Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I am not attracted to tall people. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. |
I'd like to be an inch taller. |
I'm happy with my height. |
I'd like to be an inch shorter. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I'm 5'4" and I like my guys at least 5'10" plus. I can't deal with anyone that's the same height. 5'4" is definitely way too short for my tastes. I would tower him with just 2inch heels, which isn't even that much. Every girl, Asian or any race, that I know feels the same.
geez..cathy ..i guess u know some pretty shallow people then huh? but wait they are your kinda crowd no wonder...some of us don't care about the height of a person !
short ,tall who cares   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 22:23:16 (PDT)
Do you also think beauty and stress are also highly correlated? You think that the most beautiful people in the world have less stress than avg. looking people? A thin person has less stress than an overweight man?"
- Jun
Good looking folks probably have their own set of irritants that avg. peeps don't have to deal with. Having goodlooks is not all that bad though. Life could be worse. I happen to fall into the category of goodlooking male.
Some guys might give me static because of this. They may immediately distrust me around their women. They may also try to belittle or humiliate me in public or in front of other women so as to 'even the playing field' a tad. you see, it's not all smooth sailing. However nothing beats when strange women always make eyes at me. I know exactly what's on their mind. And it's hard to say no.
Nice lookin fella   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 17:53:24 (PDT)
Neanderthals are not from the Netherlands. I can see how you (randomly) made that connection. Hehe....
But I do agree that people are abusing statistics to promote their own agenda. I think young Koreans and Japanese and Chinese probably average about 5'9" or so today.
Try Again.   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 17:24:38 (PDT)
"If you're 5'4, and your BF is 5'4, and you happen to be wearing 2" heels, you'll probably be just 1" taller since he'll probably be wearing 1" shoes."
That's still too short. Face it. Every girl wants his ideal guy to be at least 4-5 inches taller than her. It's not discrimination, but just a preference. It's just like how some people would rather be rich than poor. Sure, they might settle with being poor and pretend to like it, but if given a choice, they will ALWAYS choose to be rich. Same thing for height, a girl will settle for a short guy if he's already there, but if she was given a choice, she would definitely pick the tall guy over the short one anyday.
Unsaid Facts   
Monday, August 26, 2002 at 14:04:07 (PDT)
to Ray,
Wow, aren't you an idiot that makes dumb assumptions!
"Use Hideo Nomo who stands 6'2. 6'2 was unheard of 20 years ago for a Japanese man. And if you look at the current Japanese prospects, they all average around 6 feet."
You picking like 0.1% of the entire population to support your little argument. Have you ever been to Japan? I'm 5'11", and I tower almost everyone on the street. Once again, we see an example of a witless analysis.
Yao Ming is 7'5", so all Chinese must be tall? Again, it's just a very very very infinitesimal percentage of the population. People that don't understand extremely peculiar rarities are the worst researchers.
"Being too tall creates too much stress to your skeleton and your spine. There is just a point that mother nature won't go beyond."
If you have a disease, then it might be the case, but you're an ignorant short guy who is making incredible assumptions about something you can't even see if you stood ontop of a chair. Tall people are healthier than you think. My cousins are 6'5" and 6'4", and they're perfectly healthy.
"People will never average to be 7 foot. Seven footers are rare although there are plenty in Northern China where almost all the 7 foot CBA centers come from. "
Again, you don't know what will happen a millenium or two from now. You're not a scientist, and for you to make predictions like that makes you sound rather ifnorant. Neanderthals were barely 5 feet when they roamed the earth, and now we have countries like Netherlands where the average height of men is easily over 6 feet. Evidently, you just don't know what you're talking about.
Why are people so dumb and distort everything   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 22:53:59 (PDT)
tall dude:
Stress and height are not highly correlated. That is a very silly statement.
Do you also think beauty and stress are also highly correlated? You think that the most beautiful people in the world have less stress than avg. looking people? A thin person has less stress than an overweight man?
Stress is a state of mind, a form of worry or anxiousness. It is not a result of a physical condition. Being tall or beautiful may garner one greater social acceptance and popularity, but that says little about one's own state of "worry". If you accept the fact that you're not going to win the prize of "prom queen" or "prom king", then there isn't much for you to worry about, is there? Celebrities are arguably one of the most stressed out people in the world despite their alleged beauty and popularity. Why do you think that might be?
If you're 5'4, and your BF is 5'4, and you happen to be wearing 2" heels, you'll probably be just 1" taller since he'll probably be wearing 1" shoes. A 1" differential is not quite a "towering" difference, esp. if he happens to be "stockier" (bigger overall) than you. Now, if you happen to be stockier than him, then yes, perhaps you'll look quite "butchy" adjacent to him.
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 18:32:19 (PDT)