

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 20%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 44%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 28%
I am not attracted to tall people. | 8%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. | 43%
I'd like to be an inch taller. | 27%
I'm happy with my height. | 26%
I'd like to be an inch shorter. | 4%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Why is everyone commenting as if 5'8" people are midgets or something? The average male height is 5'9", so those that are 6ft and above are above average. If 5'8" constitutes a "little person" then I guess the majority of men in the world are little people.

Jens Pulver is pretty short, and I bet he could take down guys that are 6'4". Being tall is a double edged sword, it has disadvantages as well as advantages. Same goes for short people. So I think saying there is "no way" a short guy could ever win is bull, because you never know what can happen in a fight. I've seen small guys submit taller, bigger guys, because on the ground, height becomes almost a nonexistent factor.

All I'm saying is there are no absolutes when it comes to fighting.
Nothing is absolute    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 01:55:26 (PDT)    []
laughing so hard,

I have seen a buddy of mine who is 5'7" 165 lbs. beat the living crap out of guys 6'4" and musclebound. He literally beat them to the punch and was unrelenting. I have boxed for 3 years and have regularly witnessed seasoned little guys weighing 135lb spar with big hulking dudes and make them eat canvas in less then 3 rounds.
I will agree that all things being equal size does help. Meaning that if you could have shot Bruce Lee with a magic ray gun that made him 6'2" and identically proportionate, he would have a distinct advantage over a 5'6" version of himself.
But in a real fight things are never equal. The person who usually wins is the one who is more tenacious and better trained. Quite frankly a basketball player, who's job it is to toss a ball through a hoop all day, has no freaking idea of what he would be getting into if he had to square off with a real life submission fighter like Sakuraba, who's job in life is take make men beg for mercy in the ring.
On the subject of bouncers, their job is to intimidate not only with bulk but with numbers. If you have ever been tossed from a club like I have, bouncers use their size to envelope you and quickly move you out the door or just sit on you. The major reason people don't fight back against bouncers is not becaue of size but numbers. You punch a bouncer and you got anywhere from 2 to 10 on our head at once and you can be sure the owner will press charges when the cops arrive. I have seen smaller guys get the better of bigger bouncers a few times but before you know it that bouncers 3 other buddies were on him like white on rice.
Seaman    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 20:36:22 (PDT)    []

Size does matter in a fight. It is not just the height but the weight. If all things are equal the bigger man will always beat the little man. I don't know why people have trouble accepting that. In boxing for example a taller guy can make it harder for the shorter fighter. The shorter fighter has to reach up to hit the taller fighter. Also the taller fighter has a reach advantage and can use that to his advantage. A good example is Suger Shane Mosley(5'8) vs Vernon Forrest(6'0).Sugar Shane lost to Veron Forrest because he could not get past that jab and the taller Vernon knew how to use his reach and height to his advantage. Now in a street fight anything goes but a bigger man has the advantage in size. Usually the taller guy tends to be the heavier person. So, if I have to make an analogy it is like a small Volkswagon going at with a Mack Truck. Who do you think is going to win?
Korean boy    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 20:22:43 (PDT)    []
in a sport fight size does matter cause there are rules. in a street fight size does not matter because there are no rules. this means knives, belt buckles, ice picks, bricks, and the #1 choice of all, guns comes to play.
Jinke    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 19:13:55 (PDT)    []
imho, police officers and bouncer are taller coz they would be more intimidating to people.
as far as street fight, there r just too many factors to predict the outcome solely on height.
|=0)|    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 14:39:33 (PDT)    []
laughing so hard & just curious,

Both of you sound completely ignorant about fighting.

Let me ask you! Have you ever actually fought in your life time? Do you know what it feels like to get into physical contact with an opponent (tall or short) whether in the ring or in the street?

I am not too short nor too tall. I am 5'10". When I was young I got into street fights with other kids with various heights. From my experience, the most crazy, furious, blood thirst, do or die type of kids I fought happened to be short ones. It was their mental strength that enabled them to keep coming back for more no matter how hard I pounded them. They took so much out of me mentally.

As I grew up, luckily, I didn't get into street fights any more. I got into boxing and started sparring with opponents in different weights and heights from 5'4" ~ 6'5". It is true, especially in boxing, if you are heavy and bigger, you do have advantages over smaller, lighter opponents to certain extent. When I sparred with heavy weights, I would move in, get under and peppered them with fast combos and quickly move out of the way. Knowing that they are slower but can take me out with one solid shot, I had to utilize my advantages over them, which is foot work, head movements and overall speed.

When I spar with shorter, stocky opponets, I would stick my jab out and keep them at bay. When they try to get in past my jab, I would drop my big right hand on them. I would jab and move and when I time my jab right, the short opponents couldn't even get into the range. They can only follow me while eating all my jabs. But if the shorter opponent is more experienced, he will get within the range and bombard me with hooks and upper cuts and leave me dazed. This is my experience in the ring.

In the streets, I have seen guys (less than 5'7") taking down giants and big guys taking out smaller ones with one shot in the street. Even if the big man and the short man are equally experienced, it's hard to predict the outcome unless they actually fight.

You see, it's all mental and strategy.

You say guys who are 5'7" or shorter are mad at the world for constantly being picked on? Man, get real! You only saw those weak ones. The weaklings suffer from inferior complex whether tall or short. You are lucky you haven't had the opportunity to encounter those all fired up, do or die short fighters on the street. They could break every bone in your body and still come for more.

So why don't you stop making speculations based on your narrow view point. Find out yourself. Go out and test yourself.
T.K.    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 12:30:13 (PDT)    []
A big tall guy really has to be some sorry ass wimp to lose a fight to a small guy. Skill has an advantage to an extent, but size always rules. DUUUUUUUH!!!! Most of you say a 125lb 5'6" midget can take a 6'4" 250lb guy. Where's your common sense? The small guy only has to hit half as hard to produce the same effect. Whoever said height and size is nothing in a streetbrawl is seriously delusional. Where do you draw the line with your ludicrous assumptions? There are so many idiots (mostly the short ones) here making bogus claims. GET REAL!!!!!!!!!! Sure, a puny ass 95lb 5'4" can take a muscular 270lb 6'10" too. Like I said, a full grown adult has to seriously be some big sorry wimp to get beat up by a little superlighweight short midget guy. Height and weight is ALWAYS an advantage in physical battles.

Short people, don't know why you guys keep making these funny claims, but some of you should quit being delusional... and remember to just say no. Crack is bad for you. Being short and being on crack is not an appealing combo.
laughing so hard    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 12:25:18 (PDT)    []
"[Mention their heights if you want to stay in this discussion, hombre. --Ed]"

Oh snap! Sorry Ed. I saw the talk about fighting, and I thought this was the kung fu forum. I didn't even look at the title. =/
TSJ    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 11:31:53 (PDT)    []
"size doesnt matter"

woo buddy, Let me tell you this, SIZE DOES MATTER.

SOF experience, not mine, but heard it from SOF guys who fought, SIZE DOES MATTER.

Bruce trained 5 hours a day, comeon he did his time. But for the rest of the 99.999% of us SIZE DOES MATTER.

Height, eh, Dont know. maybe. I think it does as it increases your range.
SOG    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 10:17:55 (PDT)    []
Laughing so hard,

I told you that it is a known fact that Bruce was consistently challenged by guys in real life wanting to prove that he is a fake. You're jealous.

Fight a real short Martial Artist who's maybe 5'8 to 5'10 at least 160 pounds and see for yourself that he will kick you in the knees.

Once again, when you are not in a comfortable range, you will most likely get more outbalanced than the shorter guy. That is what my 8 degree blackbelt TKD teacher taught all his students.

Those bouncers are meant for intimidation only. Most of those guys haven't even been in a real fight.

Actually, you're an idiot. There are many cops who are 5'8 especially in the West. Which world have you been living on?

The knees once again is the easiest part of the body to hit. And tall guys have plenty of space to get kicked on that area. My colleagues fought many tall men and found it really easy to break their bones. Being tall in sports is an advantage like in boxing, but in street fighting, it is more of a disadvantage because people can kick you in the knees. Try tapping your knees and you will see that even with a somewhat gentle tap, you will feel some discomfort.

Ever heard of Rixson Gracie, an undefeated fighter and brother of Royse Gracie? Well, he's only 5'9 and 180 pounds and is undefeated against taller and stronger guys in competition. He is still undefeated. There's a 5'6 145 guy in Japan who loves fighting tall men weighing 220 plus. He loves hitting and breaking the knees. Some smaller guys actually have stonger tolerance to pain than some taller guys.

Just ask a 7'4 Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Bruce Lees student if he has a chance against Bruce. He'll tell you a big NO!

Ask yourself. Does Lennox Lewis fight well in short distance? No, he does not. His arms are too long to get the leverage it needs to knock someone out. When he knocks someone out, he knocks them out inside the ring not on the ropes. That's why he always uses his Jab. And plus he has a glass CHIN. It's not that his chin is necessarily weak, but it is his height that causes him to get knocked out most of the time because of imbalance.

Stop making excuses for yourself.

Some shorter people are intimidated by tall guys because they do not know how to fight them properly. Those who know know better.

You don't know me. I would play baseball if I could, but I chose not too because it would create an uncomfortable schedule for my major and my major is a 12 hour a day affair.

Take some Martial Arts lesson, you fool.
And the teacher will actually have a harder time teaching you.


What's up?    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 10:13:51 (PDT)    []