Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. |
It's one of many factors I consider. |
It's less important than other personal qualities. |
I am not attracted to tall people. |
Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. |
I'd like to be an inch taller. |
I'm happy with my height. |
I'd like to be an inch shorter. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"Even when the girl is petite herself, she usually likes her man tall."
what can you do   
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 09:25:07 (PDT)
I'm 5'6 AM, isn't tall, but not short... but it ain't good enough for the Asian girls. There's no hiding it. Men can't just wear heels like the women, unless you gotta thing for womans shoes. (Keep that to yourself) Believe me it takes more courage at 5'6 to sweep a girl off her feet. This is where charm, charisma, and all that crap in order to compensate for the lack of height. So far working out and filling out isn't a bad idea for skinny AMs like me. Hell, I wanna walk up to a girl and be confident enough that I can get a number. There's no way around it really, you just gotta live with it.
Gregory the Saint   
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 01:45:20 (PDT)
So how do short guys get dates? All Asian girls have a height limit. Even when the girl is petite herself, she usually likes her man tall. That's how the Asian society is. It's like that in America and in Asia. So do short guys lie about their heights to get dates? But how? That's not something you can get away with if you're short.
Dating for short people   
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:24:46 (PDT)
Earl "the Goat" was 6'3, not 5'11. He has a street ball park in NY. The highest rim to be slam dunked on record is 12'0. This feat was accomplished by Michael "the Wild Thing" Wilson who stands at 6'6. He posesses roughly a 55" vertical leap. I believe the standard backboard in college and the NBA is 13 feet in height or so. I also assume that this is not starting from the height of the rim. Therefore, taking the slack that is accounted for by the rim's locale on the backboard, the very top would be 12'6 feet. Naturally, one would need to reach 5 inches or so above the rim to dunk. Thus, Michael Wilson can probably touch the top of the backboard and even take quarters off it.
I recall that the feat attributed to "the Goat" was not rightly earned.
The credit belongs to another player.
One rumor that I find very difficult to believe was David Thompson accomplishing the supposed feat. David Thompson had a 44 inch vertical leap and was roughly 6'3. Unless the backboards were smaller, it's apparently a myth.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 16:27:46 (PDT)
I'm 5'2" and 120, dang, I'm heavy. I'm one of those chubby Asians out there. Anyhow, weight doesn't matter to me as long as I don't look it... (^_*)
.Z. .Y.a.n.g.   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 20:19:10 (PDT)
[The discussion on Bruce Lee doesn't belong here. A copy is being moved to the Asian Icons article. --Ed]
"the myth of bruce lee is overly exaggerated. GET REAL."
It's things like this that make me wish Mr. Lee was still here with us on this Earth. That way there would be no doubters. Sigh... he was the ultimate.
Bruce 4ever   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 19:59:59 (PDT)
"if that was the case then why does every martial artist in bruce's era say he was the greatest fighter that ever lived?..so are they all liars?"
They are not liars. They probably believe what they write. They are just stupid and gullible. It's like people in New York saying the Goat, Earl Manigault's, a 5'11" legendary playground basketball player was able to touch the top of the backboard. Yea, that's possible.... if he had a 65inch vertical leap. Some stories you hear are just that: stories. Don't mix myth with reality. Use your head and think if it makes sense.
get real   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 14:05:31 (PDT)
I don't really think it is an Asian thing© I am 17 year old Asian male and I'm 5'8© I know I'm not done growing© I hope to be around 6'1 or 6'2© I go to a high school that is predominantly Asian© I can tell you honestly that I am not the tallest one there© I have met Asians who are 6 ft and taller© Asian girls too! My sister is 13 and pushing 5'7© I really think it depends on your diet, exercise routines, and sleep habits© the more you sleep when you're young, the better your chances of being taller©
N© Nguyen   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 09:52:02 (PDT)
I think given a choice most guys would rather be 6 feet tall than 5'8. But, personality does come first.
Korean boy   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 05:16:33 (PDT)
"the myth of bruce lee is overly exaggerated. GET REAL."
if that was the case then why does every martial artist in bruce's era say he was the greatest fighter that ever lived?..so are they all liars?
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 19:36:27 (PDT)
"Well at 5'6" if you train extremely hard and cut down your body fat you usually end up at about 128lb - 135lb. Which might be below the UFC lightweight division."
I'm about 5'6", 150 lbs. My body fat isn't super low though. It's around 6.7%. My waistline is about 28". The goal is to drop the body fat down below 6%, and be around 155 lbs, which is the max for the lightweight division. Not that I compete or am anywhere near being at that level, but the fact that my body type is similar to these world class fighters is an ego booster. =)
I don't know if the UFC has a minimum weight requirement for the lightweight division though. Maybe they will create a featherweight division or something. I personally don't find watching super puny guys fighting to be much fun though, but if what these people here are saying is true - that height and weight don't matter - why doesn't a 5'4", 120 lb. guy go up against the likes of a 5'6" 155 lb. Matt Serra in the lightweight division (assuming there is no minimum)? Let's see how that guy would fare.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 00:16:15 (PDT)
This is a really funny topic. I think height is not very important. I mean it's only physically. Wether you're 5'0 or 7'0, you can be a nice person or a person with an attitude problem. From my experience, shorter people tend to pick on taller people (Asian or whatever) for using their size as a tool or being to into their physique. Tall people have bad attitudes and so on and so on. To me this is just a way for the shorter people to make themselves feel better about their height and their insecurities. That they're special and better. It's the same thing the other way around. Taller people pick on shorter people because they feel proud of something that truly isn't that special (their height). it's also because they feel that they dominate physically. Basically it's a matter of insecurities on both sides. Of course each person has his or her own way of thinking but this is from my experience. And 5'6 is not the "standard" because at every height level you can have a balance. Try being 5'6 and weighing 90 lbs, I don't think that's very balanced. It all depends on the situation.
"This world is made for shorter or average people between 5'0 to 5'11"
LOL !!!! Hahahaha. That is one funny statement. Why not 4'0 while you're at it. So you're definition of tall is 7'0 or something. 5'10 is probably the average of guys these days. 5'6 for women.
"there are so many things I can do that a taller person can't do that I feel that the disadvantages of being shorter outweighs the advantages of being taller."
Like what? Maybe a 7 foot guy couldn't walk through a mouse hole in the wall but normally people can't anyways. But if you can then maybe you should call up the Guiness World Book of Records.
To sum it up: Short people think that the world is short and made for them.
Tall people think that the world is tall and made for them.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 15:35:49 (PDT)
Well at 5'6" if you train extremely hard and cut down your body fat you usually end up at about 128lb - 135lb. Which might be below the UFC lightweight division.
I've only fought one person who was 5'6' and could never get below 175 lb. We call him the "Ogre". One hell of a great fighter in gym.
Unfortunately, because of height and weight spec. he had problems in the international areana. Too heavy for the lighter division. Reach was a little short for the Heavy weight division.
But he was a damn good fighter.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 15:04:13 (PDT)
"Jens Pulver is pretty short, and I bet he could take down guys that are 6'4"."
Whatever happened to "Little Evil" anyways? Is he out of the UFC? The last UFC had round one of the tournament for his belt. It's going to be Caol Uno vs. BJ Penn in the finals. I hate BJ Penn. He's so damn arrogant, and a freakin' dimwit too.
The lightweight division seems to be the only one where almost all the top competitors are of the same height (between 5'6" and 5'8"), and weight (150 to 155). I don't think there is a minimum weight or height, so I wonder why no one is under 5'6"? Is 5'6" the absolute shortest to be a kick ass fighter? Or, as some have pointed out, maybe at 5'6", the body to weight ratio and proportionality are quite balanced.
There have been some taller lightweights entering the realm of the octagon, with limited success. I guess at 5'10", 150 lbs. is a bit on the thin side. Then again Fernando Vargas is 5'10", 150-ish.
Caol Uno, Jens Pulver, Matt Serra, and BJ Penn are all under 5'8", and they can definitely whoop the majority of the people on the face of the earth.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 22:54:12 (PDT)
Laughing so Hard opinions:
That is the reason why so many short people do have attitudes. Actually Most taller or bigger people tend to have the badder attitudes than shorter people. Taller people tend to push their weight or in this case height around.
Tall men do have advantages in getting dates from taller females or models (5'9 to 6'0+ tall). People tend to be in awe with height especially in this Country where bigger is better. Tall people tend to get more management and authority positions. Tall men tend to get more dates from short women who base their security on someone taller than them. Tall men tend to deter some confrontations or fights because their height may or may not be a deterent to a battle. Tall people can use their height as a ego thing to shorter people.
Running out of things for advantage... You tall people can add to it.
This world is made for shorter or average people between 5'0 to 5'11. Clothes are easier to find for us average or shorter people. We don't have to spend or look harder to find Extra Extra Large or Custom Large sizes.
Cars are made for people 5'4 to 5'11 especially sports cars like Porche or BMW. We take up less resources than Taller people. We need less clothes per inch and food to supply us. We need less inches on our beds thus less wood taken out for our extra long beds.
Tall people tend to stick out more in the open or in a crowd. Good if you want attention but bad if you don't.
Say you are a tall person in a fight, you will be more vunerable visually than a shorter person plus if you don't know how to fight and need to run and hide you will be at a disadvantage. You can only hope to stand and slug it out.
When tall people get older then get more back pain than shorter people because they have to bend more to fit into a shorter world. Older people have a higher level of gravity and tend to fall more. Imagine a Tall person falling down from their height? It is like falling down from a horse as a oppose for a donkey.
Let's face it this world is made for the shorter person. I'm glad to be my height of 5'8 though 5'11 would be nice also but still there are so many things I can do that a taller person can't do that I feel that the disadvantages of being shorter outweighs the advantages of being taller.
Why I'm standing still?   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 15:22:37 (PDT)
Im 5'9" and 215 lbs. I've beaten 6'3" annorexic guys in Highschool. A guy I fought, some big 250 lb football player in some party where a huge fight broke out, I brought down by a simple short sharp kick to the groin. When the big idiot crouched down in pain, well a kick to head pretty much knocked him out.
BTW, IMO, wether your a 7' tall or 4'11" a single bullet to your head will kill you. In other words, size really doesn't matter much.
Besides, when in war its good to never play fair.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 07:53:11 (PDT)