Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What kind of ethnic mix do you prefer in a club?
All Asian |
Predominantly Asian |
Multi-Racial |
Other |
Which of the following American metro areas has the best Asian nightlife?
Los Angeles |
New York |
San Francisco |
Honolulu |
Vancouver |
Toronto |
Other |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
The only thing about Ibiza I don't like is that there's only a small room to dance. I mean they do have the outdoors area but they usually play hip hop indoors and it's really hard to move around and it gets sooooo hot in there I can't stand to be inside for more than 3 minutes. Can't even breathe! And it gets so crowded to the point where you literally don't have room to dance/move. Other clubs are crowded and hot too but not like that. I like 550 a lot. That place is big and has many different kinds of music.
Cali Girl   
Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 00:15:25 (PDT)
Anyone have any suggestions for hot Asian clubs in NYC? Thanks
rocker ct_shore2000@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 07:45:07 (PDT)
Definitely Ibiza when it's asian night there!! This place is in Oakland right near the airport.
As for L.A., Le Preve is ok, some of the girls that hang out there are escort/hostess girls. But the crowd is good
Woo Shang Club   
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 00:44:14 (PDT)
Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 00:39:04 (PDT)
the best clubs are multiracial -- not too many asian club DJs are on the map, are they?
Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 10:51:50 (PDT)
I stand corrected!! Ibiza has different parties with different people.. You have to check the dates and promotions. IT STILL IS A HAPPENING PLACE TO BE AT IN OAKTOWN!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 04:53:27 (PDT)
If you are up in the Bay Area..You GOT to check out "IBIZA" in Oakland!!! Party is happening on Friday and Saturday and the crowd is AWESOME!!!
Different promotors sponsor events like Synergy and Abzolut. Lots of girls here and the atmosphere is like Southern Cali THIS PLACE RATES A+ IN MY BOOK!!
jo jo   
Tuesday, August 07, 2001 at 02:38:42 (PDT)
Correction to Hi'Baller.....Ibiza is NOT all Asian all the time. It depends on who is throwing the party. Check out their website for more information (ibizaresorts.com).
As for the best Asian club? I have to say Le Preve in LA, that kstyle club is the nicest club I have ever been to. It's expensive, it's upscale shit, but it's still the best.
Hard ROK   
Sunday, August 05, 2001 at 19:57:47 (PDT)
I think new york has a good asian night life, but I think their clubs are a little bit to asian, when I go in an asian club I get stared at from guys and girls mostly girls (haters)cause I am spanish, they really need to open up a little more.
sam sammartinez20@hotmail.com   
Monday, July 23, 2001 at 06:13:53 (PDT)
Milly, you're a complete FOB (I know, from your broken English in other posts), yet you're a firm believer in associating only with whites. If some Asian Americans wanna chill with other Asian Americans, it's none of your business, so back off lady!
Fuk U Milly   
Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 23:33:34 (PDT)
Club IBIZA in Oakland ROCKS on Friday's and Saturday's. It has an L.A. type of setting due to an open pool area and a surrounding enclosed hotel that overlooks the dance floor and pool area. The best thing is that once you meet someone on the dance floor, you can go party up in your room!!! About 99% of the crowd is Asians.
Hi Ball'er   
Monday, July 16, 2001 at 22:26:36 (PDT)
LA definitely's got the best night life...check out Le Prive. But bring a lot of money...be ready to spend about $50+ per person...cuz the bill usually comes out to be $500+
Asian nite every nite baby!! hehe .. (only if some of you silly asians will stop fighting so much at clubs .. many of them would still be open =oP)
MiChiE justmichie@hotmail.com
wat does other nationalities sees in Asian ethnic group? Good or bad impression? Feel like we got respect from them, or is it that they afraid of our kung fu.
Any body check out tha clubs in Sacramento? I heard they have hella bad strip clubs up there.
Z Man
i have to agree....SHARK CLUB IS THE BOMBBBB!!!!
Club Bas in S.F. which is under new ownership has a good amount of asians partying there. The girls sometime outnumber the men 2to1. But there are a lot of youngster gangbangers there and it gets pretty jumpy on weekends..sometimes a lot of fights after the club is over, (No thanks to those TL Boys).
EX ABC W.C. in S.F.
Shark Club in Costa Mesa, Southern Cali ROCKS on Friday nights!!!
ABZOLUT parties SUCK BIG TIME!!! They are nothing but a bunch of yuppie scum university students that get together in this circle network click!! If you don't know anyone at these parties or don't have any friends that belong to this group of people then it's a waste of time going!!
any azn night anywhere...
azn girl
What about San Diego?
Toronto has the best nightlife in North American no doubt about it. It's all about Guvernment Fridays, over 2,000 jam packed each friday. :)
Craig hello
Anything by ABZOLUT in San Francisco, and yes club BAS in SF is cool but only on the Asian party nights. I don't know about the bouncers-they are cool I guess. Who ever wrote that other note must have been a woman and into tall African American guys. DRESS CODE IN EFFECT, no hats, jeans or basket ball shoes unless your a woman. Go figure.
Steve Chan
where are the happening spots in seatle
nyc ,nyc, nyc, capital of the world and incredible fusion of all cuktures, Asia or not
ernest wu
well dont leave anything in the car when going to le prive, the damn valet stole my 400$ sunglasses in the glove compartment + some cd's, the nerve on those guys...
and dont switch tables they will charge u twice... be ready to spend at least 450
CBC Mini Club in Houston and Saigon Net are the two best Viet clubs in H-Town. They have the hottest Viet babes there! Woo-Hoo!
Club BAS in Bay St. In SF. Fione azz bouncers hella AA's. Something like 1000 people.
All love is the opposite of discord!
If you are in Toronto, check out
www.love.ca's 'secret saturdays'
Dance Party!
Groove with like-minded couples,
& singles...mostly Chinese, but all are welcome!
This event is a great place to
connect with interesting people.
19 balmuto st. (1 street west of
yonge-south side of bloor)
Every Saturday from 8pm-11:30pm
See you there,
The D.J.