

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. | 38%
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. | 11%
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. | 13%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 28%
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. | 10%

Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. | 38%
I am most comfortable with Whites. | 33%
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. | 6%
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. | 23%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

>1. If he kicked you once, you kicked him twice.

I'm in one of the lighter weight classes. I never just kick once.

>2. If he took his sandals, took your high heels shoes. But watch out his cowboy boots. :)

Actually I wore cowboy boots once when I broke my toes in a competition, instead of getting a soft cast. It's kind of hard feeling like the big man on campus with a broken foot, even if the cowboy boots are cool.

>3. If he kicked your butt, You kicked his bird. Ouch! ;# Sorry AC D. hahaha.

Hey that's not funny. I'm going to have to wear a cup next time I post in here.
AC Dropout    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 11:09:30 (PDT)

Hahaha! Thanks for the wonderful advice. Now, if I could only apply them in real life. Not to fear, my shoes are surely more deadly than AC's could ever possibly be (stilleto heels are quite lethal if you know where to whack the pointy end). !!! The AC's bird...yikes! that will result in his slow tortured agonizing sink to the floor.

I envy your athletic body. I wish that I could look like that...but (sigh) unfortunately, it's too late for me to start training for the martial arts olympics, and if I can't be the best, why even try, right? No, I enjoy my pathetic non-rigorous lifestyle too much to ever give it up for breaking bricks and boards and risk chipping my fingernail polish. hahaha!

Where do you live? Could I sign up for one of your classes? Sounds like you'd be a really fun teacher to have.

MLK    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 23:20:15 (PDT)
to mixed malay&chinese guy:
oh that is so sweet! i'm so touched that u knew it wasnt me. yes mostly im not too harsh but i'll meet fire w/ fire when it comes to it. thanks for backing me up! u can count on me as well.

btw i never knew that the censors actually edited these posts and read them. they took the "hit" off my hit-w/-an-S and put stars. huh.

to sprnz:
is that a true story? that's impresive if it is. u must be a kick-@$$ kinda girl. awesome.
Half Chyna Doll    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 23:06:40 (PDT)

[Well, as girl you should to know I almost got raped twice by a group of black men. At first I ran, but they could run faster than me. So no choice, I fought them to self defend. Lucky Me, I could knock them down.]

What the hell???
Which city is this???

Half Chyna Doll,

[ok i am NOT that person who said i was all experienced n s***.]

Actually, I got kinda horny after reading that fake post.

Jay... the Hapa Horny Hero    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 22:29:38 (PDT)
to Half Chyna Doll re AC Dropout's strange comments

"...i like ur humor. pet rocks. lol. i always found pet rocks funny anyway. i dont get the pups thing though."

You don't get it because that post was supposed to have been for me (he's been trying to make my puppies into doggie sausages for the past two months!). But being the Playboy Player that he is, he sometimes calls out the wrong woman's name at the most critically wrong time. Kinda makes him the perfect target for what SPRNZ is trying to teach me how to do to honor his loyalty. Kick his bird. hahaha!

MLK    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 22:16:04 (PDT)

"Just dress up, take my hair down and little makeup. Et voila!"

That reminds me of a time in Taiwan when I was training with national coach there. Anyway there was this girl who was 17 at the time of the evening class. I guess see just got back from a date, because she was all dolled up with make up.

The coach ask me to light spar her, so he could gauge my skill at time. Since I was there for the summer and came to his dojang by recommendation of another master in the USA.

I hate to admit it. But her dolled up femine look really distracted me at my tender age of 18. Needless to say she openned with a step left back kick that hit me square in the chest.

Young kids are pretty hard to teach if you're not strict with them. A little fear will do wonders.

AC dropout    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 21:38:51 (PDT)
Half Chyna Doll,

"i lack a 3rd nipple n a 6th toe."

Well nobodies perfect. :)

I true believe pet rocks are on a come back. We should invest if they it a public company. How can you cook the books on rocks. Its a sure bet.

The pups...I've been teasing I would cook MLK pups since the start of Goldsea site. It a running joke. :)

Yes guys get nothing in terms of clothes. For a guy to be fashionable we have to go to boutiques and put up with gay sale people. That for some reason always look better than their heterosexual counterparts. Is this Gods sick joke on men?

I enjoy my nubbin thanks. I have yet met a woman who yet knows what to do with it. :)
AC dropout    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 21:30:43 (PDT)

Okay I was joking about the extra digits and nibbles on my body. It's all normal. No body in my family has any phenotypical anomolies.

I'm assuming your question are two acclimated Asians in the USA in a relationship? I've seen quite a few and been in a few myself. I think on of the problems could be because prodominently English speaking asians are in such small numbers in the USA, That it is difficult to find a right match.

Just off the top of my head my predominent English speaking relationships with Asian gf were as follows: Adopted Korean, Malyasian Chinese, 2 ABC Cantonese, Laos, Vietnamese, HK born English Chinese Hapa, ABC Taiwanese.

But because of various backgrounds or personality issues these relationship never lasted. I guess in some sense because I am bilingual I already had some idea of how my future family would be. It just seems strange to me if my significant other and child were speaking English at home, even though, chinese is the weaker of my two predominently used languages.

AC dropout    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 21:25:25 (PDT)
To AC, I'm sure your joking about your 6th toe, but my FIL REALLY has two thumbs on one of his hands. I know it is normal after giving birth to count all of the fingers and toes of your baby, but when our son was born, I counted them TWICE...just to make sure. Yep, only 10. Whew! The gene stopped with my FIL. By the way AC, I thought you were married and had 2 kids? Are they Hapa?
A question came up in a conversation at home, I have never met an Asian and an Asian that were married or dating. Is there cultural differences so big or stigma to discourage this? Just curious, any responses?
hannybunbun    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 07:48:57 (PDT)
to Look: my mom is chinese and my dad is caucasian (jewish).

to AC dropout: yeah i like guys of all races myself although i lack a 3rd nipple n a 6th toe. i did like a guy once who had six toes on one foot. u r hilarious. i like ur humor. pet rocks. lol. i always found pet rocks funny anyway. i dont get the pups thing though. random? yeah women have like all these sections (petites, misses, plus sizes, jrs, girls). guys get zilch. what is the fashionable man to do? have fun w/ ur nubbin!
Half Chyna Doll    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 00:57:03 (PDT)
to Hakka Guy, green grass, and everyone:

ok i am NOT that person who said i was all experienced n s***. Yes i am 16, and i have never even kissed a guy alright? i havent had one guy let alone many! to greengrass, yes i worry too when i think about all the ppl my age who have sex, but alas im not one of them. to hakka guy, yes sex is bad when unregulated. it causes way too many problems. i dont believe in it outside of marriage. it gets too messy. i just dont want anybody to get the wrong impression ok?
Half Chyna Doll    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 00:41:30 (PDT)
real Half Chyna Doll

luckly u speak up chyna doll...i was really shocked went u say about sleeping with many guys and all...but i know it wasn't u..i almost want to ask u which guy r better in bed (out of curiousity)..but i didn't cause i dont believe it was u..i can know that u r a sweet young lady, i mean i read all ur post and u were never harsh.. so what ever happen i'll back u up...CAu
mixed malay&chinese guy    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 23:22:09 (PDT)

Its long story. Began from Jean-Claude Van Dam action, Kick and punch with power & thrust. Then told What I've been through fighting the rapist.

Well, as girl you should to know I almost got raped twice by a group of black men. At first I ran, but they could run faster than me. So no choice, I fought them to self defend. Lucky Me, I could knock them down. But I don't know if all those guys like AC Dropout, I might be already being raped.

So AC Dropout gave me pretty good advices and recomedation what I need to do in TKD. To not involve fighting on the street and so on...

I can see that, how he antagonized you, but in a good way right? Well I don't know the truth about him, but I can feel it he is a good-hearted.

I can give you a few tips how to kick him.
1. If he kicked you once, you kicked him twice.
2. If he took his sandals, took your high heels shoes. But watch out his cowboy boots. :)
3. If he kicked your butt, You kicked his bird. Ouch! ;# Sorry AC D. hahaha.

Well tried that first OK.

Thanks. Very difficult masculine art form - creating hard-edged women? Well I'm not. No is not right. Ladies can join TKD also. Some of my junior students are little girls.
My body, arms, legs nice tone up. Even though I'm kinda Tomboy, but I still can be feminin. Just dress up, take my hair down and little makeup. Et voila! No one knows that I TKD Sensei.
That's good. Avoid dangerous situation and not go out much at night. But you still need to be alert though.

AC Dropout,

Yup. They're so cute. The hardest part is they're not teachable, they just playing kick each other. :)
SPRNZ    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 11:06:32 (PDT)