

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. | 38%
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. | 11%
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. | 13%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 28%
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. | 10%

Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. | 38%
I am most comfortable with Whites. | 33%
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. | 6%
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. | 23%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I always thought Nina Brosh was full Russian. I have family from Siberia in Russia and even though they are Russian they look somewhat Asian. I think there was some Mongol influence there. Her slanted eyes are probably because her relatives look Asian.
hapa fan    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 15:20:40 (PDT)
Korean poppa to be

Instill in them pride to-die-for. Make them so proud to be what they are that they know how to handle compromising situations. Most of all, make them truly bilingual so that they can deal with both sides in the language that is being used in the compromising situation. (believe me when I tell you that non-Asians are just as cruel as Asians to mixed kids).

To be truly bilingual, one must know the languages well enough to function in either countries. Take them back to Korea as often as possible (even throw them over there for an entire summer every other calendar school year so they can be completely immersed in the culture). Of course, this must be approved by your Swedish-German wife, and the same must be done for her side of the family (can she speak English?). Your children will have to visit Sweden and Germany and learn to speak Swedish as well as German to be able to keep their mother's side of the culture alive and well. She should teach the two languages to her children, in addition to hiring a Korean tutor. This all sounds very complicated, and it is. But that's what you'll have to do to arm your children. Otherwise, they will face plenty of hostility from uninformed folks of both sides.
MLK    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 13:28:23 (PDT)
Korean poppa to be,

If you love your Swedish-German girl, go ahead Propose her. Don't worried making hapa babies. Be proud you gonna have hapa kids. When the time you really have kids, tell them to be proud as a hapa. Some peoples just jealous to hapas. That's way they make a fun of us.
I never see any hapa support groups that we can attend though. Well just be proud you gonna propose your girl and be proud to have hapa kids.
SPRNZ    Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 00:57:08 (PDT)

That was also ever happenned to me. I'm not just half breed but mixed up 4 races. Venezuelian/Chinese & Belgium/Indonesian. When I went to restorants or even in the mall, I heard they said something bad about me. One day in the mall, When I was looking for illustion necklaces. I heard they spoke in Chinese," Hey, looked at that mixed up breed girl over there. I heard that she has Chinese blood, but I don't think she can speak Chinese." Then other one said," I've ever heard she spoke in Spanish and French. She just wanna show off. Pretended she can speak multi languages." "Yeah! all she said, just Hola, Gracias, Merci". My ears started felt hot, but I didn't say anything yet. Still keep busy looked the necklaces. Then They said something again, " I think her parents also mixed up." " Hahaha..." " So what is she? Mixed up blood hapas. Hahaha..." They laughed at me, UUGH!! I coludn't stand it any more. I turn around and walked toward to them then I said in Chinese,
" Hey, You guys any problem seeing Hapa!...Who the one pretended? Yes. I'm Multi languages. How many languages you guys speak?," I could see how shocked they were hear me spoke in Chinese. " For extra information I could speak fluently 7 languages!!. And I'm pround being Mixed hapas. After all We're human being. Doesn't matter what bloods in the body. We all human being. You guys jealous with me. I know what you guys wishing," I wish, I'm a hapa." Is that right?!!". Then they quikly left the store without said a word.

Yup. You right Half Chyna Doll, They just jealous with us.
SPRNZ    Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 00:38:08 (PDT)

[You seem like a nice person and we'll post this, but your future posts will have to be a lot more intelligible for us to post them. This site is for Asian Americans with a good command of English. --Ed]

Toi xin loi on that restaurant experience. Such people make you want to scream ko wai toi nik dau!!!!

So, do you preferr goi cuon or chau-gia? Bun thit nuogn or banh cuon? I didn't know you were part Vietnamese.
Hank Lewis    Friday, August 16, 2002 at 07:38:04 (PDT)

hearing all these stories makes me a bit apprehensive about making hapa babies. I am Korean, and my girl is Swedish-German. I want to propose to her, but the thought of my potential kids having all the troubles you guys have is disturbing. How do you guys handle it in your own different way? Are there hapa support groups that you guys and the parents can attend?
Korean poppa to be    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 02:46:53 (PDT)

You're MIXED viet??! Ahh... you are revealing your identity bit by bit. Keep it coming, I'm intrigued.
hey, cool!    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 02:41:44 (PDT)
that was a very funny (but sad) story. id just like to say that was a very good comeback. quick wit. thankfully nothing like that has ever happened to me. she was prob just jealous.
Half Chyna Doll    Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 16:40:13 (PDT)