Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. |
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. |
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. |
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. |
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. |
Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. |
I am most comfortable with Whites. |
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. |
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
That problem is not only towards Filipina and Thai women. Might happen every where in the world. Being mix racial (hapa) always got the weird stares from peoples. But not all ppl like that, some ppl do likes hapas.
Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 09:58:34 (PDT)
[i don't know if bjork is asian. she looks really weird. yeah nina brosh is really pretty. wow this forum REALLY died! it used to be extremely active. i guess everything must fall.]
Yes, Half Chyna Doll, things just aren't quite the same without yours truly!
Have you talked to any hapa guys lately? :)
Jay... the hapa lova   
Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 02:55:14 (PDT)
-Factually, Iceland has more to do with Ireland than with Greenland. Archaelogists found "semi-mongolid" skeletons on the British Isles from stoneage times. The Vikings brought slaves from Ireland to Iceland. That's how Bjork's ancestors came to Iceland. Icelandic is certainly not related to Ural-Altaic, it's old Norvegian.
Search "hapas" on Ireland, but according to recent genetic studies the British are rather half Berber than half Asian. Btw, Scottish have also slanted eyes. But are they hapa? -No, just as African as the Irish.
Not to forget Alexandra David-Neel who tried to explain her high cheekbones and interest in Asian culture as a consequence of her "Mongol admixture" which coudn't be proven, either. Well, it's likely that some people want to be hapa, but they aren't.
rare stuff   
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 16:40:24 (PDT)
i don't know if bjork is asian. she looks really weird. yeah nina brosh is really pretty.
Half Chyna Doll   
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 22:16:37 (PDT)
Bjork is Icelandic.
Her name is something like Gudsmundottir, which translates to the "Daughter of Gudsmun". My European friend who majors in German Studies told me about this. He is knowledgeable about Indo-European Languages.
Actually, Finland, Icelandic and Hungarian are part of the Ugric-Altaic language and culture group, which, believe it or not, even includes the Koreans. I think that this language and culture base is a Siberian/Polar-Circle thing, but spread down south into North Asia and North Europe. You know the Eskimos in N. America and the Siberian peoples? They circumvented the Artic Circle area, and settle all over the place (albeit in small numbers). It's quite common to see the natives in Greenland, Finland, Sweden and Norway, with slanted eyes, broad faces, and black hair. Of course some have mixed with the Europeans there, but they stand out distinctively compared to their blonde neighbors.
So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Bjork has Siberian Asiatic blood in her.
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 22:16:20 (PDT)
I think even today in Asia, people still look down upon Asian women who date or marry Caucasians. There is this perception among Asians that women with white men are either prostitutes or are not from nice families. I know of this very well-educated Thai woman who went back to her country with her Caucasian husband for vacation. One day she and her husband were walking around in a Bangkok shopping mall and suddenly a Thai man approached her, asking her how much the Falang (Caucasian) paid her and offered to pay her double. She was so shocked and embarrassed of the fact that he assumed she was a prostitute and couldn't say a word to the man. Also a Chinese friend of a friend of mine has 3 kids with her American Caucasian husband and she told my friend how she hated going to Chinese restaurants, because people would give her and her kids disapproval stares. I have lived in Northern Europe for many years and the funny thing is that the perception of Asian women among Caucasians is the same, however, this is only towards Filipina and Thai women. Do you know of anyone who has encountered this problem?
May patriciangu@hotmail.com   
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 17:47:57 (PDT)
Is Bjork half asian?
25 yrs old female   
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 12:56:29 (PDT)
I like Nina Brosh.
Snow White   
Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 04:38:34 (PDT)
Avril Lavigne is sooooo kewwwl. Shes pretty too I want to sing like her and look like her.
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 19:19:31 (PDT)
Larri Kong,
what are you referring to, regarding the hapa-like people in Xinjiang?
In spite of their "hapa"-features some Xinjiang "hapas" have still the extreme "flat-face" features of Arctic race. Combined with an enormous forehead which is sometimes found among Caucasoids, but never among pure-bred Mongolids.
rare stuff   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 18:31:11 (PDT)
Yeah, I agree. I mean there are beautiful people in every race. Don't understand why some people stereotype Hapas as being "born beautiful".
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 20:48:34 (PDT)
I see what "FACTS" is trying to say...
Although...I think of exoticism as a form of beauty...
Exoticism is in a sense even more valuable...than just having the most "perfect" features...just because it is more rare...and intriguing...
Like the people in Xinjiang...
Larriiii Kong....   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 22:50:14 (PDT)
Hapas are way overrated as far as beauty goes.
The hot ones are hot, without a doubt. But then again so are hot Asians, hot whites, hot blacks.
Hapas that are gorgeous are rare. I think the common misconception is that people tend to equate exoticism with beauty. NOT THE CASE, my friends, unless you simply have a fetish. I mean, I think that South American salamanders are very exotic. Thai curries are exotic too. Central African women with plates in their lips are very exotic looking too. But not necessarily attractive.
I've seen some hapas that will never raise the pulses of anyone. I've seen many of them. I've seen some heinous individuals too. Barf. I have also seen some attractive ones, but I will say with confidence that I haven't seen that many stunningly, earth-shatteringlt beautiful ones. Hapas just aren't that numerous on this planet, and perhaps that dictates the number of hot hapas. There are lieterally billions of whites, blacks, and Asians. The odds of finding hot ones of those races are greater.
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 16:20:12 (PDT)
I think happas are cool. There's just something about them. They have this unique looking quality. I don't see very many but the ones I have encountered are absolutely beautiful!
Houston Guy   
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 22:39:48 (PDT)
to NYC Man:
uh it sounds like u do have a problem with hapas. I'd like to point out that you don't have a basis for your arguement. you said "And, for the 38% (see the poll) that find HAPAS more attractive than pure Asians, ask your dad if he feels the same way. I'll bet your mother is pure Asian." That doesnt support your point at all. The 38% is of the people and their fathers have nothing to do with these people's opinions. They are utterly unrelated. Furthermore, not everyone marries who they find attractive anyway. Hmmmmm yes many people that come here have Asian moms, maybe because this a site for Asian people. Just because someone married an Asian person doesnt mean they consider them superior to hapas. That's just your little opinion. Your arguements are blatantly transparent and riddled with redundancies.
Half Chyna Doll   
Monday, September 02, 2002 at 23:38:16 (PDT)
NYC Korean or Vietnamese guy (FOB or AA?)
[Face it, though we'll never admit it (unless we want to admit our internal bigotry), we'd dump a HAPA for a full-blooded Asian any time.]
RIGHT ON!!! That leaves even more hapa babes for me!
BTW- I don't have a problem with AF's since they practically worship me. It helps to be a fairly Asian-washed hapa when it comes to picking-up AFs.
[And, for the 38% (see the poll) that find HAPAS more attractive than pure Asians, ask your dad if he feels the same way. I'll bet your mother is pure Asian.]
Of course!
[I have them in my family and have even dated them. But, there's nothing like a pure Asian.]
Pure Asians are quite common so I don't get particularly excited when I see a bunch of AF's. I do get turned-on when I see multiethnic exotic hotties, though.
Jay... hapalicious nirvana   
Monday, September 02, 2002 at 21:20:53 (PDT)
Face it, though we'll never admit it (unless we want to admit our internal bigotry), we'd dump a HAPA for a full-blooded Asian any time. Look at the history of the Vietnam War. All of those "Amer-Asian" kids? They were abandonded by both races.
And, for the 38% (see the poll) that find HAPAS more attractive than pure Asians, ask your dad if he feels the same way. I'll bet your mother is pure Asian.
I have no problems with HAPAS. I have them in my family and have even dated them. But, there's nothing like a pure Asian. Furthermore, speaking the language doesn't count. I meant by blood. By the familial name.
NYC Man   
Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 21:53:15 (PDT)
All I can say is that people should respect other people whether they are Hapas or monoracials. I personally think that Hapas communicate better with whites; they tend to have white boyfriends or girlfriends than Asians. When I see a Hapa, she is always with a white boyfriend. This is based on my experience in the West Coast, but others might disagree depending on where they live.
And yeah the ability to write perfect English should not be an issue.
You are right on the mark, TH Lien.
The Dude   
Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 14:37:54 (PDT)
[Our standard is fluency, not perfection (we don't see too much of that around). --Ed]
mixed people have a reputation as being beautiful.
Friday, August 30, 2002 at 10:59:26 (PDT)