Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I am not attracted to tall people. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. |
I'd like to be an inch taller. |
I'm happy with my height. |
I'd like to be an inch shorter. |
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What kind of logic is that? What scientific proof do you have of what you said? Cite some studies before putting hateful garbage like this on the message board. I am tired of people putting up completely stupid and unscientific arguments up on this board. So African Americans must be the most stress free people in this country.
Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 06:20:16 (PDT)
Why are short people dumb,
Dah. The average American height has shrunk from 5'10 to 5'9. Go read some science book. White Americans are getting shorter. Black Americans as well while Hispanics and Asian-Americans are getting taller every year.
Part of that reason is because of mother nature, including some other aspects. The tallest people nowdays are the Dutch who on average stand at 5'10 though some scientist agree that it will shrink dramatically just like how American height decreased.
Tall people on average have a harder time going around. American and Europeans are the fattest people in the world. I found it easier to escape in times of desperation. I could climb walls easier and hop over the fence in seconds. Tall and fat people would have a hard time doing that. There are pluses in being small as well as being tall. I admit that I'm not all that tall at 5 foot and 8 inches, but I am four inches taller than my father. What's my height got to do with the issue? Just look at how long those seven footers last in sports. They don't on average last long. Manute Bol was the tallest man ever to join the NBA at 7 foot 7 inches and was proned to injury throughout his career. Look at how tall Shawn Bradley is who stands at 7 foot 6. He is drained from injuries all the time. And look at how slow Shaq is. He's strong and all, but suffered some injuries all throughout his career. The bigger they are, the harder they fall adage is absolutely true. When they fall, they fall hard. He probably has another 3 years of his career left. He is afterall already rumored of retiring soon. Biggest guys don't last long compared to the other somewhat taller guys. The taller you are, the more stressed your bones are. Enroll in a science class and you will see that this is true. That is why taller guys and bigger people are slower than those smaller guys on average. The same thing applies to Yao Ming who stands at 7 foot 6 although he does move like 6 foot 5 as scouts claim. He probably will last at least 11 years. Though I truly support him, I have to admit that all this hype about him is out of the line. Let him play and just see what he can do. There are many guys out there like Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks who many thought was worthless, but managed to keep skeptics silenced. Trunker Traylor or Dirk Nowitzki? Which man has led his team to the playoffs? Dirk Nowitzki of course.
You write a bit like that idiot named Kerry on some posts.
Don't try to deny it because I have straight A's in science and English. I Could identify ones handwriting from miles away.
People were shorter then of course because of poor nutrition, but that growth spurt will stop. Read some science articles or something, fool! You're as dumb as you are ignorant.
You're an ignorant fool who's jealous of Asians because they are smarter and more well-off than you'll ever be, you racist fool. Asians are indeed getting taller slowly. It's a slow process, but it's true. You're one of those people who don't ever want to see Asians as the tallest plus the smartest. Live with it, man; nature has said stop.
Genetic growth potential. read about it thoroughly. you might learn something. unlike you, i have done some research.
you do nothing but chastise and support your so called race.
taller and bigger is better adage is a myth set-up to chastise the smaller people. look at the heavyweight division. most of those champions were smaller than the average heavyweight but knocked out those taller guys. tyson, marciano, david tua, joe lewis, muhamed ali, joe frasier, micheal moorer, and spinks are all short or small heavyweights who knocked out almost every big men that they got their hands on in their prime. even chris byrd who is only 200 pounds knocked out a 6 foot 7 250 pound giant. I'm not going to name the boxer because it is embarrasing.
Recent survey states that American people who were once the tallest people now have shrunk.
Taller people are more prone to injuries. I'd rather be short than to be proned like that.
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 20:19:09 (PDT)
About taking growth hormones (for children still growing). I just read an article that, after an extensive scientific study, the average child regularly taking this will become an average of 1.4 inches taller upon adulthood.
Considering it costs $15,000 to $20,000 per year for the growth hormones, and the increased risk of cancer, I think elevator shoes are a much better option.
B. Lee   
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 20:13:59 (PDT)
Genetics and nutrition play are critical role in height, but there is also correlation between stress and your pituary glands. People that were stressful children generally never achieved their full height potential. That's why you see so many short Asians, and they are typically so stressed and full of animosity. If they had let that animosity go in the youths, they might have grown taller.
Stress = short. Short = stress.   
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 14:24:15 (PDT)
for those that are short there is a operatiopn where you can lenghting your limb. They do that in china for $15,000.
Also take growth hormones. This can also make you taller but, there are side effects like getting a huge jaw or really big hands. If not there is always shows lifts.
I feel sorry for little people.   
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 13:20:40 (PDT)
Nice lookin fella,
Stress comes from all areas of life and is not limited to one's feeling of inadequacy as a result of height or beauty. Moreover, I think, most people have learned to accept their appearance and height, and for them, it is not a source of "stress". For most people, neither of these things are a source of much anything unless they happen to be at the outlier (very very short, very very tall, very very ugly); but even if it was a source of some irritation, it would be just one irritation among many many others in life.
Furthermore, stressing out over one's height or appearance is arguably very circumstantial. While a short ugly single guy may stress over his lack of physical charm (as he perceives it to be a stumbling block to getting dates), he'll probably not think much of it once he has a girlfriend or is married. At this point, his appearance is no longer an issue for him. He has other things to stress out about: career, retirement, and his children.
Do you think that a fat ugly woman married with 3 kids stresses out over the fact that she's fat and ugly? Probably not. Would she if she was single? Probably, or at least, more so.
Do you think a short rich guy with lots of chicks really cares that he's short? Do you think he's stressed out about that? Probably not. Would he, if he was poor and short, and didn't have any girlfriends? Probably so, if he perceives his height to be an impediment to getting more dates.
Height is just one factor among many things in life that can give one an advantage or disadvantage, but it's not the only factor, or even really the most important factor. To be fair, intelligence and personality far outweighs height.
But within the Asian community, height has arguably become an exaggerated attribute and a focal point of examination, no doubt, because Asians ARE shorter than Whites on average (regardless of all the stories to the contrary on this board about how TALL and BIG Asians are or going to be). Asians feel insecure, and they aspire to be White or better than White: they want to be tall like them, look like them, and be cool like them. Whites are the archetype for beauty and we're trying to measure up to their standards. And if that means we have to eat more cheese and pizza in order to get bigger (and fatter), we'll gladly do it (actually, we are doing it).
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 12:45:11 (PDT)
Unsaid Facts,
The debate is not about whether people prefer taller or more beautiful or more intelligent or more healthy or more athletic or wealthier (the answers are obvious).
The contentions is with her use of the word "tower" (over him) with her measly 2" heels. If two people are the same height, no one is gonna tower over anyone with a 2" advantage (actually, just 1", assuming that the guy is wearing 1" shoes).
If she prefers someone 4-5" taller than herself, then just say so; don't create the false impression that just because she's wearing high heels, she's gonna be "towering" over someone who is the same height as she is. The use of hyporbole creates a very false impression.
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 12:07:08 (PDT)