

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 20%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 44%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 28%
I am not attracted to tall people. | 8%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. | 43%
I'd like to be an inch taller. | 27%
I'm happy with my height. | 26%
I'd like to be an inch shorter. | 4%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
...Height is all relative. So what if you're 5"0 or 6"2? it's the personality that creates "how tall" you truly are. Work on that, and you can be a five foot superhero.
giantshortstuff    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 02:24:42 (PDT)    []
Did anyone see the latest UFC? It was actually pretty boring. Caol Uno beat Din Thomas by unanimous decision, and BJ Penn beat Matt Serra, also by a decision. This sets up an interesting Uno vs. Penn match up.

The main event was Randy Coutre vs. Ricco Rodriguez. Ricco proved to be too much with his ground and pound, and TKO'd Coutre, becoming the new heavyweight champ.

The next event should be epic. Ken Shamrock faces off against Tito Ortiz. I might even go down in person to Vegas to check that one out.
TSJ    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 21:18:37 (PDT)    []

[Mention their heights if you want to stay in this discussion, hombre. --Ed]
I don't think height really matters when it comes down to street fighting. I am a caucasian male whose about 6'3 220ilbs and i would have to say i lost a couple of fights to smaller but quicker guys. When your in a fight, its not your size that dictates the outcome of the fight but your skill level. To say that charles barkley can beat up bruce lee is insane. One is a basketball player who only knows how to dunk and shoot; while the other kicks ass for a living. To sum it up, size does not matter , its the skills that does.
johnevans    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 16:22:58 (PDT)    []

Bruce is too smart,

couple things to point out:

the myth of bruce lee is overly exaggerated. GET REAL.

michael grant is 6'7". lennox lewis is 6'5". 2 inches. WOW, BIG KAHUNA deal.

a short guy would never have a chance to kick a tall guy's knees if that short guy's face is on the ground. a couple smacks to the head from the big guy, and the small guy will never see light of day again.

any idiot that claims he can throw a 95mph fastball but is not playing baseball somewhere is an idiot.

yea, you're just making up lame excuses for short people because you're short yourself at only 5'8". you're just trying to make justifications for your inadequate height, but you're not making too much logical sense. get off your wishful thinking and see the world from the REAL perspective. when was the last time you saw a cop that was 5'8"? or a bouncer that was 5'8"? why don't they hire your kind, the small people, to do the jobs that require physical toughness? it's because short people are weak. they can train and train, but in a real street fight, a small midget man is always at a huge disadvantage. bruce lee can probably beat up regular 6ft dudes but he trained for martial arts his entire life, so that's a very very stupid comparison to make in the first place. i don't know why anybody would bring that up. take the average 5'8" man against a 6'4" guy, and no way the short guy takes the big guy. and put a trained tall guy against a trained short guy, and the result should be the same.

you're a delusional fool if you think a small 5'8" guy can protect himself if he's gangwhooped. just because you saw bruce lee beat up 20 guys in a row with his nunchucks in the movies, it doesn't mean that's reality. you're living in another world, man.

movies vs. reality: can you distinguish between the two?? it's not that hard! i believe even 13 years can do it.
laughing so hard.    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 12:25:42 (PDT)    []
Just curious,

What the heck are you talking about?
Bruce Lee and Charles Barkeley.
Bruce Lee had been known to beating bigger and stronger men in the streets of Hong Kong and Washington and L.A. He was consistently challenged by any men who dared to challenge him and never walked away. Who knows exactly how many men went down, but that happened on a regular basis in his life. To Bruce, Barkeley will be a knee buffet. What is this intimadation thing about tall people? All you have to do is kick them in the knee hard and they'll fall, especially when you have hard shoes. I had colleagues in TKD who loved fighting taller people and love the sound of things breaking. To them, it was music to their ears. When fighting a tall person, use your feet not fist. Be smart, but when you can get close enough to punch them in the gut, do it.
They'll feel something, trust me especially when you punch them on the side of the ribs and when you know how to use proper techniques of punching, it will hurt even more. "But he has longer legs than I do?" You may ask. Remember, in order for the taller man to properly kick you hard, he has to hit you with his feet or else he will only hurt himself. For you to kick him hard, you don't need that much space.

Just because the person is shorter does not mean he is necessarily weaker. I'm only 5'8 and can pitch a baseball harder than some 6'6 guys at 95 miles per hour.

The other thing that puzzles me is this misconception of bulking up. Bulking your muscles will SLOW you down too much. That is how some skinny guys could beat incredibly bulky guys. It's good to have proper amount of muscles, but not that much. It's good to have size, but not that much. Being too tall will pose a problem also. Your arms are too long to generate the same impact in short distance. Your knees are prone to breakage when hit properly and less impact is needed to create a torn. I mean people with common sense should know that. That's why you'd see many shorter boxers known for their power and see tall boxers like Lennox Lewis known as finesse boxer. ( Power puncher refering to ones ability to knock someone out with one punch not combinations)

Most boxers are smart like Lennox Lewis, Felix Trinidad (retired), Oscar De La Hoya, Julio Caesar Chavez (retired), and etc. who choose to be LEAN rather than bulky.

And some boxers are not as wise who choose to be bulky like Micheal Grant, a 6'7, 250 pound boxer with muscles showing in every part of his body who got knocked out in two rounds by a lean Lewis. Has anyone seen the De La Hoya vs. Vargas fight lately? Well, let me summarize it. Vargas focused on increasing his strength too much that his muscles tightened up that he became too slow for Oscar. The result was that Oscar knocked him out. And he was suppose to be the one to knock out Oscar. Was the use of all that muscle when you can't hit anyone.

Just ask Robert Wall, former black belt champion, Bruce Lee's costar about how hard he can kick. After getting accidently hit by a kick that was not in full force, he said that it was like getting hit by a truck. He would have died, if Bruce had kicked him with full force. He still feels the pain twenty something years later. How many big men do you know that can crumble a heavyweight punching bag in two? Apparently, you do not know anything.
How many men do you know that can do a finger push up? How many men do you know who has established a new way of fighting? How many big men do you know as fast as Bruce Lee? The movies you have been watching is not his true speed. They actually slow his motions in camara and made him slow down his movements while filming. If you blink, the next thing you know, you are on the ground sleeping.

And how many big men do you know who can bend metal after punching it? Anything less than steel will break. He's not Bruce Lee, but he's another little guy by the name of Penn. During the Chinese revolution, he was consistently harrassed by mobs of gangsters wanting to kill him. He lived through it by eliminating each group of men as large as 5 or more in seconds.

And let me tell you something. No living big man can bend metal with a punch. If they do, they will permenantly break their hands. And no living big man will have the courage or speed to dispose of a mob of people with guns and knives in seconds. Put Charles Barkeley in that position and he will surely cry and beg to be freed in the mercy of the revolutionaries.

Basketball, Martial Arts, and common sense are different.
Bruce is too smart    Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 16:31:02 (PDT)    []
In boxing, things are different. You have rules. The taller person usually has to squat to the height of the shorter person. That is why you'd see many taller boxers getting knocked out by the shorter boxers because they are not quite accustomed to fighting someone so short and fast. There have been many cases of boxers going up in weight and going up with style. Those who know boxing should know that.

Another disadvantage for a taller man is that there is just plenty more room to hit his knees especially in street fighting, the easiest part of the body to hit while the shorter man does not have that much room to get hit in the same area. Some of my TKD colleagues used to laugh about how they could break the tall man's knees because it is just so easy to hit. They actually had jokes about that. I mean these guys would literarily break three bricks with their feet.
Sure, the taller man has the advantage, only if the fight remains long distance. But when they are fighting inside, his reach will be nothing because his arms are just too long to get the proper lift it needs to get that power into any use unlike the shorter man who can generate the same power with less distance. And it is just a fact that taller people are just simply slower on average. And have you even seen how slow tall people kick? They can't. It's a laugh. I used to hide in the changing room to laugh because I didn't want to hurt anyones feelings. "What was that?" I asked myself while holding my mouth with my palms to silence myself.

It's the same with baseball. Shorter man, shorter strike zone. Taller man, bigger strike Zone.

That is why taller boxers love to fight in a long distance. But then again, that's boxing. Imagine the same boxers with no rules in a private room. Things will be different in a fight with no ropes and referee, just plain street mano y mano thing.
Street fighting fan    Friday, September 27, 2002 at 07:08:40 (PDT)    []
Short people usually suffer from self-esteem issues because they lack so much height. They simply suffer from what is known as an inferiority complex. They often feel they have to make up for their lack of masculinity by pretending to be tough or acting macho, but it's always just an act and nothing substantial. When they challenge a big guy and the big guy is ready to punish the puny little man, the little man never has a chance. It's common sense that weight creates more force in punches. Bruce Lee is just the movies. He would not stand a chance against a power forward in the NBA. Barkley probably knows nothing about martial arts whatsoever, but no way would he ever lose a fight to someone less that 5'8". That's way too short. Look at bouncers across the country. They are always huge. You never see a puny 5'7" guy working the doors because they are just weaklings that can't do anything. Short people have always suffered from being victims since childhood. They're the little ones that always get picked on by bullies and they are the common candidates to get stuffed into lockers. Maybe it's those kind of experiences that drive some short people to be insane or so mad, but I don't know. I don't know any guy shorter than 5'7", but I've seen them around, and they're always so mad like they hate the world. I'm glad I'm not short because they don't seem very happy. Can any of you short people clarify this?
just curious    Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 12:42:48 (PDT)    []
I've beaten up people who were taller and heavier than me. Both in street fights and in TKD sparring matches.

It is not impossible nor were the wins a fluke. You just have to train a lot and know what you're doing in a fight.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 12:43:00 (PDT)    []
Look...fighting sport and "Street Fighting" is totally different in sports there are rules while in street fighting anything goes and it does which is why size isn't a big advantage as some people may think...I grew up in L.A during the early 90's though luckily i didn't get involve with the asian gangs i have seen smaller chinese guys nearly killing much bigger black gang members in brutal dragout fights and if anyone live in L.A..u would know i am not bullsh--ting which is why i move to get away from all that crap..
streetfighting    Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 21:07:40 (PDT)    []