Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I am not attracted to tall people. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. |
I'd like to be an inch taller. |
I'm happy with my height. |
I'd like to be an inch shorter. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
wonderful thing in small packages,
"I absolutely love my boyfriend and hes 5'4. Its fine because I am almost exactly the same height as him.
Well, you're probably on your own island far far away..... on another planet with that one.
I'm 5'4" and I like my guys at least 5'10" plus. I can't deal with anyone that's the same height. 5'4" is definitely way too short for my tastes. I would tower him with just 2inch heels, which isn't even that much. Every girl, Asian or any race, that I know feels the same.
Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 09:31:10 (PDT)
To everyone,
I just read the most interesting article. I read that there is such a thing as GENETIC GROWTH POTENTIAL meaning that humans can only average a certain height limit.
While whites and blacks might think they are tall and of course they are on average, Asians and Asian-Americans still have to reach their maximum height potential growing little by little every generation.
Japanese along with their Asian brothers are getting taller. It might not be obvious but they are due to good nutrition regardless of the food they eat. Use Hideo Nomo who stands 6'2. 6'2 was unheard of 20 years ago for a Japanese man. And if you look at the current Japanese prospects, they all average around 6 feet. Look at the current Japanese Minor league prospect for the Boston Red Sox. I forgot his name but he stands at 6'4. He is one of the many others. I can't remember their names because it's so hard to remember. You know how long Japanese names are.
If you live in the West, you'd see each generation of Asian-Americans surpassing the other generation. I'll use my friend Ben for example: He's 5'4, his wife 5'0, and his son a 5'11 14-year-old who was born and raised in the states and ate American.
There is a limit to human height potential.
Being too tall creates too much stress to your skeleton and your spine. There is just a point that mother nature won't go beyond.
It is a fact that Asians are growing taller and will probably equal the other people's height average within 50 to a 100 years because they have yet to catch up.
People will never average to be 7 foot. Seven footers are rare although there are plenty in Northern China where almost all the 7 foot CBA centers come from.
Mother nature will not allow us to reach the average limits. She knows what's good for us to insure the survival of the human race.
Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 08:03:05 (PDT)
Being small is pretty boring. It's the short end of the stick in life. Not that I would know, but it seems a lot of short people suffer from depression that might be caused by their lack of height, as they are always angry at the world. If they weren't so stressed, perhaps they could reverse their genetics and have taller children. Stress and height are highly correlated.
tall dude   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 14:58:19 (PDT)
Another Dude,
You're right. Sorry for including Korea in there. You know what countries I'm talking about. Thanks.
The Dude   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 06:17:32 (PDT)
what is wrong with being small? i think that small and petite is much more cute than big and tall. well that is my personal preference.
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 09:47:39 (PDT)
The Dude
"Nutrition is the only problem here, especially in the poorest nations... Korea, and other poverish Asian Nations."
you probably don't know much about asian geography and economics don't you?. Korea has a GDP of $13,000 per capita. That's not a poor country's wealth level.
Another Dude   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 06:37:01 (PDT)
I absolutely love my boyfriend and hes 5'4. Its fine because I am almost exactly the same height as him. I am not attracted to tall men at all. My boyfriend is wonderful, and I love everything about him ... especially his height. I think asian men that are not so tall, are very attractive. The people that come on here putting them down, is obviously very rude. Asian men are way more attractive than White men. Its a fact. Especially better looking than those tall gangly-Frankenstein looking ones.
wonderful things come in small packages   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 13:20:20 (PDT)
to, short and it sucks. ain't pretending ;
I assume this person is the white dude. B/c he use the same stastic that the white man use to say that 70% of asain are short that is why they worried about height. Now he is saying 70% of asains want's to be taller. We not dumb like you man. Can't fool us.
dum dum   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 05:25:12 (PDT)
Mandy, and Nina DaDumb are both the same ignorant, racist white dude that keeps coming on here putting down Asians. What person would be dumb enough to come on an Asian Website to purposely put down Asians? Whoever this racist white dude is, hes a coward. If he were to be face to face with us he would get his ass severely KICKED!
sick of white racist dudes coming on here!   
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 14:03:50 (PDT)
Let's not talk about how short European males were about 500 yrs ago...
I believe that Henry the 8th of England was about 5'4"... he was then considered a "large, robust, and healthy" man. I saw his personalized battle armour in the Tower of London last year... it would probably fit a 13 year old child today.
Asians ARE catching up i height. We can't call ourselves super-tall, but we're not small either anymore   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 22:09:46 (PDT)
napoleon complex ??? what the hell is this BS that some people keep refering to?...Napoleon was average height back in those days so get your facts right !
stupid trolls   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 20:29:52 (PDT)
Asian people are short because they are stressed? ahh, that explains it. So does that mean tall Asian people shrink when they are old because of stress? New revolutionary discovery!
On the Platter   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 18:49:33 (PDT)
to, short and it sucks. ain't pretending ;
I bet this guys really tall and ugly [ugly face], that is why he is so defensive at someone who mention height vs face. Height only matter to somewhat, but is not extremely important. If your are medium height, your fine and you can do [accomplish and succeed] even better than someone who's tall [or tall tall] in just about anything. Don't let this fool get you down.
height is not the most important thing on earth   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 15:00:46 (PDT)