

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 20%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 44%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 28%
I am not attracted to tall people. | 8%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. | 43%
I'd like to be an inch taller. | 27%
I'm happy with my height. | 26%
I'd like to be an inch shorter. | 4%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
hey Ray,

I can see where you might have gotten your figures:

All I did was hit "dutch average height" in the Yahoo! search engine. Which is probably exactly what you did.

Btw, according to this, the avg height of 178cm (5'10") that you came up with is for men for in 1950! Are you really that concerned with men that are in their 50s now? I thought so.

Anyway, another site I found had some other things to say:

This site claims that the average YOUNG dutch is indeed 183 cm, or 6 feet. The overall height however, old men included, is 179 cm. Still quite tall. So please, don't call me a liar. You sound very insecure.

So anyway, what does this indicate? It indicates that since the affluence in these Northern European nations has reached its zenith, the avg height has (and will) stay constant in those countries. The natural physiology of the human skeleton does not allow homo sapiens to grow to supernatural average heights. The stress on the muscles/skeletons would be too great. That is why you see some very tall men that are sickly. So no, you won't be seeing scores of 7'5" Dutch walking the streets of Amsterdam in the next 10 years. Unless humans go into a new evolutionary direction where skeletal structure is greatly enhanced in stregnth, any more radical growth in average height is unlikely.

The article brings up many interesting insights into the relationship between height and wealth (which translates into better healthcare, less stress, better nutrition/exercise, etc.). It claims that in the next 5 years or so, the avg. height of Southern Europeans will catch upto those of Northern Europe.

So what does this bode for Asian nations? It probably means that they'll grow too. I am Korean, and I think that the next generation of Koreans will average 175cm (5'9") or so, which is only slightly shorter than Northern Europeans on average. I'm 177cm (5'9 3/4"). Not bad, eh? I would be considered juuust about average in Northern Europe. Perhaps Northern Chinese will average more, who knows.
Asian Guy    Monday, September 02, 2002 at 13:54:36 (PDT)    []

Damn, after reading that, it's so easy to tear apart your last essay because it made absolutely no sense. Just like your previous analyses, you're pulling facts out of your ass and making ridiculously illogical points. Now those straight A's that you claimed that you got in school, were those from special ed class???

Ray wrote:
"Tyson (230 pounds, 5 foot 11) had no education so he turned to boxing."

No, Tyson turned to boxing because he was tired of getting beat up. He went to his first boxing gym right after he got mugged for his bike when he was 12. Eight years later, he was heavyweight champion of the world. Hello. Everyone knows that.

Ray wrote:
"David Tua (221-45 pounds, 5 foot 9) felt that it was his duty to become a boxer because of his fighting family tradition."

Again, you're making HUGE assumptions just based on one particular individual. That's the idiotic way of presenting your point because it's so rare that it should be left off. David Tua is an extremely rarity, just like how 7-5 Yao Ming is an extreme rarity. Like I said, you're using a fraction of a fraction of 1% to make your meaningless point. Do you know ever know how to read statistics????

Ray wrote:
"The taller you are the more likely you are to be imbalanced. That is why shorter boxers are also known for their good chin."

2 words: Lennox Lewis

6'5" 255. beats all the shorties up.

DAMN. Why are you making these retarded generalizations and contradicting the obvious? Boxing is a sport that requires skill as much as power. Most people that generally enter the boxing gym are short. If you go to a boxing gym in America now and find 50 kids, more than a decent percentage of them are probably short and have been physically abused by their peers. This is why there seems to be a number of wellknown and skillful short boxers in the heavyweight division because there are so many to choose from in the first place. But overall, your reasoning is retarded. To dismiss body mass in boxing is ludicrous. It's like you suggesting that height is not a necessary advantage in basketball. What??? You're going to name examples like 5'3" Muggsy Bogues or 5'7" Spud Webb or 5'5" Earl Boykins to make your stupid case?

Please, don't do that. Use some COMMON SENSE.

Ray wrote:
"The heavier you are, Gravity pulls you down more."

Again, you demonstrate that you're an idiot in other topics as well. Unless the item is a feather, mass has nothing to do with gravity acceleration! A basketball and a truck will fall down to the ground at the same speed from the same height. Shape and air friction might shift the acceleration a little bit, but if you're comparing two gymnasts, a 4'11" girl will just fall as fast as a 6'10" person. There are reasons why gymnasts tend to be short, but the reason is not gravitational pull. You would have known this common knowledge if you had paid attention in physics class. Sure, Ray. Or did they even go over that stuff with you in special ed?

Ray wrote:
"Being tall does not mean people are intimidated by you at the least."

So you're suggesting that Muggsy Bogues is just as intimidating as Shaq? You are a hopelessly lost one. When will your garbage analysis stop?

Ray wrote:
"There was only one Samoan who stood at 5 feet 11 at 290 pounds of muscle bulkness in my high school and tall people were all afraid to go near him"

Anyone that's 290 at any height would be heavy to deal with. What's your point? You have a huge propensity to present the extreme cases. How many 5'11" 290pound Samoans have you encountered in your life? Get real. You're the kind of moron that would misread the general averages and only look at the 99 percentiles. That's lousy research.

Ray wrote:
"Taller and bigger people take longer time to heal injuries"

Why are you making these dumb claims again? You wouldn't know because you're only 5'8". It takes a lot to damage a tall and big guy, but it only takes a small hit to dent someone like you.

Ray wrote:
"especially broken bones because they naturally have to consume more food, especially meat which is filled with Lysine, the protein most responsible for healing."

Uhm... here's a thought: Have you ever wondered that tall and big people might eat MORE than short and small people??? Do you have any concept of proportionality?

Ray wrote:
"Take the Strongest Man competition for example: Most of the competitors are not tall at all compared to the Dutch and Americans."

One competitor was 6'6" 320.

yea, he's really short. whatever.

Ray wrote:
"Shaq maybe fast at times, but he is still slow compared to Kobe and the others who are smaller. Either way you put it, he is slow."

you are truly a fool. look at his weight. shaq is obese. you're comparing a 7' 350lb big ass to a swift 6'7" 220 guard??? do you ever make any sense???? look at keon clark. he's almost a 7-footer, and he's just as quick as the smaller players.

ray wrote:
"the taller and bigger you are, the more food you consume and most likely starve to death earlier than the shorter or less heavier person."

starve to death????? lmao. when was the last time you heard a normal person starve to death?? unless you're homeless or living in somalia or another third world country, starvation is not going to be the reason for your death. why are you bringing this stupid reason up? do you know somebody that died because they didn't have enough dinner the night before?? your analysis is getting more and more patheitc to the point that i think you're just purposely being sarcastic because daaaaaaamn, nobody can be this retarded!!!!!

Ray wrote:
"If everyone keeps on growing, mother nature will be in disaster especially in times of constant storms where many of the food supply is lacking, thus only insuring the extinction of the human race."

Read that sentence above. If you are not retarded, are you stoned?

Ray wrote:
"Who knows when another meteor or a major catastrophic storm will hit the earth? Nobody knows."

Going way off the tangent!!! You went from height to meteors. No correlation. Whatever you were smoking when you wrote this, pass some over. Right now, you're just making no sense to anyone.

Ray wrote:
"Food supply was what killed the Dinosaurs not the meteor itself. "

Now we're talking about dinosaurs now?????? From height to meteors to dinosaurs. What's next? The alignment of the stars in the galaxy predict that people will shrink to approximately 4 feet 6 inches tall after the third millenium??

Ray wrote:
"Do you people even know what it's like to be a farmer or a rancher?"

And uhm..... do you even know what it's like to be an idiot?

I think you do.

Ray wrote:
"If someone ever visits Hawaii or Samoa, don't ever look them in the eye, especially the Samoans. They will beat you up."

Uh huh. Don't swim in the ocean. Because there are sharks in there and they will eat you. And don't sleep with the lights off because the boogie man will get you!

Oh man. I can't respond to your crap anymore. My friends and I, and even our teachers would have a FIELD DAY with you if you were ever in one of our classes. Straight A's my ass.
Ray is just a stoned kid    Monday, September 02, 2002 at 12:28:44 (PDT)    []

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