Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I am not attracted to tall people. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. |
I'd like to be an inch taller. |
I'm happy with my height. |
I'd like to be an inch shorter. |
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Here a little pyshics crib sheets to straighten out this debate
I. Force = Mass x Acceleration
Gravity = Acceleration
Hence, larger individual hit the floor harder when they fall.
II. For a see-saw to remain in equilibrium
distance(a) x force(a) = distance(b) x force(b)
This shows that the longer the arm of a level the less downward force is necessary to exert upward force on the other side.
Without getting into the symbolic represention of a length of bone. We can intuitively see the longer the length of bone, the less force will be needed to be used on the ends to cause a break in the middle.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 10:50:51 (PDT)
you wrote:
"The bigger object when it drops falls at the same time as the smaller object but the bigger object falls harder."
Now you're completely reversing your position. That has nothing to do with gravity. Gravity has the same effect on virtually all common items.
you wrote:
"Take a feather and a baseball ball for example. They would fall at the same time, but the baseball will fall harder while the feather will not make a sound."
You cannot be more wrong. According to the laws of gravity, they SHOULD fall at the same rate, but they won't. The feather is shaped in a way that it would produce air friction to let it float a bit in the air before it falls to the ground. The bat would fall just straight down because its air friction is minimal to nearly nonexistent.
Are you still claiming to have straight A's? haha. Tell me you were a C- student, at best, and I promise not to pick on you anymore.
you wrote:
"And take two sticks with the same density and mass. The longer stick will be easier to break than the shorter stick. "
Do you even know what you're talking about? Why are you bringing science into your discussion when it appears that you don't even have a decent grasp of the very basic meanings? The formula for Density is Mass/Volume. When you say two sticks have the same density and mass, you are implying that they also have the same volume. You're assuming that there's a longer stick and a shorter stick. If that is the case, then the longer stick would be thinner than the shorter stick, and most likely, the shorter stick would be easier to break. Think of a long thin tree branch vs. a big thick short piece of wood. If you understand what volume is, you would comprehend this.
you wrote:
"One time his friend who's in the same health as him sprained his ankle just a day after him. It took his friend just a week to recover while he took 2-3 weeks. He noticed it too that the bigger guys do take longer time heal."
You are operating under the assumption that they both had the same level of injury in the sprain. Has it ever occured to you that taller players tend to play a more physical game in basketball because they're probably playing the 4 or 5 spot? Maybe you haven't played enough hoops to realize that commonly known fact yet, but they do. Those positions can really take a toll on a person's body and cause a lot of physical damage. Tall and big people in sports are only susceptible to higher injuries because they engage in more physical contact than the short and smaller guy. You, being only 5'8", probably never played anything rough in your life to understand.
Ray, you're being   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 08:42:12 (PDT)
Ray is just a stupid kid!
Put it this way. Of course they fall in the same acceleration, but it does not mean that the consistency of the weight is the same. The bigger object when it drops falls at the same time as the smaller object but the bigger object falls harder.
Take a feather and a baseball ball for example. They would fall at the same time, but the baseball will fall harder while the feather will not make a sound.
And take two sticks with the same density and mass. The longer stick will be easier to break than the shorter stick. The longer bar will be easier to bend. One can do those examples themselves.
My friend, a 20 year-old African-American male who has grown to 6 foot 11 knows this quite well. He envies his colleagues because of his proneness to injury. He heals longer he claims and has to consistently swallow amino pills more often than his 6 foot 6 and under colleagues. There is nothing wrong with him, by the way. He is in perfect health as claimed in his physical. 6 foot 6 to 6 foot 7 is the perfect height for shooting guards and point guards and even small forwards. Power forwards should be at least 6 foot 9 and above.
Believe me or not, he did play against Yao Ming about 4 years ago when Yao was not 7 foot 5.
One time his friend who's in the same health as him sprained his ankle just a day after him. It took his friend just a week to recover while he took 2-3 weeks. He noticed it too that the bigger guys do take longer time heal.
Asian Guy,
Sorry, if I called you stupid.
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 17:40:17 (PDT)
Actually dude, you DID call me a liar.
You Said:
"Asian Dude,
The Dutch stand 5 feet 10 inches on average not 6 feet. They've recently earned that title from the U.S. Where did you get those statistics? That is a lie! Full blown lie!
Peace to you too."
Thanks for your kind words, but you should watch your mouth... you have a tendency to constantly embarrass yourself.
Asian Guy... kinda getting sick of your big-headedness.   
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 16:10:27 (PDT)
I tore you up so badly in the last one. are you still begging for more sand in the face? if last post was your best way of saving face, you really did a lousy job. Think about it. Nobody takes more physical punishment than shaq, so of course he's getting more banged up than anybody. It was the same with Barkely. Put any other player in his position, and he wouldn't even be playing in the league anymore. You obsession with Tua is understandable because he's Asian. I think he's impressive for an Asian too, but you need a big does of reality check. You make it seem like he's the #1 heavyweight contender in the world. Even I'm Asian and I can see the difference. Get real. You really have better examples becauase you already mentioned him 3-4 times. Are you that lame with your arguments? Is there any hope for you to form an intelligent point. just once? please, you're boring us here.
Ray, I really have no problem exposing your ignorance each time, but right now, i'd rather just cut my toe nails. It's useless to argue with those whose intellect level are a mere dozen notches below mine. Straight A's my ass, Ray. So let me ask you something: did they put you in special ed class because you were half retarded or fully retarded?
PS: Mass has nothing to do with gravity, you f---in idiot. Disrgarding elements of air friction in the form of the entity, a wine bottle and a cargo ship will fall to the ground at the same acceleration. Any high school kid knows that. Ray, do you ever listen to advice? Do your research and open a physics book before you talk science to me because you're really making yourself look like a fool each time.
Ray is just a stupid kid.   
Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 18:05:57 (PDT)
Asian guy,
Glad to hear that you at least have a decent amount of understanding. You got me right on the mark; that's exactly what I was stating all along. Unlike this other guy, you actually have brains.
I got my statistics on a science magazine so sorry if the information I read was untrue. I did not call you a lier. Thanks for the new insight.
Ray is just a stoned kid,
Hello! Lennox Lewis fights old people and people he knows he can beat. And Tyson lost on purpose so he can have another bout with him. Lennox Lewis is 1% as you would claim. You know how boxing is, you idiot. Tua, on the day they fought had a bruised rib unabling him to freely move.
"One competitor is 6'6." That's hardly that tall. That's normal, my boy!
Have you ever wondered why many athletes swallow those Amino pills? Those things are filled with lysine to speed up recovery and can be used to somewhat inhance your height if used properly at a young age like 14-18. Some High school Basketball coaches actually reinforce them because it is not illegal, although they tell them to keep them a secret if possible.
Is my writing to hard for you to understand? You seem to be a guy who comes from the sewers. Once again you used only one example.
Take a look at the condition Shaq is in. He's about to have Kidney surgery and toe surgery. He won't play for at least 8-10 weeks. That's two months and is about 1/4 of the season. That's alot of time to recover. Big people take longer time to heal period.
Have you ever wondered why most players who dominate in the NFL are relatively short and underweight compared to those who don't are the ones who make most of the touchdowns. If I use an example you might use it against me so I'm not going to bother. You are truly a man who uses 1%. Smaller players are faster and more mobile. The Patriots and the Denver Broncos know this quite well.
You compare 4'11 to 6'10. What on earth was that? Compare it to at least six feet.
George Karl, who recently lost to Argentina knows the importance of the balance of height and speed, putting somewhat smaller guys out there in the court.
Any man who is bulky is intimidating. Dah! That's exactly what I was trying to say. Apparently, you don't know English very well. You keep on stating that tall people are intimidating, you fool! It's hardly the case.
And yes, gravity does pull you down more you fool. You are just so ignorant that you keep using your insults as your excuses. Martial Artists know this for a fact. They know the balance of importance of height, weight, and speed. The bigger you are, the harder you fall..... Even basketball coaches know that. You're probably just a ten-year-old kid who's too proud.
If you want to test whether I am joking about the insult thing that Samoans and Hawaiians take so seriously, go there to Samoa and find out yourself. You will take me seriously when you go to the hospital in a critical condition. And go to those third world countries and try to act like you own the place. You will get kidnapped or killed without a trace. Just you try. I dare you, you fool! You have no common sense. I've been to third world countries and I know the importance of keeping it low. My friend, a Caucasian male who stands 6 foot 5 knows it well.
Everything has a correlation, its beginning and its end.
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 08:01:59 (PDT)