

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a male of Japanese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to females of Japanese ancestry?
Their facial features | 54%
Their physique | 4%
Their attitude and personality | 23%
Their education & cultural values | 19%

Assuming you are a male of Japanese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with females of Japanese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 3%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 38%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 56%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 3%
Assuming you are a female of Japanese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to males of Japanese ancestry?
Their facial features | 47%
Their physique | 5%
Their attitude and personality | 23%
Their education & cultural values | 25%

Assuming you are a female of Japanese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with males of Japanese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 5%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 35%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 57%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 3%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Does JA mean Japanese American?
Why do you call yourself that? Why can't you say you are Japanese born in America living in America? And, there is another way of explaining or describing yourself as Japanese. Why don't you hang out with Black people? You would feel much better than hanging out only white people. Trust me. And you will ask "How do I know?" right??? You can guess.

re: Kamen Hanya
do you know your name meaning?
That person Tamuramaro Sakananoue was a samurai of a long time ago, but I don't think american people will know about him.
Princess of Country


What an asshole you are! Talk about BO, just go to mainland China where they still don't know how to shower.

To all of you Japanese American imbeciles who claim to "not wanting to be white":

Look at the fpolls, for godsakes! Out of all the groups including Chinese Male/Female, Korean Male/Female Polls, you Jap-americans have the highest proportion of individuals of both sexes who "don't find [their counterparts] physically attractive. And a whopping 5% of JA females find JA males physically unattractive. Considering the very small and widely-dispersed Japanese American population in the US, that is a HUGE proportion of JAs who don't find each other attractive. I think this little statistic is a fairly clear indication of the self-hate that has been ingrained in the minds of some Japanese Americans.
You Guys are Pathetic

Hey, to the "JA woman". I'm not about to judge you or accuse you of being ashamed of your heritage...but can I ask you about something...since you educate people about who you are, etc, can you shed some light for me (as a black american) who was "Sakananoue Tamuramaro"? A lot of Japanese people told me they never heard of him yet I learned about him during "Black History month" when I was in america and there was reference to him in a famed historian Lerone Bennet Jr. his book was "THey came before Columbus". In that book, there wasn't much said and I was wondering if you knew?
Kamen Hanya

I don't know why I'm even writing to someone with an email like "killdahonkies@blah", but just in case you have one or two brain cells left, let me just point out that you said "quit judging the entire race you jack asses. look at every indivual for themselves.!"
But in that same post, you said "I honestly think white chicks are ugly and all look the same" and "asians dont smell, i'd rather smell noodles and curry than BO (WHIch ALL WHITE PEOPLE HAVE)" Hmmmm. Sounds a little hypocritical dontcha think? Here's a concept- if you don't want people to stereotype you, then maybe, just maybe, you should follow your OWN advice and lay off the stereotypes yourself? But I guess something as simple as that must be beyond your reach. By the looks of your post, it seems like you dropped out of the hooked on phonics program prematurely. Get an education and get a life.

Moron detector    Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 15:06:18 (PDT)
Simona, Im a south indian and I look like a so called aryan, dravidian is a language family, NOT RACE, why cant you stupid north indians ever understand that? And no damnit, we are not related to africans, we look just like other indians, the more north you go the lighter the people are usually, its called CLIMATE.
Indian Guy    Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 10:37:03 (PDT)
Simona said that Indians just win more beauty contests because their features are more Caucasian. I can't a stronger indication that those Miss Universe pageants are still biased toward Caucasian features. It's true.
Yep Yep    Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 12:10:49 (PDT)
Someone made a comment that because JA's hang around with whites, means they are ashamed of their culture. That's BS. It has nothing to do with each other. I'm JA, and hang around with white people and asians. I don't want to be white. They are fascinated with my culture and I help educate them about it. I live and work among people of all races. I get to know my neighbors. How ignorant to judge other JA's because of who they socialize with. I socialize with people who are fun, non judgemental, and interesting to talk to. The JA families I know, aren't judgemental of other races, and are open to getting to know people of all color. We've been living in america for many generations. We've learned to let go of the anger, be happy here and make the best of it. We enjoy or own culture and enjoy others.
JA woman
JA woman

I think Japanese American women and men tend to date outside of their race because they associate with other races. A lot of us are 3rd thru 5th generation, so we grew up around different cultures. Our parents associate with people of other colors, and they didn't punish us for dating outside of our race. We don't often have to worry about disapproval of family. It's not a big issue. I've dated outside, not because I'm trying hard to date outside my race, but I happened to socialize with them and that's how dates happen anyway. I've always been more attracted to asian guys though. I think they are sexy! I married JA guy because he's got a great personality and I'm attracted to him.

     Milly, did you play along with the imposters or ask them for their true ethnicity?

     [Many of your recent posts are interesting but have little to do with JA-JA relationships. So we've moved them to a new page devoted to Japanese-American Identity and Self-Image. Go there to continue this discussion. --Ed.]

     Has anyone else been approached by korean guys pretending to be Japanese? It's happened twice to me now and it's so bizarre.

     I agree with JA man. Japanese American families, on the whole, tend to be more open and friendly to other races/ethnicities, compared to the hate and stereotypes other asian american families propogate (not all, but you get the point). I know my family taught me to respect others. Therefore, we don't have hangups about who we befriend or who we have relationships with. Our communities have long been subject to racism and hatred from not only non asians, but other asians throughout our history in this country. My people know that racism and ignorance is something not to be taken lightly or dished out to other races/ethnicities. America is a huge place, and I live far from my family and neighborhoods. Of course I am bound to run into other races of women (the same as JA women might). Am I going to be "holding out" only looking to date/marry japanese women? Of course not, if I wanted to do that I'd move to japan which I have no inclination to ever do.
another JA dude

     This is what I think. The overall population of people in America of Japanese descent are very, very low compared to those of other asians. Chinese and Filipino's constitute the largest numbers of asians in America. Therefore, when you see a Japanese lady with a white guy here, you automatically assume that all Japanese women prefer this which ins't true. Also, when you move away from your communities due to education or jobs, the dating pool to date other Japanese shrinks mightily. Also, all asian women in America find it flattering to be considered "sexy" and "desirable." It's been conditioned into them by the mainstream media.

     You know, I've seen some really good looking Japanese American guys around where I live. I'm not sure if they've been here for generations..or they're 2nd generation like me, but they do tend to hang out with white people a lot more and date whites. This goes for the girls also. THey shouldn't be ashamed about their culture. They should be proud of it and not try to be white like some of the do.

     One reason you see so many J-A outdating is because we have more opportunity. Most J-A in this country and Canada are third, fourth and fifth generation, unlike Koreans and Chinese who are more likely to be foreign-born. So we grow up with Whites and are more likely to hook up with them. We're also more acculturated so I think Whites find us more attractive and easier to get along with. I'm not denying that there may be some self-loathing involved given our sad history (internment camps), but a lot of it is simply greater opportunity.
JA Man, 33

     I am a korean male. I live in NYC. I notice that the one asian group that always dates outside the race is Japanese. Why is this? Other ethnic group does not have this problem regardless if they are spanish , other asians, black ,or white. It seems like alot japanese are turned off by other japanese.

     Wow, I'm surprised at how unnattracted JAs are to each other. Especially bodywise.