Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What kind of ethnic mix do you prefer in a club?
All Asian |
Predominantly Asian |
Multi-Racial |
Other |
Which of the following American metro areas has the best Asian nightlife?
Los Angeles |
New York |
San Francisco |
Honolulu |
Vancouver |
Toronto |
Other |
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just an update for all you party people. here are the up and coming parties in NYC
Wednesday night (www.xonetwork.com)
Webster HALL
Doors open: 10:00p.m - 4:00a.m.
Admission: $20
21 years and older . ID is a must!
Attire: No jeans, sneakers, baggy pants, hats, or tank tops.
For all guest list request...e-mail names by Tuesday, November 20 by
noon(names must be confirmed by XO)
SIGN UP FOR GUEST LIST NOW at guestlist@xonetwork.com.
Please bring photo ID - name on guest list MUST exactly match your gov't
Guest list info for this event is as follows:
Gentlemen $5 before 10 30pm, $10 before 11pm, $15 before 11:30.
Ladies FREE before 10:30 pm, $5 before 11; $10 before 11:30; $15 before
"You must be past the cashier before certain times to qualify for
discounts,FREE admission"
Cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Monday, November 19, 2001 at 12:07:28 (PST)
NYC/NJ is the best.
Doesn't have as many asians as Cali.
But more sophisticated and better looking, not trashy.
Asians here are probably a lot richer too =).
jmisa romeoboy13@aol.com   
Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 10:47:32 (PST)
most of the asian clubs are held in NYC. they vary from place to place depending on the people who are throwing the party. Since i live in NY, i would only go to those parties in NYC (i actually live on long island, but the real parties are held in NYC) here is the information that you requested:
www.xonetwork.com (guestlist@xonetwork.com)
www.genasianetwork.com (guestlist@genasianetwork.com)
cover is typically $20.00
some helpful people? you can usually use myself as a point person for the XO parties. If you need some people on the guestlist, just send me the names, and i'll add them to my regular list. I usually have about 40-50 people there that i know.
Dress for a girl:
Women usually wear seductive clothing. Tight tops, and dresses or tanktops with skirts or leather.
Guys wear khakis, muscle shirts or those who are preppy wear suits, dress shirts. Most of the asians there though wear tight shirts to show off their arms / chest (though many are very puny and small) I personally wear tight shirts to show off my progress of my workouts :) heh
Most of the clubs thrown start around 10pm and last until 4am. Genasia typically have their parties on a friday night, and XO usually has theirs on saturday nights. MAX has their's on Thursday nights (happy hour)
Cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 18:38:54 (PST)
I am an avid goer to asian clubs in NYC. Especially those thrown by the top asian organizers (XO Network, GenASIA, MAX) THey vary on your taste as well. XO is mostly for the older crowd (guys 23, women 21) while genasia is more for 21 for all. MAX is for happy hours so they are aimed at the work force.
If you are a club goer, you must check out an XO Party. They are absolutely great, and always packed. You don't have to worry about being shy in these places b/c we are all the same. I know that in some non asian clubs asians get 'shy' and are afraid to dance or antyhing else like that. here everyone just goes out and has fun.
In terms of dress, guys here dress clean cut, mostly black or in tank tops showing off their physique. I personally like to wear dress shirts or tight muscle cut shirts to show off my arms, as do many others. The women here wear nice clothes, and some even wear those outfits that are eye dropping. You have to experience it in order to make a judgement call on it. Hope to see some of you there.
RedDawg reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 15:37:09 (PST)
They are no different than any other clubs...Just a bunch of asians getting stupid and drunk
Sunday, October 28, 2001 at 01:26:40 (PDT)
Well, I don't know about other "Asian" nightclubs but some Corean night clubs in LA and NYC requires you to pay for a booth or a table. It come with drinks and some snacks and it can be quite expensive so its best if you go with friends. Anyway guys usually pick up the tab for these booths.
Besides that its just as same as the mainstream clubs.
Soju is mmm mmm   
Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 20:13:59 (PDT)
I have never been to an Asian night club. are they any different then any other club?
Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 21:09:09 (PDT)
I'm from New YOrk, & a bit serious in turn it makes a sophisticated person out of me. So yeah! I definitely vote New YOrk.
dainne.com http://www.dainne.com   
Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 14:56:15 (PDT)
i agree with "NYC" about the difference between LA clubs and NYc clubs...actually ive been to both and i prefer the nyc clubs...people are alot more defined and sophisticated in the city than in the LA clubs...all they seem to do at the clubs in LA is drag u(if u're a chick) to some ugly cali boy with orange spikey hair that can't have somewhat of a normal and intelligent conversation...the guys in nyc are clean cut, well dressed, and can keep a conversation flowing...i didn't want to pre-judge about the LA clubs but man...ive never seen so many hoochie mamas that all have the same outfit on...white tube top, daisy dukes, and platform...UGLY platform sandals...augh...go ny!
Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 19:59:15 (PDT)
The best, biggest, hottest asian club and where the top 1% sexiest asian women love to party every weekend from all over the world has to be SAGA in Chicago!!! Not even Jennifer Lopez, Mickey Rourke, Nicolas Cage, or other asian fetished perverts can get in. It's the only place gauranteed for fights and on a good night a bra brawl. WoooHooooo!!!!!
Monday, September 17, 2001 at 14:53:37 (PDT)
www.sfdrinkclub.com - in SF
and of course gotta put in a vote for my vancouver party kids - FUNKtion Fridays (miss u guys much)
vanessa vanessa@sfdrinkclub.com   
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 19:52:55 (PDT)
NYC in general has the best clubs by far. Asian or not.
Here are the reasons:
1. NYC clubs open all night here, they dont close at 1am or 2am. The party gets started around midnight and goes on till dawn.
2. You can smoke indoors in NYC Clubs.
3. Unlike cheesy L.A., and all other clubs in the states, the clubs in NYC are posh, sophisticated and elegant, unlike the cheesy Vel Farre with a wax figure of a cop next to the dance floor and the icicle lights. Whats up with that crap?
4. People in NYC have style. Both guys and girls dress better and are better looking, the girls have a head on their shoulders and arent a bunch of slutty hoochies that shop at Joyce Leslie.
Thats all there is folks.
Monday, September 10, 2001 at 12:40:27 (PDT)