

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. | 38%
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. | 11%
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. | 13%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 28%
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. | 10%

Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. | 38%
I am most comfortable with Whites. | 33%
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. | 6%
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. | 23%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I've been told my many Asians in the past that I look more White than Asian but I can't quite recall any experiences as bad as you've had.
Partly because many of these Asians were a bit more familiar with Hapas/Eurasians and more accepting of us, esp. since this was in Hawaii and Malaysia.

I have noticed that the Vietnamese and Korean communities tend to be less accepting of Hapas, compared with Malaysians. So I am not all that surprised by this Vietnamese/Chinese woman's behavior. Did this incident occur in Houston, where Hank Lewis and Andrew Xiaoliang Campbell reside?

Jay... the Malaysian-Chinese hapa    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 23:22:37 (PDT)
hey malaysian hapa u r a shame to us malaysian...mencarut pulak...

hey young how come u can talk all the diferrent language...thats really half chinese and i can't even talk chinese...its really sad...
mixed malay&chinese guy    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 19:45:57 (PDT)
to hannybunbun:

i'm chinese-white and ive never experienced any kind of prejudice and certainly not anything like ur experience. that was extremely rude of that woman and you have a right to b angry! i would never go back there. sometimes people act like that because they are jealous. people always tell me that i don't look chinese much, and that's ok. she just went too far. i live in a multicultural area (predominantly asian) so we have a number of biracial people. no one is really prejudiced against us. mostly people are just curious and ask alot of questions. i never even thought about prejudice until i read some stories online. just tell your boy to be proud and that having 2 cultures is an advantage. it's also good if he learns chinese.
Half Chyna Doll    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 19:15:47 (PDT)
Great. multilingualism on the hapa board. Worldwide speakers of messed-up pasar melayu unite!

Everyone talking in French too. I knew I should have followed in my sister's footsteps. Instead I got forced into studying Spanish. The only use I've ever got out of it was so I could watch soccer on Univision instead of having to subscribe to ESPN.

Many members of the older generation are not used to viewing mixed-race kids as Asians. as there are more and more of us who actually function in Asian culture and language, this prejudice should disappear in the younger generation. I'm always afraid I'm gonna give some old guy a heart attack when I use Hakka to talk to him.

But at least from your description, I think that lady was probably insinuating that you cheated on your husband, thus producing a kid who doesn't look Asian, rather than showing racism towards your kid ... smack her upside the head, but don't worry too much about her education.
T.H. Lien    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 14:52:04 (PDT)
Pourquoi sommes nous écriture en français
AC Dropout    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 14:36:25 (PDT)

Hurt by a woman from Vietnam,
Thought the same like Kong I am,
she is not pretty like a fox
and only thinks in the box

Hapa hater like Kong I am
Ignore the beauty of hapa man
It riles their goat
cause they're fresh off the boat

People like Kong I am
Are like e-mail spam
Child that is half Chinese half White
Means they can shine twice as bright

AC Dropout    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 14:35:12 (PDT)
anyone can send me email. i think it would be fun exchanging pics with the beautiful people (hapas, and pure asians, etc.) on this msg board.
hakka guy    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 14:19:05 (PDT)
hannybunbun, most new immigrants to north america tend to be more insensitive towards hapa's. american born asians are more understanding. i think the best thing is to ignore it.
there are enough good people in the world that you don't have to sweat
the ignorant ones.
hakka guy    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 14:10:41 (PDT)
malaysian hapa,
tolong kamu jangan cakap tahi sini. Pergi cuci kamu mulut.
Young    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 12:59:38 (PDT)