Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. |
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. |
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. |
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. |
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. |
Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. |
I am most comfortable with Whites. |
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. |
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Just wanted a space to tell something that happened to me last week concerning my little boy, who is Half Caucasian, Half Chinese. I was getting my hair cut at the regular place I always do. The lady is Chinese and Vietnamese. She knows I am married to a Chinese man as she has seen my husband a few times before.
Last time I went I took my little boy with me, as my husband was at work. He is only 11 months old. She looked and kept saying "That boy looks nothing Asian. That boy looks nothing Chinese." And she kept shaking her head, like she was shamed or something and kept whispering stuff to her co-worker in Vietnamese about him.
Then she looked at me and said for the hundreth time "I am sorry but that boy does not look mixed, he looks only white."
I was so offended. Obviously the woman had never seen a mixed baby before. But she was insinuating with her rude tone and mannerism that the baby was somehow "being passed off" as half Chinese.
It is funny, but everywhere else we go people instantly know he is part Asian, as he looks it very much!
I always went to her for a haircut, as it is family owned, but she has lost my business with her rudeness. If she honestly did not think she saw Chinese in him, that was fine, some people truly might not know or have seen many Hapa people before, but her continual insistance and rudeness about "how he couldn't possibly be Chinese, as he looked nothing of it" was rude to the end.
It made me think, I wonder what kind of questions he will go through in school? I guess his first thing is to educate him that there are people who genuinely are curious and want to learn more about differences and culture, and yet there are those who , like this woman, are just being asses, and do not deserve any educating.
Any true life experiences from Hapa's similar to this and how you handled it I can learn from?
Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 10:06:40 (PDT)
haha, very good mademoiselle, ok im sorry to young because i dont know young and i just wanted to test people, but im not sorry to larri kong.
and another thing, my malay has no chinese influence in it at all, its actually called pidgeon or market malay. i hate words like awak and engkau. kamu is just to long.
so mademoiselle are you a 'aku' person or a 'saya' person?.
Malaysian hapa   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 20:11:52 (PDT)
hey hakka guy. here's my email. send ur pic on the email k? my comp has trouble w/ attachments sometimes. anyone else can email me too.
Half Chyna Doll torrancababy@hotmail.com   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 17:50:57 (PDT)
great poem TH Lien. eloquent with just the right amount of sarcasm. this forum is turning into a regular poet's society.
Half Chyna Doll   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 17:37:55 (PDT)
malaysian hapa
You are malaysian hapa,
You look like a grandma.
Yes Me has an 100% FOB Asian taste,
But NO I don't own a big butt or a big waist!
For YOUR kids malaysian hapa,
will be good at......
Xue Bao Chai   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 15:38:27 (PDT)
[to larriii kong,
your larrrii kong,
your butts too big,
to look good in a thong,
having a 100% chinese taste,
does a service to the race,
for your kids, larrri kong,
will be good at ping pong.]
The Laughing Hapa   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 14:25:20 (PDT)
Myrna Mapanao!!!   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 13:06:06 (PDT)
IE Mademoiselle,
Khabar baik. Saya tahu cakap bahasa malaysia sedikit. sudah lupa banyak. Bapa saya ia orang melayu/cina. emak saya dari kazakhstan.
S'il vouz plait voulez vouz valse-dancez avec moi? =) J'adore les musique des salsa (Gypsies King), tango, cha-cha, et jazz.
Yup, I graduted 2 years ago and working as an aerospace engineer in Philadelphia.
I studied from Standard 1 to 6 in Malaysia and finished up the rest in U.S. So your mom always taught you indonesian.
Email me at wys100@psu.edu and i'll teach you korean....lol.
Thanks for saying something back to that podoh malaysian. Talk to you later.
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 12:11:32 (PDT)
it is surprising how different the UK is from your own experiences. Recently rap music has become really big with white boys- so being coloured of any kind is seen as "really cool" haha!
There are still problems with prejudice, but only with the minority. Sometimes the term 'black' is used to describe Asians.
Glad the info was of use/interest.
haha! How could I forget j/k! It's nice to see a bit of French on this board because I'm out of practise- haven't had to speak it for almost a year.
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 11:58:48 (PDT)