anything so your point is??? Actually now the Hispanics make up the largest minority group so I'm sure those white politians will stop paying attention to you guys.
Are you suggesting that Asian American crime rate is close to black crime rate? Hardly! Asian American crime rate is so low according to the FBI its consider insignificant. Go on to the FBI website and do some research. As a group Asian Americans have the lowest crime rate by far than any other. Only ignoramuses like you are in denial. Come back on here when you decide to get serious.
Get serious    Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 19:40:26 (PST)    []
hmmmmmm i'm asian but.. i dont think we're superior to any other race.... i mean every race has its goods and bads.... startistically asians to have a higher % in elite schools... so what?? does having a good education mean everything????? hmmm its not just where we are today.. its more about history and why others are not doing as well... or etc,,,, theres alot more to do with why hispanics and blacks are the way they are and why asians and whites are the way they are.. noone is better then another just differences .....

however i do wish they would get rid of affirmitive action... not because blacks and hispanics get in to the elite schools with lower scores ... but more because it promotos internalized racism of asians "having made it" hmmm made what????
if affirmitive action is for minorities then all minorities should count or just none of them...
hokies #1    Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 14:18:55 (PST)    []
Only jealousy and fear,
Sure many AAs are very successful, that's great. But your entire paragraph is full of SNOBBERY. "We're richer, smarter, better than all other races". Can't you enjoy your life without the need to feel superior to whites, blacks and hispanics? Oh "everyone knows about the AA quota". Show me some hardcore facts. Oh and of course none of the hispanic or blacks that go to elite colleges deserve to be there, right? Oh and all blacks and hispanics are on welfare? I have no problem with Asians, except for this one thing- your arrogance, your need to flaunt your wealth and success and put down other races. No one race is better than or worse than any other.
get over yourself    Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 09:34:54 (PST)    []
To 'Only jealousy and fear'

Look I've seen good and bad from all races: asian/black/white/Hispanics/etc. Tobelive one race is generally or statistically better than the other is ludicrous.

You said:"We're not the ones committing crimes. We're not the ones on welfare."-Belive it or not, personally I have seen asians doing the exact things you say they don't.Just because you choose to only see the good and not recognize the bad does'nt mean these things don't happen often.

You talk as if asians are genreally above all races here in america from college to working and everything inbetween.Please don't tell me you actually belive in that model minority myth! Also it does'nt even matter who statistically outperforms who, because in the end who are the ones in control AND the majority in this country?

To 'mr holley'

All come on. You could of made your point without doing the same thing 'Only jealousy and fear' was doing.....
Jamaican man    Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 19:42:45 (PST)    []
I believe part of the problem is you are committing crimes and getting away with it. i am a black male going to school and i have seem racism from all races including my own.

Committing crimes and getting away with it? How is that? White boys only taking notes on blacks right?

the problems with asian is that they say they are the best and don't commit any crimes and no one checks their claims. the asian community has a prostitution problem that is out of control, a domestic violence problem that is raising, and an illegal immigrant population problem! not to mention tax fraud, gambling and discriminatory practices! they have money for lawyers so it is sweep under the rug!

You mean like white boys? We can afford to buy ourselves out of trouble you mean? I agree Asian community as a whole has higher percentage of illegals. But are these people committing rampant crimes like ,let's say, BLACKS! These illegals work their asses off for low paying jobs that you blacks aren't willing to do but sit on your asses collecting welfare checks. So who's contributing to this country? Hey dimwit, how come blacks that are only comprised of 13 % of the total population in this great country yet make up over 50 % of the prisoners throughout our cells? How come 90% of black children don't have fathers in their lives? I think you need to check your ass before saying about Asian Americans. Last time I checked it wasn't Asian guy shooting down innocent people in Washington DC, guess what color were they? Bang bang...another Black inoranmus schooled.

i was a roommate with a white man who was 64 years old who taught me these truths. of cousre you nor anyone else would admit any of these claims to save face for you community! if anyone were to look in the asian language newpapers they have a entire sections deditcated to prostitution! there are dating service commited to finding greencards for illegal immigrants 7 in my city alone! i hear the going price is $20,000, $10,000 up front and $10,000 after the divorce!

Of course the old white guy didn't tell you the truths I just did, did he? Not to mention black have among the highest dropout rate and lowest income level.
I don;t know what the rate for greencards are but I'm sure America would prefer an illegal who's willing to works his butt off than a lazy black guy drinking and smoking that funny stuff and not contributing anything.
I sure would. are costing me money, jailbird.

the only reason white people love asian so much is because some want your women and a large number of the asian population kisses their butts!
so much for the model minority!
mr holley

Your post is just filled with envy.
Counter Puncher    Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 19:28:05 (PST)    []
I believe part of the problem is you are committing crimes and getting away with it. i am a black male going to school and i have seem racism from all races including my own.

the problems with asian is that they say they are the best and don't commit any crimes and no one checks their claims. the asian community has a prostitution problem that is out of control, a domestic violence problem that is raising, and an illegal immigrant population problem! not to mention tax fraud, gambling and discriminatory practices! they have money for lawyers so it is sweep under the rug!

i was a roommate with a white man who was 64 years old who taught me these truths. of cousre you nor anyone else would admit any of these claims to save face for you community! if anyone were to look in the asian language newpapers they have a entire sections deditcated to prostitution! there are dating service commited to finding greencards for illegal immigrants 7 in my city alone! i hear the going price is $20,000, $10,000 up front and $10,000 after the divorce!

the only reason white people love asian so much is because some want your women and a large number of the asian population kisses their butts!

so much for the model minority!
mr holley    Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 09:13:22 (PST)    []
hmmm interesting..looks like asian and white are about tied in the percentages...
me.    Monday, November 04, 2002 at 21:04:51 (PST)    []
So sad
Only possible reason why some whites dislike Asian Americans is because of jealousy and fear. You see Asian Americans in general have higher standard of living than white Americans. Some white Americans feel inferior compared to Asian Americans in a country where they pull all the strings. Afterall, weren't they brainwashed to think white means superiority? And they can't compete with Asian Americans on equal terms? Actually its not even on equal terms but we still outperform whites.
Just look at the all the elite unversities in America, its clamouring with Asian American students, everyone knows there's a racist quota against Asian Americans students to make room for others. Those seats are given to less qualified whites, blacks and Hispanics.
There is no reason why whites should dislike Asian Americans. We're not the ones committing crimes. We're not the ones on welfare. We are an asset in American society.
Only jealousy and fear    Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 19:23:53 (PST)    []
Just Curious and So Sad:

There is no real logic to prejudice on any side. I've seen some of my fellow Caucasians make bigoted remarks about Asians and I've asked why they hate Asians.

I've heard such stupid remarks as "They've taken all the good jobs from Whites." to "They don't adapt to 'American' culture." Some White women have said "They steal all the good White men." Others say "Asians act like they're smarter than anybody on the earth and if one of them is really smarter than you, they rub your face in it."

Some of this is ignorance, some if it is fear, some of it is stupidity, some of it is jealousy. I don't subscribe to any of that crap in general. However, there are some individual Asians whom I hate--not because they are Asians but because those individuals are arrogant, stupid, bigoted or lame as people. That's not a product of their ethnicity any more than racism is a product of someone being White.
Hank Lewis    Friday, November 01, 2002 at 08:52:15 (PST)    []
"Some white Americans are prejudiced against Asians and there are Asian Americans who hate whites with a passion. So it works both ways.
Asian woman"

It doesn't explain why whites are prejudiced against Asians. Aren't we supposed to be the model minority? What do whites have to hate us for? Did we ever do anything to them? Since they are so prejudiced against Asians, it's understandable that Asians may not like whites that much. After all, they are only getting back what they give out.
So Sad    Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 03:37:16 (PST)    []
"Some white Americans are prejudiced against Asians and there are Asian Americans who hate whites with a passion. So it works both ways.
Asian woman"

I understand why some Asians hate whites because of ill treatment but why do some whites hate Asians? What did Asians ever do to whites?
just curious    Friday, October 25, 2002 at 12:17:00 (PDT)    []