

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Houston area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Katy/West Houston | 26%
Sugar Land/Ft Bend Cty | 32%
Westside Chinatown | 7%
W Univ Pl/Inner Loop | 24%
The Woodlands | 11%

What's the best thing about living in the Houston area?
No Cold Winters | 3%
Many Good Asian Restaurants | 32%
Reasonable Cost of Living | 54%
Southern Hospitality | 11%

What's the worst thing about living in the Houston area?
Hot Muggy Summers | 56%
Pollution & Dominance by Big Oil | 25%
Rednecks in Outlying Areas | 19%
Asian Community Political Squabbling | 0%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Houston Azn In Westchase:

Interesting observations...but what's up with all these AF wearing glasses to the gym? Ever since I've discovered (from goldsea) that interacial relationships between AF and non-AM were on a rise, I've also tried to be more observant. What I've noticed about AF and WM relationships in Houston (as you have) is 1)the white guys are either old or ugly 2)the girls could do better. Every once in a while I come across an AF who is with a non-AM whose appearance is decent enough to not make me puke.

Another suprising discovery in Houston -- I've met (through business) quite a few guys in their 20's who look pure white but are actually mix (I think they're called hapas). More interestingly, these guys' attitudes were more similar to AM than WM (sweet, non-agressive, modest, etc.). My point in saying this is that I guess IR dating (particularly AF and WM) is not a new phenomenom.

Being a girl raised in a small southern town where racial discriminations were prevalent but unspoken, I was taken away by these observations at first (Houston is large, but nevertheless still a southern town). Honestly, I think its cool that interracial dating is acceptable now and days. But at the sametime, its not healthy when it becomes a fetish. So the question is, how do you distingish between a relationship that is based on racial fetish vs one that is not? Is physical appearance (like ugly WM with pretty AF) enough to determine that relationship is based on racial interest?

I'm particularily interested in hearing the perspective of those attractive AF with unattractive WM.
be    Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 12:06:01 (PDT)


I was working out at the 24 Hour Fitness that used to be the Q club on Westheimer near Beltway 8 yesterday evening and saw all kinds of folks working out there, many of them Asian. There was the usual assortment of old Asian ladies & men in the steamroom and jacuzzi. There were some middle aged AM/AF couples on the cardio machines and a group of young AMs working out in the free weight area (some buff, some skinny, one FAT!!!) Then I looked around and saw some young AFs and made some interesting observations:

-One had a banging body but a face like a librarian. Some average white guy (30, light brown hair, medium build, not fat or skinny, no distinguishing features) was working out on a cardio machine, so she got on the treadmill in front of him and kept on looking back at him and wagging her tight ass at him. He noticed but was cool about the whole thing. Finally, she got off, took off her glasses and let down her hair and made a BIG Tranformation. She was actually pretty cute after she did that! She walked over to him, flipped her hair and said "hi" to him, and he was reeled in.

-Another AF who was maybe 20 was working a cardio machine next to an UGLY 40-something White guy who looked like he was missing some teeth!!! Every time she'd go to another area, he'd follow her. I finally got fed up with it and walked over to her and said "Is this guy bothering you?" Turned out he's a player for the Aero's hockey team whose bridge was being worked on and he was her boyfriend. This girl wasn't pretty, but she was sort of cute if she'd ditch the glasses. She could do better than a guy who is missing a bunch of teeth due to flying pucks!!!

-A really HOT AF with washboard abs and a NICE ass wearing a bra top came in with this HUGE muscle-bound Black Dude. They were on the bikes together talking casually. At one point, the White guy with the transformer girl walked by and she looked over at him and smiled. Then, the Black dude got all bent out of shape saying "What you looking at that Cracker for and smiling?!?! What have I said to you about doing that s***?!?!" They got into an argument, she got mad and took off, with him following her.

-A young AM/AF couple were working out on the LifeFitness machines talking about nothing interesting.

I still couldn't believe those young AFs in the IR relationships. One of them with a toothless White hockey player who was UGLY, one pursuing what looked like an okay White guy and one with a posessive, jealous black guy. 2 out of 3 in relationships with mentally defective non-Asian guys. Makes me wonder how many more middle aged AM/AF couples will be there in the next 20 years.
Houston Azn in Westchase    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 06:18:47 (PDT)
Just a heads up to all you Rice Rocket Racers who love to blast down Westheimer at 1 AM on Saturday or Sunday: in case you didn't see the news, one of our BEST staging areas, the Super KMart on Westheimer and Dunvale was the site of a HUGE bust!!! They arrested everybody there who looked under 21, man. Racers or not!
Until we find a new staging area, stay the HELL away from there. You don't want to spend the night in Harris County lockup!!!
H-Town Azn w/a Winged Civic    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 05:38:29 (PDT)
Hey Fellow AA Houstonians:

For those of you who love Tapioca Pearl Tea, but don't live near Chinatown, another Tapioca Pearl place will be opening in the Memorial City Mall Food Court this month! This adds to the other Boba tea places in non-dominantly Asian places like Sugar Land and the Woodlands.
Andrew Xiaoliang Campbell    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 08:13:40 (PDT)
To Chicago Pilipino,
Best place for you, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE/RICE VILLAGE Area. It fits your desription almost perfect. The Texas Medical Center is litterally down the street. It has beautiful homes or high rises, trendy restuarants, swank clubs/bars, and nifty outdoor boutiques within walking distance of where ever you are.


Midtown downtown, in the Bagby street/Gray street area. Its totally new but very chic and cool.

To XLee,
If his English is already great, then get him used to the social customs and do's/dont's. I see so many new immigrants that our loud, rude, and obnoxious in public. They think they can do what ever they want in this country. WTF???? For example, some try to cut in front of the line at the market or hold a phone conversation in the movie theaters. Yes, they have the nerve to answer their phone during a movie!! Geeeeez!!!!
Viet guy in Houston    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 07:26:40 (PDT)