

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 20%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 44%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 28%
I am not attracted to tall people. | 8%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. | 43%
I'd like to be an inch taller. | 27%
I'm happy with my height. | 26%
I'd like to be an inch shorter. | 4%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I'm a girl and i'm also 5'5, but i never think i'm tall. in fact i really wish i could be taller.
azn angel    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 14:35:31 (PST)    []
I' m 5'5", I don't know what the heck kind of measurement all of u use, but all I know is that I'm taller than Jet Li, haha, and I'm truly 5'5" lol, if this is not tall then what is??
tall gurl    Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 23:23:22 (PST)    []
what the heck r u talking about??? Korean person?

I'm 5'5" also and quite damm tall for an asian girl, even above average for koreans, every time I see an asian girl, one out of 10 or more only are taller than me, so top 90 percent is pretty damm tall for an asian girl, it's not just a little bit above average, how bout we meet and u can see how tall I am ???
tall gurl    Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 23:14:54 (PST)    []
Xi Shi, 165cm is NOT tall, girl. Sorry. That is aaaaaverage in America. It may be on the taller side in Asia, but even then, its only slightly taller than average. In Korea most girls are between 5'4" and 5'7" these days (163-170cm). Men are normally between 5'8" and 6' (173 and 183cm). Asians are not that short anymore.
Korean Souljah    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 20:37:18 (PST)    []
You guys are right, but then again, some girls tell me that it is a man's facial attractiveness that catches their first attention.

The money thing is bit overhyped. True, that you can get any girl with money, lots of MONEY. But, those girls are golddiggers and whores who would eventually break an honest man's heart. I know a librarian at the school I work for who is married to a rich and nice businessman, but she still screws around with young, good-looking but poor, loser guys.

That is why I am not so crazy for attractive women any more. Got to be careful.

But, in my experiences, Asian women are more accepting of shorter men because many of them are not so much taller themselves.
big heart    Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 23:11:12 (PST)    []
Big Heart,

It also depends on HOW short you are. Under 5'8" is a definite disadvantage. Not saying that guys that are 5'8" have an infinately better chance of attracting a girls attention, but a guy that is 5'5" will have that much of a harder time. 5'8" to me seems like a height that doens't stand out at ALL. It is really average... it is the height of Joe Schmoe.
Theory of Relativity    Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 00:00:18 (PST)    []
Height does matter just like any other thing you judge towards beauty.
vedacious    Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 08:51:40 (PST)    []
Big heart,

You're absolutely right. I'm 5'9", and I can't say that girls would always pick me first in a room full of 6 foot guys. Being short is a disadvantage in the dating game, just like how a smaller lion is at a disadvantage against a large alpha lion when defending his pride. But the great thing is that humans can be alpha males (and thus attract women) thru other means. Being rich is one. Being influential (power) is the other.

Have you ever noticed that women in a room ALWAYS go for the man getting the most attention from everyone? That is POWER. (Social)Power supercedes everything else, and I mean everything else. And it would be reasonable to assume that in our capitalist society power and money go hand in hand, to a greater degree than not.

Next comes genetics (looks, height, etc).

Also, we interact in a much more complicated way than any other animal ever will. Communication is essential to survival. Being highly confident and charming (knowing how to psychologically influence/win over people) is another way to assert your dominance. Having a sociable personality is one piece in gaining power, which will make almost any woman wet between the legs.

Against a taller man who has all the above qualities a shorter man will have its work cut out for him, but even then it's not impossible. Good luck, height isn't everything. It's certainly a fairly important factor (I won't lie), but nowhere NEAR important as some of you make it out to be.
Big Balls.    Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 01:27:41 (PST)    []
Yes...I accept applications from shorter guys...

...But because I myself am a tall girl(5 feet 5 inches or 1.65 meters)...I prefer a male individual who is above 1.80 meters...or better yet...above 6 feet....

Final decisions will be made on a case by case basis...
Xi Shi....    Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 18:17:10 (PST)    []
I got to admit that height sometimes is a deterrant in attracting the eyes of girls. Shorter guys (no matter how good they look facially), must put a little more extra effort in asking out a girl.
big heart    Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 19:41:44 (PST)    []
I am 5'4 and 105 ibs and i am VERY happy with my height and weight, in fact I don't feel short at all, even tall sometimes cuz i know some guys who are not that much taller even the same height. Also I feel really feminine around bigger taller guys.
Asia    Friday, November 22, 2002 at 13:58:34 (PST)    []
just curious and laughing so hard:

bruce lee wasn't only a killer on the movies fool. he was a streetfighter since childhood and was consistently challenged by big fools such as yourself and never lost. he was a rarity, a true master who didn't only have movie fans but martial arts masters including the american grandmaster of karate became his pupils during his time. i'm sure bruce would have been able beat up any power forward in the NBA easily in a street fight no hold barred. man that would be so freaking easy as a swift sidestep kick may ruin the knee almost permanently followed by any number of combos. and yes with nunchucks a skilled practitioner can take down a whole NBA team easily stupid. those weapons are lethal and height wouldn't even matter then. you think that is just a movie thing? go against a truly skilled nunchuck user with all your friends and you guys will be in the hospital for a while. for the avg guy yes height/size will matter. but not for the martial arts killer. btw i ain't short. sorry ed, know this is a height forum.
some dude    Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 23:55:31 (PST)    []
"Given that all other things are equal, there are A LOT of asian girls will choose the rich guy over the tall guy. no?"

i won't say it's an universal truth, but according to my experiences, it is for the most part correct. i'm 5'7" and i've had better luck with non-asian women, especially latinas. but who can you blame for these concepts of material wealth and physical beauty? pop culture, movies, magazines, etc.. i guess. what can you do? probably nothing. however, if your aesthetic is composed of 'true' beauty, i can tell you there are like-minded people out there.
NL (what can you do)    Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 23:14:15 (PDT)    []

Let Bruce rest in peace. He will and always be the greatest Martial Artists nature has ever produced.

I have to agree with the Editor that Bruce Lee does not belong in this topic.

Anyway, let's talk basketball.

Even if you are 5'7, it is possible to dunk. All you need are strong legs. Spud Webb is only 5'7 and he is considered as the King of the Diminutive dunkers along with Smith second. You may not have the same elevation as the taller players, but it is possible. Bottom line is, it is possible if one is willing to commit on it.

Back in High School when I had fair shares of leg muscles, I had the ability to jump very high at 5'4 and could jump higher than most taller people than me. That was why I could always shoot over them and if I could jump just a little higher, I could most difinitely dunk the rim. I could reach it and touch it, but not dunk it yet.

As I grew to 5'9, I got really lazy for the last 5 years and played basketball like 4 times during that time period. I found out that I lost a lot of leg muscles and also lost a lot of my verticle leap. If I had continued to work out my leg muscles, I would have had the ability to to dunk the rim definitely. IT'S MOSTLY IN THE LEGS, not the height. Height helps, but it won't help you if you don't have strong leg muscles. Work out your legs and you will discover that you will improve your leap. In my college, there are many 5'11 basketball players who can actually dunk higher than 6'4 players. Why? They simply had stronger leg muscles.

There is such thing as too much advantage. There's no way a 6'1 player can reject Shaq head to head. Take Yao Ming for example who stands at 7 foot 5 who nearly needs to leap for a finger roll to shot the basket. Imagine yourself hopping an inch. That's what Yao Ming needs to put that ball in the basket for a finger roll shot. As stated in many scouting reports, Yao Ming has the ability to increase his vertical leap by 4-6 inches with proper NBA training. What does this indicate? It indicates that no one in the NBA even Shaq could contest his shots. That's what makes him such a good shot blocker. He has good reflexes and a lot of height advantage. Not even right now anyone can contest his shots. Imagine if he is taught to shoot that ball higher in the air with and an increase of 4-6 inches of vertical leap? That's what's attracted scouts everywhere. It's not everyday that you can see a man his size with his kind of speed, shooting touch, and incredible shot blocking ability. He is the first big man of his kind. Shaq is different. He is 4-5 inches shorter, but he is also the stronger man of the two. He's a good shot blocker, and a dominant force inside. Yao Ming is a shooter, a shot-blocker, and more graceful, and may be potentially a better passer. Yao will dominant outside and Shaq will dominant inside. They're very different. That is why scouts, owners, and fans can't wait for them to match up. Shaq the more experienced against a taller and younger rookie.
Wang Zhizhi has signed an offer sheet with the Clippers. The Mavs will most likely not match it because of their agreement with the Chinese government.

Mengke Bateer has signed with the Spurs and will be in San Antonio by Oct. 20 after the Asian games.

Chen Hsin-An, a 6'5 guard has changed his name to simply Sean Chen and is already in the 2002-2003 roster with the Sacramento Kings.
Ball Fan    Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 09:38:49 (PDT)    []
Z Yang,

if ur a female, you're fine, girl....the nice, curvy bod is always welcome...;)
T.B.    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 12:57:46 (PDT)    []
"Believe me it takes more courage at 5'6 to sweep a girl off her feet. This is where charm, charisma, and all that crap in order to compensate for the lack of height."

charm - yes. charisma - yes. all the crap - yes. but also..... Money money money. Girls are sometimes immediately blind to many things if they see money, money, money. For some asian females, it's like an obsession.

Height vs. Money. Given that all other things are equal, there are A LOT of asian girls will choose the rich guy over the tall guy. no?

but sadly, what does that say about the culture? It's quite superficial. Height is simply appearance, and materialistic wealth is simply possession. If the short and poor guy finds a loving gf, she must be a keeper.
what can you really do    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 11:54:48 (PDT)    []