

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, how important is height in your assessment of a person's attractiveness?
It's a key element of attractiveness. | 20%
It's one of many factors I consider. | 44%
It's less important than other personal qualities. | 28%
I am not attracted to tall people. | 8%

Assuming you are an Asian American, which best matches your feelings toward your own height?
I'd like to be 3 inches taller. | 43%
I'd like to be an inch taller. | 27%
I'm happy with my height. | 26%
I'd like to be an inch shorter. | 4%

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i wonder..who's the hsortest person to dunk a basketbakll...i know it's off the topic..but it really does make me high would u have to jump to dunk if my height which is 5'5...hehe...i got a 30 inch vertical..but i'll probally need liek 20 more to dunk right?..haha
tin    Monday, December 23, 2002 at 17:41:45 (PST)    []
To Far East,
Actually the average height for females in America is 5'4. If the average height for females in the states was 5'6, than that must be bull because I see so many short women. Anywayz, Far East Get your facts straight. There is information out there to prove you're wrong by the way.

MAI    Monday, December 23, 2002 at 12:38:27 (PST)    []

"Bro", I think that fact that you prattle about how SE asians aren't short in comparison to NE Asians proves that you're just trying to cover up your tracks, so to speak. There IS a height difference, even if it's not that great. Just swallow your pride and admit it dude. I have no personal agenda or vendetta. I'm merely stating the facts.

Btw, you're not THAT short. You're just on the short end of average, and I happen to fall right ON that line, at 5'9". Being at our height is not a big crippling disadvantage, honestly.

I went on a date with a taller girl recently and she started to talk about how guys were 'too short' for her, how good looking tall guys were so hard to find, etc. etc. I found it annoying, since it was obviously a s***-test that girls pull on men (to see how they react), not to mention a below the radar dis'. If I had gotten angry and overreacted then I would have failed her dumb chick-test. But I let her know in no certain terms that I wasn't intimidated in the least by her height. She got the message fast, I was in firm control of the date, and I made a great impression with my assertiveness (guess who got the kiss that night). Women who crave taller men are often looking for a protective presense. If you're shorter but can still provide the protection, then its doable. But all this works within reason. I was ONE inch shorter. It's very rare to find a 5'5" man who can hold a 5'9" woman.

This stuff also applies to non-romance situations such as business and politics. Just look at George Dub Bush. He's 5-9, but he has America by its balls. I don't support his politics, but he commands attention with his assertiveness.
Korean Souljah    Friday, December 20, 2002 at 21:37:37 (PST)    []
I'd like to be taller like up to at least 5'6 , I'm the " typical " height for an AF , I'm at 155 cm or in feet I think it would be 5'1 . I really don't like my height but the males I usually tend to date are taller then me I prefer males over 6'0 , lol , bec. of my height I want someone taller & feel more confident but same time we look " weird " as a couple bec. of the height & kissing standing up is hard so I usually need to tippy toe , stand on steps or ya know when you go to the malls & they have those displays u have to step on top & sometimes I wish I stood on a stool or ladder & my ex partner he is 6'2 so he always bent down & his neck use to hurt alot.
Short Girl    Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 05:02:42 (PST)    []
response to: "Asians are not that short anymore.
Korean Souljah"

It's the food bro. Also the relative lack of wars and malnutrition in the area every since wwII excepting Vietnam of course. That and more general prosperity which translates to being fed well. Our forefathers never ate as much meat as we did. Asians are eating growth foods and lots of it. Also, about Southeast Asians man you should know and maybe straighten that whole North East Asian complex you have. Lots of young Asian ppl including Taiwanese are getting a lot taller. In my church, the Taiwanese branches are full of guys 5'10 and even taller. It is not completely a 'genetic thing'. It is and it also isn't. Give me a break. I'm 5'8" a little short, true but several inches taller than my old man. I credit that to American diet. My other male cousins all hit 5'10" to 6 feet, good for them and we are all Taiwanese Americans - "South Asians" as you pointed out so clearly. Even some guy cousins born and raised in Taiwan are quite tall. White folks really can't say Asians are short anymore. If they do they are blind fools. Back on a trip to Taian many years back i remember the airport had hallways which had ceilings so low it was comical. I could jump up and bang my head there. lol. I'm sure that things like that are changing. And I know plenty of 'Southern' Chinese guys much bigger than your 5'9" ok my Korean brother? You only got an inch on me also though not so sure if that's also so where it counts. haha
ABT    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 22:57:16 (PST)    []
Tall Person ,

sounds to me u are the one who is bitter ...I am 6ft with many male and female friends who are under 5-6" ..i can honestly say i have NEVER once heard any of them complain about their height...only shallow people like you who are always putting people down cuz somehow they don't fit in your small little world...
grow up !    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 19:54:55 (PST)    []
wow, helen aren't you self-centered. i'm 5'7, oh yippie, i'm taller then most asian, what a claim to fame. what, are you one of those self-hating asian girls????? by the way the average height for women in america is 5'6
Far East    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 12:48:14 (PST)    []
To Tall Person,
There's nothing wrong with short people. It's American society's problem. Shorter people got disadvantages and are constantly being look down at. But your view of short people is wrong and it's nothing but stereotypes. There are nice and caring short peoples too. And intelligence overcomes all other factors. There's nothing call being overly ambitious. Ambitions usually grows. Anyway, people should not let their height keep them down. Women being too tall is no good. Most female celebrities(excluding models) are 5'4 to 5'7. Male celebrities(expecially the most popular) are 5'8 to 6'0. Tom Cruise is at best 5'9. One thing I noticed about women who searches for her tall prince usually end up being single or finding a bad husband. A man who loves you and will be there whenever you need him; what more do you ask? Sure, if the guy is tall, then it's even better. But why put height over someone who will love you sincerely? Isn't modern society over valueing height? Honestly, I m on the short side and back in highschool when height isn't that big of a factor, I noticed a few girls(even ones taller than me) got crushes on me. But I didn't date anyone, cuz I got this mentality that -do not to date anyone till I feel financially independent. Not until my senior years, I started to encounter problems with being short. But it remained minor problems since I know how to look good even tho I m short. A guy with good fashion sense and eyes that speak is way more attractive than height alone. ;)
Lil Guy    Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 06:46:28 (PST)    []
Tall Person,

Good advice: stay away from anyone below avg. height. -- they have too many emotional baggage. They're usually bitter and argumentative. They're ambitious and aggressive. Who do they think they are? Napolean??...

Tall people are the best. They're nice and stable. They're laid back and generous. They have a healthy dose of self-esteem. They're just cool people all around.

But why stop there? I propose that we also stay away from people who scored less than 1200 on the SAT, drive anything less than a luxury vehicle, don't have at least a master's degree (face it -- a bachelors degree is a dime a dozen these days) and from one of the top tier universities, IQ less than 120, anyone over the age of 55 (old people just tend to have more problems), teens between the ages of 13 and 17 (those hormones make them crazy, and kids that are just plain confused), lawyers and doctors (biggest jerks around -- everyone knows that), immigrants and minorities (No need to comment here; it's pretty obvious), left-handed people, kids from divorced parents, students with less than at least 3.5 GPA, and well, the list goes on and on...

But lucky for you, you're a "tall person". You don't have to worry about being misperceived or stereotyped. Well, at least not in a bad way... Besides, if they do, you can probably just kick their ass for not giving you your due respect.
Zoe    Monday, December 16, 2002 at 15:57:22 (PST)    []
everyone wants to be taller but proportion is more important than height, esp. w/ regards to women. alots of tall chicks look awkward if they're skinny or gross if they're fat. if u wanna be tall you 've gotta have really nice body. I maintain height is not as iimportant as proportion. which is enough to make a woman bezutiful. I'm only5'5 and i'm very well-proportioned.
azn angel    Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 14:46:33 (PST)    []
I don't know about Indos, but Japanese women are exceptionally short for East Asians. From what I've seen many Japanese women are 5'3" (160cm) or shorter... I wonder why.
Koren Souljah    Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 19:02:47 (PST)    []
I have always been tall and oblivious about the issue of height. Over the years, I have found that for men and some women, being short is a major issue in their lives. Many short men are very bitter and negative about life as if they have been short-changed their entire life. Many are overly ambitious, aggressive, and resentful. They are over-conscious about being ignored or slighted and act as if they have something to prove. There is also the common perception that short men are immature, incompetent, untrustworthy, and devious, and they seem to talk a lot and like to argue to get attention. Many short men resort to rather underhanded ways of getting things. There is even a website devoted to short people. I feel sorry for them about their immutable situation, but I would rather stay away from them to avoid all their problems.
Tall Person    Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 17:05:23 (PST)    []
I think height does matter. I am a 5'7 girl and want a guy who is still taller than me when I wear heels. I love being taller than most asian girls I have run across. Still I don't consider myself really tall. Maybe for a asian girl..but here in the States I'm average height. Tall to me is over 5'8...which is model height. I'f a asian girl is taller than that...and I have seen SOME..then she has the right to say she's really TALL. I'm sorry but 5'5 is only a little taller than 5'4 and that doesn't say much. Since 5'4 in general is considered still short.
Helen    Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 10:52:59 (PST)    []
This is a different nationality is Han-Manchurian Chinese...Beijing...

"5'5" is a nice height for a woman... tall enough not to be stumpy, but not gawky. In other words, just right. :)"

Yeah...thanks...I like it...
I also like wearing shoes that have 2 inch heels 5'7... enable me to tower over most members of my same sex.

Yeah...Korean girls tend to be taller than girls of other nationalities....

The types of Asian female counterparts that I see are mostly Chinese...Japanese....Indonesian and I rarely meet any that are taller than the likes of myself...
Xi Shi....    Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 20:25:55 (PST)    []
I am 5-9, which, being of Pilipino extraction, is slightly above average. For us, 5-10 seems to be the magical number putting us into the "tall" category.
However, I seem to remember seeing some really tall Asian people when I visited the Philippines in 1990, they weren't a sports team or anything like that, but they were every bit as tall as white Caucasians you see in America.

I am pretty happy with my height, especially since I consider myself well-proportioned - not stocky and oafish-looking, but not a gangly waif, either.
"B" as in "bictory"    Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 15:58:09 (PST)    []
Yep.... what I don't get are shorties that need men that are waaay too tall for them. I'm talking ridiculously too tall for them. I remember asking out a 5'2" Chinese girl, and got turned down because I was "too short", in her words. She wanted a six-foot man. I mean geez... 7 inches taller than you isn't enough? Haha... I don't get it. Shoties with height complexes are annoying.
Korean Souljah    Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 19:41:13 (PST)    []
5'5" is not tall at all for a girl. If you're 5'5", you're simply above average asian female height, that's it, but you're still not considered "tall" in any way because average asian female height is pretty short to begin with! 5'5" is actually pretty close to petite. If you are a 5'5" girl, and you feel tall, then you probably have too many short friends.

Tall is like at least 5'8".
height defined    Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 11:56:51 (PST)    []
tall gurl,

I still maintain that 5'5" isn't exceptionally tall or anything. It's not uncommon to see girls that are 5'5" in Korea. I would say that is just about a average or maaaaaaaaaaybe a hair taller than average. What's your age? People are getting tall these days. I'm a 5'9" or 175.5 cm 21-year old Korean and I feel hopelessly average against these Korean 16 year olds that are 5'10"-6'0". It's crazy.

Also Tall gurl, what is your nationality? If you're comparing yourself to Asians in America, then you're obviously measuring yourself against 'lesser competition', so to speak. Many Asians here are of Southeastern (Viet, Cambodian, Filipino, Thai, etc.) or Southern (as in southern China) extraction. They are generally shorter, maybe by an inch or two on average. If you said that you were Northern Chinese (esp. from Hebei, HeiLongJiang, or Nei-Monggol/Inner Mongolia provinces) or Korean, then I might give you credibility. And NO, being Taiwanese doesn't count. Taiwan is firmly in the realm of Southern China. But if you're SE Asian or Southern Chinese claiming that you're tall, you're probably right -- you're tall... for a SE/Southern Asian. And that isn't saying much.

Please don't take it as an insult. I'm sure you look very nice. 5'5" is a nice height for a woman... tall enough not to be stumpy, but now gawky. In other words, just right. :) I'm just saying that you're not as 'tall' as you think.

And yes, my measurements are absolutely correct, almost to the dot (with the occaisional rounding up or down by a few millimeters for convenience). As a rule of thumb:

1 inch = 2.5 centimeters.
Get with tha program girl... in this age of globalism you need to know both the empirical and metric measurement systems.
Korean Souljah    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 17:34:06 (PST)    []
Tall gurl 5'5 is certainly not that tall. It's only slightly above average. Korean dude is right about Korea
beanman    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 16:49:08 (PST)    []