

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. | 38%
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. | 11%
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. | 13%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 28%
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. | 10%

Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. | 38%
I am most comfortable with Whites. | 33%
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. | 6%
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. | 23%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I sympathize with you. It's happened to me, personally too. Mexican men always come up to me and try to talk in Spanish, and of course, I don't have a clue what they are trying to say, so I'd shake my head and try to walk away or ignore them, if there's no way I can make a graceful exit. But if I can't get rid of them, I'd say, "sorry, I don't understand. I'm Asian, not Mexican." And you could see the disbelief in their eyes, and they would still keep trying to talk to me in Spanish because they think I've yellow-washed myself because I'm too ashamed to admit that I'm hispanic (which I'm so totally not!). It's annoying at best and creepy at worst.

Anyway, maybe the Asian woman is jealous that you have a Chinese husband, and she's just trying to say something to hurt you. This is something you'll have to deal with (jealous Asian women who think you stole their men) for the rest of your life as long as you're with your man. And I have to deal with jealous Hispanic men who think I've sold out on their culture because I prefer to be with AMs and identify myself with Asians.
MLK    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 16:54:27 (PDT)
AC Dropout
"...Pourquoi sommes nous écriture en français"

Because they know only one sentence and thinks it's cool to say stuff that nobody understands. If we were to responded with a paragraph (or a chapter) in French, would they be able to respond so eloquently?

Good poem! I don't quite get the Kong part, but I'm sure you have your agendas to forward. :)
MLK    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 16:41:09 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
One of the 'writers' on this message board is French, that's why some of us were writing in a bit of French... and from the looks of it there's a litle Malay going on too!
Dee    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 11:26:09 (PDT)
Malaysian Hapa,

So You like to testing people huh? how about people testing you!.

Pegeon always flew from place to place, so you like to picked up some words from here and there?

Market Malay Huh? which market you hang out? Market language are rude. Terang aja bahasa pasar, kasar!

Hate words awak,engkau, kamu -- to long?
LU pretty short. Indonesian slang even shorter.

Aku or saya person? Depend with whom I'm gonna speak to. But,
I'm kinda GUA-LU person.

I don't know much about Young either, but I've been talking to him for few times. We're getting to know each other. I know, He seems like a good guy. Nice person. Tak macam lu tak tau sopan santun! Kalo lu tak kenal sama orang jangan asal mencela! I think you need to wacth & listen more of Malay news. so you can learned how beautiful and polite the language is.
Mademoiselle    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 09:47:29 (PDT)

YEAH! YES,YES! Tres bien. Bagus sekali Young. That Stinky skunk MH absulutely need to wash his mouth with clorox.

Oh, begitu ya. Walau sudah banyak lupa tapi kata-kata kamu masih bagus sekali. Jadi kamu belajar bahasa Malaysia dari masa kanak-kanak. You Know what, Whatever languages that you learned in chilhood, is part of your mother tongue. Kamu tidak akan pernah lupa. Eventhough, never practice or spoke for a long long time. Once you recall, you'll remember easily. Just like a magic. Buktinya kamu masih boleh faham dan cakap dengan baik.

Aerospace engineer? Bon travail.

Salsa (Gypsies King)? My favorite.
Dansez avec toi? Sur. Avec plasir. Ce soir dans le reve?. Avant de se coucher, S'il vous plait ecoutez le musique salsa (Gypsies King). Fermer votre yeux et s'endormir. Ensuite...Ummmph...Bon le reve, Young. (^-~)

You still use your Psu email account?
I didn't use my umich e'acc much. Just for university projects. I'll email you with my personal email. Voulez-vous attendrez s'il vous plait.

Mademoiselle    Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 09:09:14 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

you said :"Child that is half Chinese half White Means they can shine twice as bright"

are you hapa? just wondering.
a girl scout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 20:58:13 (PDT)
hakka guy:
on the whole I've found ABCs to be a lot less friendly than FOBs. too concerned with their image and outer appearance to accept anyone different from them or to figure out that being Chinese goes beyond skin deep to extend to behavior and language ...
T.H. Lien    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 17:15:41 (PDT)
Thanks AC for the poem it was cute and made me feel better about the whole thing.
To TH: when i really thought about it, when I read what you wrote, maybe you are right about what she might have thought. Perhaps she could not possibly believe that a Caucasian girl could be a loving and faithful wife as I am , and had to insinuate something ugly and untrue about me and our son. Maybe she has something against mixed relationships. This is guessing on my part. I would rather be her target for her unjust prejudice than my little boy though.
To Jay: No I live in Northern Virginia, DC Metro area, there is a large Asian population here as well as many mixed cultural marriages.
To Half Chyna Doll, Yes, we are going to teach him Chinese. His little cousins go to Chinese schools on Sunday, and we hope to send him when he is pre-school age, and my husband is already speaking some Chinese to him, as well as his grandparents, plus I try to teach him what I know in both English and in my rather bad Chinese.. just colors and names of clothing, counting etc. I also do not mind questions about our son from people, nor do I mind people asking something about cultural relationships if they are sincere, as you also stated alot of people ask you questions. You seem to have a healthy attitude.
Hakka, I think your right when you told me to ignore it. As much as I wanted to let her know she was rude to me, I think the best way is by her losing my business.

Hannybunbun    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 12:57:44 (PDT)