

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is your most consistent attitude toward hair?
It's a nuisance to be tolerated | 22%
It's one of my favorite beauty assets | 78%

Which cut is most flattering on Asian women?
Short | 19%
Shoulder-length | 28%
Long | 53%

What is your favorite hair treatment?
Highlighting/streaking | 23%
Coloring | 22%
Therapy/conditioning | 37%
Other/No Response
| 18%

Which of the following is your biggest hair headache?
Finding a good stylist | 25%
Dos that fall apart when you leave the salon | 15%
Coping with tired hair | 24%
Trying to blow-dry layered hair | 10%
Split ends | 26%

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do any of you ladies know what volume developer Feria uses in their hair dyes? also, my hair is naturally dark brown and i want to dye it a lighter brown. does anyone know if i can achieve a light brown (not orange) look using store bought dye?? or will i have to go to a salon? i'd rather not spend the $70, if i can help it.
girlie    Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 16:38:18 (PST)    []
the only way to get get color that's not orangey is to use bleach.. it's not gonna come from regular hair dye..
if you're iffy about using bleach then go to a salon
goldenbrown    Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 23:00:28 (PST)    []
My hair is dark brown, shoulder-length, full of body, and very heavy. I want that shiny, sleek, fine, light, and light-colored hair(which happens to be the total opposite to what i naturally have) I wish i didn't want that hair so bad, cause it ain't easy to achieve. Lets face it people, what god has given us is what we should be happy with. You look prettier when your acceptive with what you have anyway.
can't get it all    Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 16:37:28 (PST)    []
my hair gets really static-y in the winter too. there are several things you can do. first you can take some Static Guard (the spray stuff you use for your clothes) and spray it on a brush. then brush it into your hair. Or you can use hair products to weigh down your hair. Try spraying your hair with light hairspray or gel. Hope this works.
kimmy    Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 11:46:04 (PDT)    []
I have static hair issues. What are the possible solutions to this?
Crystal    Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 23:10:31 (PDT)    []
I have nice, shiney straight hair, but at the ends, my hair is not so straight. It curls inward which can be nice, but both sides always curl in opposite directions! It drives me crazy. So, as a result, I always have to blowdry it so that it either goes straight down or curls inward on both sides. As a solution to my problem, is it possible to perm only half of my hair straight? I don't have super volumous hair. People ask me a lot already if I perm my hair straight (but that's because I always blowdry to so that it looks that way). My hair is already flat in a good way, so I'm wondering if it's possible to perm only the lower half straight. Is it possible? Will it make my hair super flat?
any hairstylist? help!    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 20:21:01 (PDT)    []
I love styling and coloring my hair but sometimes it gets tiring because i cant find any different hair styles!
Jennifer    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 07:30:42 (PDT)    []

I was wondering if anyone knew of a good hair salon/sylist in New York City. I'll be visiting my friend up there for a while and have been wanting to get a body wave. I haven't been able to find a good stylist where I live (small town), they pretty much all suck, anyway, if anyone knows of one, I'd appreciate the info. Thanks
Nikki    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 14:26:56 (PDT)    []
what type of hairstyle and color best suit asian women?
Mimi    Friday, September 27, 2002 at 05:47:03 (PDT)    []
I like to use semi dye wash out in so many days and soon I think I will go medium lenght with streaks mabye . my big thing is to rembere its hair and will grow out and fade out in a few months
mae    Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 16:06:44 (PDT)    []
Asian hair is so tricky to work with, I really think that just leaving it natural, with a great cut and maybe using special accessories is great: barrettes, etc. Nothing better than hair that isn't stiff and artificial looking, right?
QT77    Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 12:53:01 (PDT)    []
I recommend Molding Mud as a product for males/females and all hair types. It gives shape to your style, holds flyaways, and doesn't get crunchy like hairspray or gel. works wonders for me and everyone else i know who's tried it. just don't use it near the roots, only near the ends, to avoid looking greasy/oily.
asiangirl8    Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 11:26:30 (PDT)    []
Anyone know of a good salon that can do magic perm in Los Angeles? (at a decent price too) anywhere in Ktown would be cool.
EK    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 13:03:41 (PDT)
I am mixed and I have thick curly hair. I tried to straighten my hair and left the relaxer in my hair longer than I should have. A lot of my hair fell out and the few strands that didnt is a mix of curly and straight. Now that my hairs going back it is sticking out in little curls. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hair Problems    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 22:01:09 (PDT)
Pantene Pro-V works wonders.
luce    Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 17:34:05 (PDT)
i think ur website is prettycool and i will reccommend it 2 all my friends thnx
Sarah Sal176'    Friday, September 13, 2002 at 07:54:44 (PDT)
Mikala: I kinda have the same problem... my hair lies sort of flat (and looks really shiny) and even though there's a lot of it, and it's baby fine. So, what I've discovered is texturizing products, like texturizing waxes and lotions. Also, try not blow drying your hair. If your hair lies flat, it will look shinier. If you leave it natural, it will look more "bedhead" like. Then, after you've air dried overnight, try using the texurizers.
Also, try getting highlights or dyeing your hair. Not only will you have a pretty color, it roughs up the cuticle of your hair a bit so you'll have less shiny and therefore more texture! I dye my hair and I'm pleased with the results! Hope this helps!
love, fellow shiny head
egirl    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 13:32:57 (PDT)
I'm just checking this site out to see some new hair styles
I can try for picture day.
Van    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 19:32:43 (PDT)
L'Oreal Feria is OK. Your hair will turn orangey no matter what brand you use. The best thing to do is to go to a salon. Personally, a little orange when the color is fading out doesn't bother me!! I like L'Oreal preferences. Herbal Essences works great, but can be a little harsh so use with caution.
egirl    Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 18:53:42 (PDT)
anybody knows how to grow eye lashes? I¢´ve tried cutting them to make them grow thicker but it doesn¢´t make any difference
need eye lashes    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 21:56:03 (PDT)
i love short hair
hairwizard    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 13:51:06 (PDT)
Hair's a fuss,

try e-bay, or a local pawn shop or flea market
Bad Hair day    Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 06:27:42 (PDT)
I have hair thats too wavy to be called straight and too straight to be called wavy. When my hair grows over shoulder length, one side of the hair decides to curl at the bottom and the other side deicdes to stay straight so I look like two faced from batman.
Well I got what's called an ion perm( I think this is the magic straight) in China this summer and it turned out really shiny and straight but I still have to blowdry my hair in order for it to keep straight.
Now that I'm back in the states I probably can't afford to get another one of these perms so I'm looking for a straightening iron that can be found under 20 bucks and works. Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, has anyone tried Loreal Feria? Does it actually work on black hair without turning orange? Cause I'm thinking of getting my dyed in the Bronze Shimmer and I'm wondering if it works well.
Hair's a fuss    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 12:17:44 (PDT)
I am looking for a good hair salon for asians in the cherry hill, NJ area or the trenton, NJ area. Does anyone know of one?
aeok    Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 12:57:17 (PDT)

Paul Mitchel shampoo and conditioner with eucaliptus does wonders (that's why I used to shower at my ex-gf's place instead of mine), but if you're flat broke like me, just try Pantene Pro V for normal hair, it'll take a couple of days before you get that luscious feel in your hair.
ck    Friday, August 23, 2002 at 20:28:16 (PDT)

I'm assuming you aren't just posting it for bragging right.
What you can do to take out the shine is make your hair more rough so less light reflects. One way you can do it is with babypowder or something coarse and powdery in your hair.
If I were you, I would just keep the shine.
A    Friday, August 23, 2002 at 05:04:25 (PDT)
how can I stop getting flat hair???????
Bad Hair Day    Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 22:08:15 (PDT)
Mikala, forgive me but you are CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!! Do you have any idea how hard the rest of us work trying to get shine in our hair?????

Al, have you tried the basic condditioners? They seem to make my hair really soft. Too soft, actually, but maybe they'd be perfect for yours.
Lin from Georgia    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 20:54:45 (PDT)
i hate my hair im in 8th grade and i just wanna be popular i just wanna see some hair styles that will best fit my look.
michaela boyd    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 20:35:27 (PDT)
Was wondering if anyone knew which shampoo is best suited for an asian male with very coarse hair?
Al    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 09:47:08 (PDT)
Hey, I dont know where is this going to go, but I have a question. I despatley need it from people. IM asian of course. Cambodian to be exact. And right now Im well dark. ( sadly from my dads side) and I was thinking about getting blong highlights but I have no idea if should do it or not. And If do consider doing it. Should i go to a salon or use feria? Oh yea I have a round face too.
Teddy    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 21:07:12 (PDT)
I had black hair with no highlights. I dyed it dark brown a couple years ago. Now my hair seems black but in the sun it is red. It is very shiny, and people envy my hair because of that. I hate how shiny my hair is! All I use is shampoo to try and dry it out because I think it looks oily. Does anyone know something that can take away the shine in my hair?
mikala    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 19:28:12 (PDT)