

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 20%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 44%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 28%
I am not attracted to tall people. | 8%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. | 43%
I'd like to be an inch taller. | 27%
I'm happy with my height. | 26%
I'd like to be an inch shorter. | 4%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Man is Ray retarded or what!

Say what you will. So are you saying that David Tua, Tyson, Marciano, Spinks are weak? Apparently you don't have any knowledge of anything. Shorter boxers are known for their power and speed not skills.

These men got into boxing for money or through the family.

Marciano(181 pounds, 5 foot 10) who always knocks out anyone 40 pounds to 60 pounds heavier than him got into boxing because he had to feed his family not because he got beat up. Tyson (230 pounds, 5 foot 11) had no education so he turned to boxing. David Tua (221-45 pounds, 5 foot 9) felt that it was his duty to become a boxer because of his fighting family tradition. The taller you are the more likely you are to be imbalanced. That is why shorter boxers are also known for their good chin. Have you ever wondered why in Gymnastics they don't want you to be tall? If you are six feet in gymnastics, the more prone you are to injuries and imbalance. The heavier you are, Gravity pulls you down more. Being tall does not mean people are intimidated by you at the least. Most Americans are fat or overally skinny for their height. Most tall people who visit Hawaii and Samoa are intimitated by the bulkness of these people. Just ask anyone who's been there because they are strong as heck. There was only one Samoan who stood at 5 feet 11 at 290 pounds of muscle bulkness in my high school and tall people were all afraid to go near him, partly because he could crush anyone in two. Taller and bigger people take longer time to heal injuries, especially broken bones because they naturally have to consume more food, especially meat which is filled with Lysine, the protein most responsible for healing.

Take the Strongest Man competition for example: Most of the competitors are not tall at all compared to the Dutch and Americans.

Shaq maybe fast at times, but he is still slow compared to Kobe and the others who are smaller. Either way you put it, he is slow. Even his speed is rare for a man his size. Do you even know how much food he consumes? I don't think so.

So your cousins are 6 feet 4, ha? I'm sorry, my boy but that's hardly 7 feet. It's not rare to see people that height these days.

The taller and bigger you are, the more food you consume and most likely starve to death earlier than the shorter or less heavier person. In a desert Isle, the taller person with the same stature and same health than the shorter person will die earlier. That's a fact. If everyone keeps on growing, mother nature will be in disaster especially in times of constant storms where many of the food supply is lacking, thus only insuring the extinction of the human race.

Who knows when another meteor or a major catastrophic storm will hit the earth? Nobody knows. Food supply was what killed the Dinosaurs not the meteor itself.
That is why mother nature is considered to be an enemy when it comes to growing crops. Without vegetables and fruits to grow, Cows and other animals won't have food and without cows, there wouldn't be meat for us to eat. Do you people even know what it's like to be a farmer or a rancher? It is very difficult even with the present machineries used and very dangerous. That is why farmers are decreasing by great numbers. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.


If someone ever visits Hawaii or Samoa, don't ever look them in the eye, especially the Samoans. They will beat you up. My Samoan classmate told me and my other multiracial classmates this. It is considered to be an insult by many in the Hawaiian, especially in the Samoan community.

If you happen to be a foreigner in a poor country, don't ever show off your muscles by wearing tank tops or other clothing that may obviously show it. Gangs and people who might think you're proving something will hunt you down.

In the Philippines, ones life is worth less than 20 dollars because it is so easy to find professionals who are willing to do the job. In countries like India and Mexico, it may be less. And don't ever act like you own the place either.

If you want to have a pleasant trip, I strongly suggest that you take my advise. That is, if you want to live and go back home.


Asian Dude,

The Dutch stand 5 feet 10 inches on average not 6 feet. They've recently earned that title from the U.S. Where did you get those statistics? That is a lie! Full blown lie!

Peace to you too.

Despite of what evidence I may deliver to you, all you guys do is complain and insult me so I'm not even going to bother the next time.
Ray    Monday, September 02, 2002 at 08:59:03 (PDT)    []
i agree w/ Jerry. Some people are posting things that make absolutely no sense. I think that alot of people (short AND tall) are just SO insecure so they come to places like these and just bash other people in order to make themselves feel better. NOt everyone is like this, but many are.
Hennrax    Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 12:09:04 (PDT)

You seem to have the basic idea down, but you really need to get the facts and statistics down pat if you're gonna go around quoting numbers like you know them top-to-bottom. The height of the average American male, regardless of race, is 5 feet 9 5/8 inches. That's 176cm. The Dutch are 183.1 cm on average, or 6 feet to the dot. Now THAT is a fact. The dutch are NOT 5'10" on average, and Americans are NOT shrinking... wtf is that about? Their height is static and has been for the last 10 years. No body is shrinking, FYI. Haha...

"And look at how slow Shaq is. He's strong and all, but suffered some injuries all throughout his career."

and regarding that comment, I cannot say what rubbish that is. I'm not a Laker fan, but Shaq IS fast. He puts spin moves on his opposing centers and does coast-to-coast dunks on a regular basis. Enough with the utterly meaningless, bombastic comments already.
Asian Dude    Friday, August 30, 2002 at 14:05:18 (PDT)

Stop trying to analysis and predict the limitations of human height because you're short yourself. Stop trying to write dumb essays to make yourself feel better. It's nonsense. Your analysis of Asian height was absolute garbage, at best. Who cares how tall one or two guys are? You're an idiot abusing statistics and using only a fraction of a fraction of 1% of the entire population. You claim to get straight A's, but your writing proves otherwise. You just seem like an lost idiot that's missing the big picture. Next time, do your research thoroughly before you present a lousy post. The school districts in your neighborhood must have had extraordinary bad funding to accept such low standards to give easy A's.

"look at the heavyweight division. most of those champions were smaller than the average heavyweight but knocked out those taller guys. tyson, marciano, david tua, joe lewis, muhamed ali, joe frasier, micheal moorer, and spinks are all short or small heavyweights who knocked out almost every big men that they got their hands on in their prime. even chris byrd who is only 200 pounds knocked out a 6 foot 7 250 pound giant."

You are such a myopic fool. Very tall and big people generally don't box. They just don't need to. When they were little, they weren't the ones getting picked on and being bullied. It's generally the small ones that go to ring to toughen up. The smaller boxers onyl beat the bigger boxers based on boxing skills, not strength or power or endurance. You really don't know anything. You should really THINK for once.

"Taller people are more prone to injuries. I'd rather be short than to be proned like that."

Once again, another retarded guess by a short guy who has no idea of what being tall is like. My cousins are 6'4" and 6'5", and they are as healthy and athletic as anybody. Just because you're vertically challenged, you don't have to make up lame invalid excuses.
Man.... is Ray a retarded one or what!    Friday, August 30, 2002 at 11:47:40 (PDT)