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I live in NYC and meet some Japanese people. I talked to them and the feeling I get from Japanese girls are that they don't like to date Japanese men. Alot of it is because Japanese men are not masculine looking and don't know how to treat a women. But, I also get Japanese men that don't want to date Japanese women either. You see it in both sides. But, I think in general most Japanese do like each other and it is just some. I mean if all Japanese people felt this way then it would be a huge social problem in Japan and you would hear about it in the news. But the mix -race relationships does happen in Japan.
Monday, February 18, 2002 at 12:08:30 (PST)
The Japanese as a dying race is over blown. Rent any number of Japanese AV vcds and you'll see a Japanese chick with a Japanese guy.
Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 01:39:43 (PST)
hey quit looking,
i feel ur pain. I'm a CM and it seems like alot(not all)CF do the same thing. But it's not just the females. I've seen AM do the same thing by hanging out with mostly whites.(keep in mind, I am not trying to bash white people) But if any of you out there are ashamed of being asian, then all i have to say is, you guys/gals are nothin but little B**ches. Don't make me shove my PROUD asian foot up ur a$$. As for you quit looking, just hang in there. You'll find that one special JA female.
1 asian   
Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 22:53:05 (PST)
I'm a JA male and when I was younger would have loved to find a JA female to date and possibly marry. I felt that culturally we would naturally have more in common than people of different races. Unfortunately, a vast majority of JA females prefer white males. It can't be because of their looks because some of the guys that I see with JA females are really not attractive. I think it's more psychological than anything. They feel like they blend into American society better if they are with a white person. That way they don't stand out and bring attention to themselves. They are actually ashamed of being JA. They may not want to admit it but it's the truth. There are of course exceptions but for the most part it's the truth. It's too bad that they don't realize that to many men having a Japanese wife/girlfriend is a status symbol. Kind of like having a Rolex, or Mercedes. They don't respect you, they wear you.
Quit Looking   
Friday, November 16, 2001 at 00:58:59 (PST)
i think japanese Guys are very extremely sexy especially the one I encountered , even though I'm not japanese I just wanted to say Y'all are umm umm good!
crystal demetrice35@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 15:23:50 (PDT)
i think japan has a serious male/female relationship
problem. according to recent reports, japan's birth
rate will dramatically decline over the next generation.
well, i have always heard that japanese male are very
male dominant. and japanese women tend to delay
marriage as lay as possible in japan. maybe theres a
correlation with this. I don;t know if theres any
correlaton, but whats with all these trends about
japanese women preferring american men over japanese.
at this rate, japan looking at a population shrink very
soon in next generation.
Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 01:40:32 (PDT)
I find Japanese American men to be very attractive and sexy. Unfortunately, the JA community doesn't have the numbers that other ethnic groups have so dating opportunities aren't always ideal.
To all those angry/bitter posters on here, I just have one thing to say: "Simma down, nah!"