Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are Asian American, which best describes your feeling toward Hapas (persons with one Asian parent)?
I find them more attractive than pure Asians. |
I find them less attractive than pure Asians. |
I find them equally attractive as other Asian Americans. |
They put me off by seeming more white than Asian. |
I am never quite sure how to relate to them. |
Assuming you are a Hapa, which best describes your own feelings?
I am most comfortable with Asians. |
I am most comfortable with Whites. |
I am most comfortable around other Hapas. |
I am equally comfortable with Asians and Whites. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To K: My family is SE asian and the men in my family are in fact, extremely feminine looking. My aunts have soft round faces as well as my uncles. They all have small noses and small builds. A few guys I met in school had these "delicate" features as well.
I see your point though. I think the northern asians tend to have more defined cheekbones, which would give them a more rugged look.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 08:47:07 (PST)
Proud Ka:
Why is it that whenver the word 'pure' come up, some ppl construe it as only asian instead of pure asian, pure white..?
as for hapa...I think any asian who asserts hapas are better looking are whitewashed and are heavily influenced by the western media. they think cuacasian features are better. There would be people who chalk it up to taste that's fine.and i belive it also comes down to a matter of taste...but the truth is a good portion are greatly influenced by the western beauty on tv or magazine while asian beauty get tiny exposure.
Most people don't think hapas look better than white (and I'm talking about the HOT ones), and given that there's no possiblity whites surpass asians in terms of look (also in the case of Hot people), following this logic...no one is physically superior and every race is able to produce striking beauties. =) Accept the truth if you think otherwise you must be an insecure schmuck who need to place yourself in higher position than other races in order to make yourself feel better.
All humans are the same   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 19:47:27 (PST)
huala girl: oops , i don't think i would forward that response to you if your post appeared earlier.
so right: your taste is very similar to mine. although i don't know alot about indonesian guys. The really hot guys tend to be pure asian though...Not that i'm narrowminded not to appreciate beautiful hapa guys...but i really think the hot asian guys stand out.
I tink anyone who is beautiful regardless of race could be considered as having the best of both worlds.
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 19:32:03 (PST)
I admit a lot of hapas are beautiful but i've also seen a lot of asian beauties in Asia and i must say I rarely seen a hapa w/ such perfect look.
person who knows   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 18:57:17 (PST)
to Hate to Burst Your Bubble,
Does ur hapa cousin have naturally blonde hair? Cuz that's really rare in a hapa.
just wondering   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 14:55:29 (PST)
So right:
HEy thanks.:)
we have pretty similar tastes about guys.. I also agree w/ you about most ppl( hapa or pure) get both good and bad traits from their parents. Those who get the best of both parents ( hapa or asian) come out as beautiful. Usually when a hapa is ugly ppl think of it as weird becuase heshe is ugly in an an unfmaliar way, it doesn't mean he/she is uglier than the ugly asian. Since hapa is of lesser number, it draws more attention and sometimes i admit there is more hype (wether it is negative or positive)
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 13:27:53 (PST)
Some ppl go ballistic over hapa cos they look unque and exotic. WHile some narrowminded folks dislike hapa s nad dismiss them as ugly... there are not extremes in hapa look like someone sid. Compare the most beautiful hapas to the most beautiful asians and whites and you know what i mean...
All humans are the same   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 13:07:32 (PST)
Proud KA:
I'm saying it's an advantage they inherently have, doesn't mean they're always better at it.
I[ don't understand your assertion that one needs to be mixed to get the best of both worlds. It is most definately possible to do that without having to mate with a white person.
Many minorities have this mentality. They belive that in order to succeed in society they must absorb white blood into their bloodlines. This is not true. I would call that selling out in a sense. Unless you do it for love only, it is selling out. ]
actually the smartest people i know are asians. I'm just saying a german-chinese hapa IN THE US for example can embrace both cultures China , German ,knowing german, chinese, english. He is exposed to the cultures but ambracing them is up to him. That is why not all japas have 'that edge'.However even if he can grasp all the cultures to which he is related it doesn't mean he must be smarter than an average pure asain or white. No where did i say a person needs to be white to be good. However getting the best of both worlds doesn't mean being better.I'm just saying they have more of a chance to adopt it.I guess i didn't make my point very clear.
On a final not, I didn't 'assert' you have to absorb some whiteness to be good.
the greatest edge one can have is determination and perseverance , which means what you can do w/ what you have, not what you already have.
All humans are the same   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 12:59:25 (PST)
Proud KA:
I'm saying it's an advantage they inherently have, doesn't mean they're always better at it.
I[ don't understand your assertion that one needs to be mixed to get the best of both worlds. It is most definately possible to do that without having to mate with a white person.
Many minorities have this mentality. They belive that in order to succeed in society they must absorb white blood into their bloodlines. This is not true. I would call that selling out in a sense. Unless you do it for love only, it is selling out. ]
actually the smartest people i know are asians. I'm just saying a german-chinese hapa IN THE US for example can embrace both cultures China , German ,knowing german, chinese, english. He has access to the cultures but ambracing them is up to him. That is why not all japas have 'that edge'.However even if he can grasp all the cultures to which he is related it doesn't mean he must be smarter than an average pure asain or white. No where did i say a person needs to be white to be good. However getting the best of both worlds doesn't mean being better.I'm just saying they have more of a chance to adopt it.I guess i didn't make my point very clear.
On a final not, I didn't 'assert' you have to absorb some whiteness to be good.
All humans are the same   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 12:56:26 (PST)
Half Chyna Doll:
"think there are more middle of the road asians than there are middle of the road hapas. hapas tend to b more extreme in looks."
Actually...it's just the opposite...
There does tend to be less severely ugly hapas...but I have not yet seen any extremely pretty hapas either...
But maybe they are out there...
Being objective...I have seen some prime time ugly Asians...but the beautiful pure Asians...are way better looking than the best of hapas...
Hapas all tend to be just mediocre...
Which there is nothing wrong with that...
Asians are beautiful...and hapas are exotic...
I think some people tend to confuse exoticness with beauty...
These are two totally different concepts...
So right...   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 12:02:11 (PST)
to Uprooted: I lived in LA for awhile and did notice that AA's are accepting of hapas as being "asian". I'm back in the Northeast and AA's here rather snotty. I liked that when I was in LA I could either be asian or caucasian and it really wasn't a big deal...I really did have the best of both worlds! Here it's like I'm not "asian enough", although I do understand my mother's language and even lived for awhile in her home country.
Being hapa is cool. In fact, being half of anything is great, beacuse of the different cultures you get exposed to. I agree with All Humans...same. Physically, it can work either way...one friend of mine has his mother's small asian nose and his father's big german head. He looks like a white guy who got his nose punched in, but he's got a cultural awareness that I think can only come from being the product of an IR marriage. That's the real advantage of being hapa.
As for which races are better looking? I'm not going to even go there. It's like arguing over what the best color is. But we're all entitled to our own opinions, and if someone thinks that hapas are better looking, then they have every right to say it.
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 08:28:02 (PST)
Hula girl:
Not true. I have the type of features you could call fit the asian women face standard and i take after my Dad who doesn’t look feminine at all (I look nothing like my Mom). My dad has the typical asian face but he doesn’t look ‘feminie ‘ at all. Actually his face is wider than mine and so is his mouth although the i have facial structure and mouth shape very similar to his…However he looks very manly and physically i don’t have anything that is remotely close to ‘rough or manly’ features. Asians have the type of cheekbones that are high but not angular like caucasian cheekbones, it is kind of round(hard to describe) that gives them a sense of regalnesss. Just look at Gong li or Zhang Ziyi and u know wat i mean…
A lot of asian men look ruggedly handsome w/ the typical asian features, esp w/ their cheekbones. Small eyes look both good in men and women (by which I mean w/ small eyes women still look feminine and men look manly). I think the asian features give asian men a sense of intelligence and uniqueness in their look
But hey…a lot of so-called ‘womanly’ features look particualry good in men. Just look at Won Bin…
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 04:52:10 (PST)
All Humans are the Same,
I wanted to call you out on this:
"When it comes to hapa, I think ‘best of both worlds’ allude mostly to cultural factor. Culturally a hapa is opened to 2 cultures…like knowing both english and chinese for example. That is an edge they have."
I am a first generation Korean American, and I am 100% fluent in both English and Korean. My proficiency in both languages is such that I can go into deep discourses in politics, philosophy, sports, etc. ... basically any topic under the sun. I do not have an accent in either language -- I can speak English like a native speaker and Korean in a flawless, standard-KyongiDo(Seoul) dialect. I am able to immerse myself totally in either Korean or Anglo social scenes, although I prefer Korean. I could probably go into finance in Seoul and do just as well as I could in Wall Street.
Then, by your reasoning, don't I have the same "advantage" as hapas do, without having mixed blood? I don't understand your assertion that one needs to be mixed to get the best of both worlds. It is most definately possible to do that without having to mate with a white person.
Many minorities have this mentality. They belive that in order to succeed in society they must absorb white blood into their bloodlines. This is not true. I would call that selling out in a sense. Unless you do it for love only, it is selling out. I strongly believe that Asian Americans who strive to integrate into mainstream society while retaining their cultural characteristics and maintaining ties to the motherland will stand the best chance to excel.
Proud KA   
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 02:17:26 (PST)
I KNOW that I'm going to upset a lot of HAPAS, but this is the way things are most of the time with "real" Asians. Like it or not, good or bad, it's how we see things:
1) Straight black hair? Check.
2) Brown eyes? Check.
3) Asian eyes? Check.
4) Asian cheek bones, lips, skin tone, etc.? Check.
5) Asian last name? Check.
6) Asian father (can your PATERNAL lineage be traced back to a village/town in Asia?)? Check.
Asians, as far as I know, base their lineage/nationality on their father's side of the family. Don't believe me? Ask your family...it's as easy as that...DON'T take my word for it.
I recently hungout with a "super-HAPA." BOTH of her parents were half non-Asian and Asian. In all honesty, I couldn't figure out what she was (even when I learned that she was mixed...hey, we all try to categorize people). Do I treat her as an Asian? Yes and no. Do I treat her as a non-Asian? Yes and no. Basically, I didn't know HOW to look at her. For an "Asian girl", she didn't act, look, sound, walk, talk as an Asian at all. On the other hand, she didn't act, look, sound, walk, talk as an non-Asian either! It was the weirdest thing. Look, yes, she's a human-being, but human-beings have a certain identity. I couldn't figure it out without risking offending her.
I was afraid that if I considered her part of us Asians, she'd be offended that I left out her other side...vice-versa. What if I called her Caucasian? Would she be pissed? What if I called her on the way that she REALLY looks (Mexican), would I offend her?
I'm not just saying this. I've experienced this (dating HAPAS) and I've witnessed this (having HAPAS in the family...3 cousins...Chinese father and Irish mother).
I love her (my cousin) to death, but I don't consider a girl with blonde hair, light brown eyes, with Caucasian features Asian...no matter how you cut it. Yes, she may look exotic, unique or whatever the feel-good terms of the day/week/year are, but she's only half-Asian. That's it. No more. No less. She's neither Irish nor Chinese. Yet, she is both Irish and Chinese.
How can I eliminate 50% of her? I can't. The answer is that she's both and neither.
Hate to Burst Your Bubble   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 22:32:51 (PST)
Christine: wat i notice is in shanghai, ppl have light skin w/ a slight pinkishness, not overly pink like some white. the skin is as light as caucasian skin, if not lighter. Northern people have more of a peperwhite skin. Both skins are all beautiful to me.
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 22:17:30 (PST)
You might wonder why i ask the question…
Asian women are the meanest. I live near a university and there are FOB's, preppies, and girls in glitter bebe t-shirts everywhere and they're all rude. I think they either: 1) don't want to associate with me because I am not "white enough", since most asians I've met try so hard to be "white". Or 2) they're jealous because I got the best of both worlds."
Ironically you seem to side w/ white more than w/ asian and now you turn to criticize asians w/ seemingly whitewashed attitude
u think it’s jealous but may be the reason some asians seem mean to you because you feel alienated from you. Probably because you don’t feel asain at all. And not surprising thinking ill of them (rude,meanest people) doesn’t earn you warm feeling from asians. I’m siding w/ neither you nor the AF, but I think it might well be the reason. People probably got the impression you areThiking of yourself as being superior than the other cos you’re a hapa.actually most times hapa and asians can get along very well.
That is why I asked you that question. From experience most filippino mixed identifed themselves as caucasians while chinese, jap, korean mixed identifed themselves as hapas. They don’t feel caucasian but rather both asian and caucasian. I think being hapa gives you an edge because you can be educated on both cultures. Absorbing all things caucasian is a great experience, but a hapa feeling alienated from asian identity could miss out on a lot. IMHO he/she fail to take full advantage of an edge they inherently have. Not that there is necasserilary something wrong but why settle for lesser things why god has given us more than enough?
Not that I want to bash you. You have the rights to choose watever you feel is good and more compatible to you…Everyone is entitleed to their option…just add my 2 cents. really Sorry if i’m talking too much.
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 21:38:14 (PST)
Anybody who goes on and on about how hapas/asians are SO much more beautiful than hapas/asians has identity problems and just wants to feel better about themselves. are we settled.
this is what we both agree...sorry ...i'm nitpicking sometimes. don't think i want to start a fight w/ you.
In short, anyone who get bogged dowm w/ this betterlooking thing must be a loser w/ low self-esttem.
Hula girl:
Not all asian girls have the aformentioned features. this is how an asian beauty is supposed to look like, it doesn't mean ALL asian women look like that. the same goes for asian men. The asian look varies upon asian ehtnicities. For example, german men look good w/ their facial features yet german women are not most reknown in europe for their beauty. Hope you get the gist.
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 21:07:35 (PST)
K.Hapa Heart-throb:
Uh...don't call yourself a throb...
Pure Asians guys are WAY WAY hotter than the example of you...no offense...
That's why all my prettier girl hapa friends date pure Asian guys...leaving the lesser to the likes of you...
Comparing the Hapa guys and pure Asian guys that I know...Asian guys tend to be taller...better educated...and totally have depth and charisma...
That's not you now...is it...?
"The girls look like their skin are indeed made of porcelain or jade."
I think Korean girls are very beautiful too...!
Korean guys are the best though...
I am all for FOB Korean guys...Chinese Indonesian guys and animated looking Japanese exchange-student guys...
As for hapas...I agree with all humans are the same...
So right...   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 20:33:20 (PST)
yeah it's true that the phrase "best of both worlds" is more 4 the cultural aspect. having 2 cultures (of course some hapas dont) is an unarguable advantage. hapas are also not as likely to be racist or against IR marriage. it's a product of living in a household with 2 cultures and 2 languages.
to hapa hearthrob:
actually i have seen plenty of very ugly hapas. they counter the beautiful ones. i am more attracted to hapa guys (the hot ones are so handsome) but on whole i dont think that asians are uglier. it evens out and there ARE alot less hapas. so in fact there are more ugly asians because if u take even 1/8 of the number of asians, it is still MUCH more than all hapas combined (ugly or not). percentage wise, i think there are more middle of the road asians than there are middle of the road hapas. hapas tend to b more extreme in looks.
Half Chyna Doll   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 16:46:18 (PST)