Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I am not attracted to tall people. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. |
I'd like to be an inch taller. |
I'm happy with my height. |
I'd like to be an inch shorter. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I'm definately happy with my height. I'm 18, and I stand at 6'2" (tall for a Filipino guy). I know I have a couple more years to grow an inch or so, but, if all else fails and I don't grow anymore, I'm more than happier! You guys have to love your height, coz it represents "you". My cousins (maternal), are just as happy as I am with their heights. My guy cousins are about my height, and the girls are at around 5'7"-5'9" (depends which one!). I NEVER felt bad about my height, not even once. Just something I wanted to say. Peace and laters....
JP janpaul106@hotmail.com   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 13:32:48 (PDT)
That post was taken from Pravda, the Russian newspaper. In no way was I suggesting that the Vietnamese were the tallest or growing at a rate to surpass the heights of Koreans or Chinese.
If you read carefully, the post just stated that the Vietnamese male grew up 5 cm and females by 4 cm in the last 25 years, but stayed remained shorter and smaller than Chinese, Japanese, Singaporeans and even Laotians. The post suggested the Vietnamee, though made great strides, need to have an even more balanced diet to grow even faster.
BTW, I am not Vietnamese nor Southeast Asian.
Asians Are Growing Taller   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 22:02:14 (PDT)
hey buddy...or whateva your name is...
stop attacking Ray .. the guy is trying to say is being tall isn't everything so cut him some slack! I was in NY last week when david wells the yanks pitcher all 6-4" and 240 got his butt kick (he lost some teeth ) by a puny 5-6" bartender...which goes to show being tall and big doesn't help much in a street fight or in life
Ray's mate   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 21:21:11 (PDT)
This might have been asked before. What do you believe is the best height difference between a couple? a couple inches? between 3-5 inches? greater than 6 inches?
I would say 3-5, b/c of personal preferences. I only ask this question because 44% of you say it's a key attractive factor.
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 19:24:19 (PDT)
IĞve been in Holland, and the dutch average, at least, 6"0, nowdays... Hey iĞm 5"10 and iĞm sure about 70% of the men there were taller than me. My friend, who was with me and heĞs 6"4, would come across lots of guys taller than him! And iĞm sure the danish, the swedish, the norwegian and the icelandic are in the 5"11-&"0 branch as iĞve met several. Plus, theyĞre well built. If you see Strongman competitions, most of them are from these nordic countries. And strongmen average at least 6"2...
Filipe, 5"10   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 06:13:19 (PDT)
are you tall and good looking? If you are, then you've got it made. But if ur tall and gangly or ugly, then ur doubly , as a woman.
thas how I see it   
Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 21:36:24 (PDT)
"Why is it that I, a half Asian female, am considered extraordinarily tall at 5'8 1/2" (ok, ok I'm actually closer to 5'9") but a man of the same height (in the US or, say, Norway) is just "average", or even "short"?"
-"Tall" is tall because it might be too tall to be dominated by a "Napoleon" type of man. Maybe feminism has gained as much "progress" in Scandinavia because the women there are tall enough.
I don't understand some males' preference for much smaller women, either, e.g. Bantu-males and Pygmy females to name an extreme. Perhaps such men don't even realize that their wives human.
rare stuff   
Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 19:15:44 (PDT)
which is more likely to be true?
being tall: an unattractive, fatal flaw
being short: an unattractive, fatal flaw
Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 18:11:08 (PDT)
Not to sound arrogant, but SouthEast Asians aren't exactly the torch-bearers in the 'growing height' department. Koreans average 173cm if I remember correctly, and Chinese 174cm. Both could be upto an inch (2.5cm)taller by the next generation. It's great to hear that Viets are getting taller and healthier, but if you're insinuating that they are 'tall' by overall standards, I'm afraid your assertion falls flat on it's face.
Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 14:18:23 (PDT)
Ray your being.
I apologize if I wrote a wrong statement that caused a quite of confusion. It was my fault. And yes bigger people do play against tougher oppositions. I know that for a fact when I watch my friend play, an African-American male who towers over me like an eiffel tower at 6'11. No pun intended, but when he plays he tends to play against people his own size. Center against center and that position is really injury prone. And of course it depends on the position the player is playing. He plays center and I could relate to what you're saying as well.
And yes I probably would not know what stress means in the basketball level. I play basketball for fun and I must admit that I suck really bad. I do however play baseball and I could most definitely relate on how much stress pitching brings to a player's arm. It hurts really bad when something happens to cause an injury. I mean it hurts like there's something consistently trying to pull my arm in two. That's how I feel when my arm is really stressed or injured.
By the way,
Thanks for not writing a lot of bad remarks like insults. There are some, but it has shown to be more appealing for me and I enjoy it much more.
AC Dropout,
Thanks for somewhat supporting me with your post regarding those doubts.
Asians are getting taller,
That was a really interesting post. Thanks.
For Dodger Fans,
It really sucks that Cash Ishii is out for the rest of the season caused by concussion and skull fracture when he was hit by a baseball. With the condition the Dodger's pitching staff is in, it does not look pretty good for L.A. Nomo is doing pretty good, but the others are struggling like Daal and Brown.
Friday, September 13, 2002 at 14:56:20 (PDT)
The guys up this biatch are just ramming this Ray kid! The line is a mile long! Ray, maybe it's time you threw down the towel, eh?
This is too funny.   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 16:13:21 (PDT)
Why is it that I, a half Asian female, am considered extraordinarily tall at 5'8 1/2" (ok, ok I'm actually closer to 5'9") but a man of the same height (in the US or, say, Norway) is just "average", or even "short"?
I sometimes think that I want to shrink at least five inches, then I realize, "Hey, do I really want everyone to have to look down on me?" Of course not. Taller women get taken more seriously in the professional world, anyway. And someday, I'm sure I will find that mythical creature:a man who does not see my height as some kind of unattractive, fatal flaw.
Elizabeth LadyElizabeth@asianavenue.com   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 16:01:27 (PDT)
Within the last 25 years, the average Vietnamese man became 5 cm taller, while the average Vietnamese woman became 4 cm. According to RIA ÎNovostiâ, this was shown by the results of scientific monitoring carried out by Vietnamese specialists. Since 1996, the scientists have studied a large group of people within the ages of 6-20. The height of the average Vietnamese man today is 1,67 m, while his weight is 53,3 kg; the average Vietnamese woman is 1,54 m tall and weighs 47 kg. The Vietnamese suppose the these figures are comparatively small. For example, average heights and weights in China, Japan, Singapore are larger. Football-players from Vietnam are even smaller than sportsmen from neighbouring Laos. According to the scientists, the reason is that diet of the Vietnamese people is not balanced enough.
See http://english.pravda.ru/fun/2002/02/08/26299.html
Asians Are Growing Taller   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 15:21:18 (PDT)