Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What is your most consistent attitude toward hair?
It's a nuisance to be tolerated |
It's one of my favorite beauty assets |
Which cut is most flattering on Asian women?
Short |
Shoulder-length |
Long |
What is your favorite hair treatment?
Highlighting/streaking |
Coloring |
Therapy/conditioning |
Other/No Response
Which of the following is your biggest hair headache?
Finding a good stylist |
Dos that fall apart when you leave the salon |
Coping with tired hair |
Trying to blow-dry layered hair |
Split ends |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
i happen to think magic straight is the bomb... i have lots of thick hair...and it can get frizzy...getting it done made my hair look shinier smoother and super straight... and it did wonders for me since i process my hair by hi lighting and coloring it alot also...*^.^*
jade evil1004cutie@aol.com
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 23:45:26 (PDT)
I recently turned 16 and I want a new hairstyle, i'm chinese and I have an oval shaped face with kinda chubby cheeks. At the moment my hair is natural black, straight, slightly layered and to my shoulder...I really want to have curly hair..hmm perhaps like Britney's..any advice on what sort of perm I should get? or if there's any other way to get the curls effect?
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 04:38:06 (PDT)
Can you e-mail me some beauty tips.
Amy amyher80@yahoo.com
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 17:18:52 (PDT)
Hi there. Which shampoo best gets the shine out of dyed/highlted hair? I am filipino and I have a semi-rounded face. My hair is already layered and I need some help in getting it to flare out like some girls on TV. But I do not want it to be too short. I just want it to flare out. Also, How can I highlight at home? Can I do what the salon people do and use aluminum foil? I have my own bleaching kit. Please email me with the answers to my questions. THANKS!
Blossom oo_ajslilbaybeeangel_oo@hotmail.com
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 20:18:05 (PDT)
Getting your hair layered is the best that I've seen on Asian women. Because most Asian women have a short bob or long straight hair with bangs or without bangs.... It's a typical look on Asian women. So having it layered would look great. But to bring out the layers, it would be a good idea if you have highlites in your hair...
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 17:26:40 (PDT)
Could someone recommend a good hair stylist in Los Angeles? Currently, my hair is long, straight and kind of coarse. Need someone who can tidy me up.
Friday, August 09, 2002 at 11:34:24 (PDT)
i want to know if magic perm is really damaging to hair?
xoxo xoxo_carmen@hotmail.com
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:54:52 (PDT)
i finally found a great (who happens to be japanese) stylist in NYC that can cut asian hair. she gave me a softer, layered style to my long stick-straight hair. i love the cut. i've had short do's before, like a chin-length bob and that looks good on asian girls as well.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 10:03:14 (PDT)
I love my jet black asian hair, and I've never dyed it before. I am planning to dye it w/ semi-permanent magenta/violet so that it looks slightly irridescent. I am not going to bleach it beforehand because I want it to be subtle. Anyone had luck with this approach? Any tips would be great. I've purchased manic panic...
Suze manchuprincess@hotmail.com
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 13:13:12 (PDT)
I feel this poll is correct.
Asian female
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 10:11:29 (PDT)
Try cropped hair cut kind off like a boys cut, (think Halle Berry) if it looks good on you you will look sophisticated and cute. =)
Fil Guy 20 digs short haired asian chicks
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 00:41:40 (PDT)
The best shampoo for Asian hair in my opinion is Palmolive Naturals w/ Cedar Wood & Wild Mint. The best hair treatment for Asian hair is the bark of the fig ivy plant (also known as creeping fig or St. Thomas bean; scientific name: Entada Phaseoloides). The fig ivy promotes prevention of gray hair, shine and smoothness. It's been a family remedy for ages, and I swear by my 82-yr.-old grandmother who maintains her non-tinted naturally black hair.
shamp00 o0shamp0o@yahoo.com
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 17:26:06 (PDT)
I'm chinese and I have black hair. My face is roundish and I've had really long hair for as long as a can remember. It used to be down to the middle of my back but a few months ago I cut it to about my armpit level. It was cut straight and it looks really plain. I was thinking of getting long layers, would that be a good idea or is there something else that would look better.
Kari miss_tinkabell101@yahoo.com
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 12:44:20 (PDT)
Use a good conditioner and leave it in for how ever long it says to and then rinse it out. if you always take a long hot shower, then finish up all of your washing and the stand under a freezing cold shower to close your pores and tighten your skin. it also adds great shine to your hair! and also you can blow dry upside down while working gel through your roots! i really hope that i helped you!
thugmissy slickb1tch@hotmail.com
Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 09:01:23 (PDT)