

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. | 38%
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. | 11%
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. | 13%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 28%
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. | 10%

Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. | 38%
I am most comfortable with Whites. | 33%
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. | 6%
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. | 23%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
have u guyz ever see virginie ledoyen, the french actress. she looks soooo hapa, just look at them eyes. on the website it said she got them peepers from her spanish side, so is it possible spanish look part azn? maybe cuz my cuz whoz part azn shez alwaize gettin asked if shez spanish....hmmmm. anywaize i think virgine looks more hapa then kristin kruk and all dem
kewl hapa    Monday, December 30, 2002 at 15:45:14 (PST)    []
Italian Man,
wow, you're gonna have some confused kids on your hands. I know a few Korean/Italian hapas, and they all look more Korean than Italian. You're going to have a lot of explaining to do when your kids wonder why they don't look like the rest of your family...or if they look Korean and they get picked on about being Asian looking.
If you don't want hapa children, then you should find yourself a nice white girl.

Malaysian Sensation, I don't know how you got to be so hot....But I disagree with you, I think Filipino hapas are the best looking.
hulagirl    Monday, December 30, 2002 at 11:08:48 (PST)    []
Italian Man,
wow, you're gonna have some confused kids on your hands. I know a few Korean/Italian hapas, and they all look more Korean than Italian. You're going to have a lot of explaining to do when your kids wonder why they don't look like the rest of your family...or if they look Korean and they get picked on about being Asian looking.
If you don't want hapa children, then you should find yourself a nice white girl.

Malaysian Sensation, I don't know how you got to be so hot....But I disagree with you, I think Filipino hapas are the best looking.
hulagirl    Monday, December 30, 2002 at 11:08:32 (PST)    []
Malaysian Sensation,

" Malaysian Hapas such as my self tend to better looking than any other Hapas, and definately better looking than pure Asian??......Pls tell me why Im so good looking." [Malaysian Sensation]

Haha...YEAH. RIGHT!!!

Do you've a mirror? if you do Please tengok kaca dulu...tengoklah rupa kau tuh...macam mana? Do I look OK?...Oh No, I've pimple on my nose!!?

"Mirror...Mirror on the wall who's the most...Ugliest Beast of all???".

"The Ugliest Beast of Malaysian Sensation."

OH NO...NO..NOOO.... (^0^)
SPRNZ    Monday, December 30, 2002 at 08:47:38 (PST)    []
Italian Man,
I don't think that's fair coz your future kids will naturally be interested in their ethnic background and forcing them to identify only as Italians will confused them even more.
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18    Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 19:44:21 (PST)    []
Italian man,

Way to go, you Italian Imperialist Stud, you...

If your Korean girl isn't some 2nd-rate, defective, pride-less "Hanguk Yujah" (ask her what that term means), then she should give you an earful about that.

It never ceases to amaze me how Asian men got the "traditional, sexist" sterotype...
Oh Boy....    Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 15:03:24 (PST)    []
Italian Man,

You love your girlfriend but not sure want to have a family with her, B'coz gonna have Hapa kids???. Please don't think that way.

Non sia prego egoista. I vostri bambini se conosca sia le colture Italiane che Coreane, la priorita basse e le lingue. Multilingue per I bambini e la piu.

Please don't be selfish. If you do have kids, You can't just raise them as Italian...only. No matter what your kids have to know both background Italian/Korean language,culture, food, family, ect. Afraid to being confused?, IF you identify them with only one race/culture that even gonna confused your kids. If you raise them as Italian and Korean, your kids will feelings equally comfortable with Korean & Italian community. Peoples would respect you and your kids better.

Name is name. Yes, your lastname that your kids will undertaking...and all that's counts. But you've to open minded, your kids still half Italian half Korean. And you've to accept that.
Look. My background even more complicated than your future kids. I'm a hapa that 1/4 here and there. I'm mixed Venezuela/Chinese and Belgium/Indonesian. Even though I've my dad's Belgium lastname, my family raised me as all of those VC/BI. They teaches me the languanges, cultures, foods,ect. I was live in Belgium, it was kinda advantage for me to learned other neighboring countries languages. So anyway, I'm not being confused who I am. If I met people that speaks the language that I know/learned, I'll trying to speak their languages. And they also will respect and accepted me more. With that way I feels equally more comfortable with my mixed background.

So, Non sia prego egoista. Your children should to know both their parents culture, languages, ect.

Sorry I speak broken Italian, been long time never speak Italian. I need to practice with you. :D
SPRNZ    Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 00:21:17 (PST)    []