

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. | 38%
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. | 11%
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. | 13%
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. | 28%
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. | 10%

Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. | 38%
I am most comfortable with Whites. | 33%
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. | 6%
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. | 23%

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Two cents

I didn't quit get what you were trying to say with the whole coffee and Ferrari thing. Can you elaborate?
dumbfounded    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 15:15:26 (PST)    []
(they're just like any race people, look neither better nor worse)

i agree with azn angel. i think there's some lookers as well as some that are butt-ugly. Beauty is so subjective....

To Half Chyna Doll, I don't really feel too bad about's the way it happened, and I deal with it. If anything I get more complimenets (and phone numbers) than insults.

(They look neither Asian nor Caucasian...just Hispanic.)
My Two Cents:
What's so bad about looking hispanic? Latino guys are hot!!!!
cracked yolk    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 14:09:03 (PST)    []
to My Two Cents:

what ethnicity are you anyway??? i hope you're pure something, because if you aren't, then you're just as good as a that ferarri with the hyundai parts.

oh yeah, and being "white" doesn't qualify you as being a "pure" race.
cracked yolk    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 13:20:44 (PST)    []
to girl,

i am a a hapa that look almost entirely white. I have pretty pale skin, reddish brown curly hair, and big light brown eyes.
hapa gurl    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 12:55:36 (PST)    []
you are contradicting yourself, chyna doll. i recall very well you once said hapa are neither better nor worse in terms of look...u disagree w/ sn who said hapa either are best of both worlds or worst of both. Now you said the opposite.
k    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 09:55:29 (PST)    []
To Girl,

My brother looks almost entirely white. And I look almost entirely asian. Just vice versa like Half Chyna Doll said. People are surprised to know I'm part of white. They don't believe me. If I'm not tell them, they never guess that I'm Eurasian.
Mademoiselle    Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 08:01:18 (PST)    []
Hi all,

Here's my two cents:

I'm Caucasian, but I do have cousins and acquaintances who are mixed with Asians.

My cousins: We love them to death (2 boys and 1 girl). But, behind their backs and their parent's backs, we (literally everyone in the family) always jokingly refer to them as "the Mexican kids." Shitty, I know. But, we do love them! They look neither Asian nor Caucasian...just Hispanic.

My acquaintances: I know of one person off-hand whose parents are both Chinese, but somewhere down his family tree was a Caucasian. How does he look? He looks mixed. How does his Asian friends treat him? Like a friend...until his Asian friends decide that he may not be Asian enough to be included in a conversation. When this happens, his full-blooded Asian friends usually turn to each other and just talk, etc. At this point, they always leave him out of the conversation...even though he understands Chinese, etc. He becomes virtually invisible. The point is, they accept him to a point, but they don't accept him as "one of us." S***ty? Yes. But that's life.

Some people like their orange juice diluted with water and some like their orange juice concentrate. Some like their coffee with 50/50, some with whole milk.

Me? I like my coffee with whole milk and I like my cars with factory/stock parts.

If I wanted a Ferrari, I wouldn't buy a Hyundai and slap a Ferrari emblem onto it and claim it as a real Ferrari! Vice-versa.
My two cents    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 22:35:18 (PST)    []
actually, i've seen a lot of hapas who look 'middle in the road'. they're just like any race people, look neither better nor worse.
azn angel    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 15:18:50 (PST)    []
There are not many extremely ugly hapas, because they are all pretty much average looking. I have not yet seen any extremely beautiful hapas.

There are definitely some ugly monoracial people, but the beautiful ones are definitely better looking than the best of hapas.

This is my opinion.

By way, correct me if I am wrong but I have observed that monoracial people tend to be taller than hapas.

Is that true?
Yeah.    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:03:18 (PST)    []
to Reality no PC bull:
i have seen some REALLLY ugly hapas at an airport once. there were lke 3 sisters n they were all EXTREMELY unattractive. I know some in real-life too. Yeah thats true that there are prob fewer %wise. The attractive ones are REALLy atrractive yeah. There arent too many middle of the road ones ive seen and i really pay attention. that's just my view. the stereotype is beautiful and there is proof supporting it but it's not all of us for sure. that said, hapa guys r hot.... (well a good %)

to girl: i look almost entirely white. most people are surprised to know im asian and a few said "i dont believe you". some people guess but most dont.
Half Chyna Doll    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 23:01:37 (PST)    []
to cracked yolk:
You know you shouldnt feel bad at all. It's not fair to yourself. Don't feel too left out. It's just how things turned out that's all. Is it that your Asian parent discouraged it? I'm lucky because my caucasian dad is fluent in over 10 languages including Chinese. He knows Cantonese so it's the langauge i speak at home. For anyone who's interested, the book "what Are you?" by pearl fuyo gaskins is a great book about being multiracial. There is one girl like you who was *whitewashed* but she went back to China and got in touch with her roots. If u really wanted to, you can do things like that. It's never too late to change. Yeah those racist situations are awful although my HS is like 65% asian so there isnt much discrmination. There are some hapas here but we're considered "more beautiful" and "not boring". It's a positive thing here. CA is more racially integrated.
Half Chyna Doll    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 23:03:33 (PST)    []
Half Chyna Doll,

[the ugly ones are uglier than monoracial people]

Not really. Have seen unattractive hapas, but rarely. There's tons of ugly monoracial people, definitely more percentage-wise than hapas.

There is a reason certain racial mixes and people from certain regions of the world develop more of a reputation than others.

NOTHING is equal
Reality- no PC bull    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 17:02:11 (PST)    []
i have yet to meet a hapa that looks entirely white;
you can usually tell that they are asian; i like both but prefer pure asian ; especially japanese;
girl    Friday, November 15, 2002 at 12:28:49 (PST)    []
to Half Chyna Doll:
(i guess i feel that it's a real benefit and i feel bad that some people never had a chance to learn it)
it IS a real benefit...I've met a few other hapas and FOB's and it's like they're from another world! I wish I had more connection to a culture which makes up 50% of me, since I feel like I'm missing out.

(i was wondering, do people discriminate against u for being asian? do u look asian?) I've gotten discrimintaed against for looking asian and it's wierd because I can't identify with the culture. On the other hand I've been with people who have used the terms chink, jap, flip, etc. freely, as if they're oblivious to my ethnicity. Both situations are uncomfortable.

to Ace: (I would hope that more Asians would come to appreciate the beauty of the Asian peoples and cultures) I noticed that in a lot of asian countries, the philippines in particular, the mixed or "mestiza" girls are considered the most beautiful. Check out a filipina beauty pagent site and it will make you sick. One of the comments about one of the girls went along the lines of "she's not a mestiza but she's cute anyway" Of course the of other contestants were hapa and had last names like Jones. Get over the colonial metality already!
cracked yolk    Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 14:26:54 (PST)    []
Ace, well said!
Werd.    Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 12:33:45 (PST)    []
I find it very unnerving that 38 percent of those polled found Hapas to be more attractive than pure Asians. I'm sure this has to do with the lack of visibility of pure Asians in the media (which is mainly geared to White America) and the colonial mentality that many Asian countries developed under the thumb of European & Western Nations. In contrast, it has been my experience that White's generally view other Whites as more attractive than other ethnicities. I would hope that more Asians would come to appreciate the beauty of the Asian peoples and cultures. Aesthetics -that which is beautiful (and therefore good), is learned from the society we are part of.

-By the way, I voted (and believe) that they are equally attractive. It took me a too long to discover this for myself.
Ace - Pure as they come    Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 01:45:44 (PST)    []
yes it would be quite different if the male were an ethnic group. that isnr quite as widespread but here in liberal CA it's becoming more prominent as of late. its is quite good that the europeans are becoming more open minded now. one small step.
Half Chyna Doll    Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 20:20:05 (PST)    []
to cracked yolk: oh dont feel too bad. it's not your fault that u didnt grow up w the culture. i feel kind of hypocritical because in a way i look down on hapas who dont speak the language. i guess i feel that it's a real benefit and i feel bad that some people never had a chance to learn it. i was wondering, do people discriminate against u for being asian? do u look asian?

to cat: yeah i think devon is really pretty but i think it's because she's very unique looking (not really classical beauty)

to huu76: yeah i see what u mean. at the risk of offending anybody, i think that some hapas look really awful. they just have this weird half-cooked look. u can usually tell they're mixed but just in an ugly way. they got the worst of both worlds. it sucks for them because people must think "but i thought hapas are supposed to b more beautiful!" (this is really mean sorry). the ugly ones are uglier than monoracial people and there alot of gorgeous hapas and medium hapas so it really balances out. the verdict: we're no better or worse than monoracial people on average.

to will: yes it is true that we hapas are not accepted by all. some face alot of discrimination. it sounds like YOU are the one who does not accept mixed people. ("With a HAPA, they're both Asian and non-Asian at the same time. They really fit in no where.")
However many of us are well adjusted and i have never faced racism.

to bad boy in sf: my dad is caucasian and he speaks chinese. people dont think it's "freaky".
Half Chyna Doll    Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 20:02:28 (PST)    []
"hey guys! i read on the Kristin Kreuk forum about Prnicess Alexandra of Denmark. she's asian/british and very pretty. her son nikolai is part asian too. check her out. i was very suprised to see asian european royalty."

that is pretty interesting. I guess European Royalty are progressive enough to allow their progeny to date or marry non-natives. Imagine the uproar if the crown emperor of Japan or the Sultan of Brunei brought home a white/black/whatever non-native girl! That would be REALLY interesting.

On the same note, what if, say Princess Victoria of Sweden (I think that's her name) brought home an Asian boyfriend? White people bringing home non-white women is old news, but a white woman, especially royalty, bringing home an ethnic man would be a shocker indeed. Actually, the princess of Sweden is German, French and Brazilian, so I guess it wouldn't be THAT shocking. But still, for all intents and purposes she looks totally Caucasian, so it would be newsworthy.
just Imagine.... holy cow    Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 14:02:12 (PST)    []