

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
hmmm.. never heard of japanese 'whitening' their skin. actually ever notice most 'white' people aren't white at all but pink? haha. jeez i know asians more white in skin tone than avg white people and that especially includes japanese.
abc    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 13:14:27 (PDT)
Korean Exchange Student in U.S,

I think you're just pissed and frustated that you can't get lucky with the ladies, so you just go around bitching and blaming the media. But if you haven't noticed there's more presence of asians (male and female) nowdays. Anyway, it's true that there's asians ashamed of their background, but hey, that's they're problem so let them be.
KC "also a Korean exchange student"    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 13:13:09 (PDT)
Korean exchange student in U.S.

You are an embarrassment to us Koreans, so please shut up.

What the heck is a "Jew-Propaganda" movie? So is E.T. a "Jew-Propaganda" movie? Please tell me, I would love to know what would constitute a "Jew-Propaganda" film. If I saw a film that advocated the extermination of Palestinian people, I would agree with you that such a film would be a "Jew-Propaganda" movie, but I assume what you mean is that movies that endorse "white" beauty of some sort. What in the world does that have to do with being jewish??? Do you know a single JEW??? The last time I checked there are black and asians jews in the world.

"Putrid Mud Males"??? you know there are Korean/African biracial people. If you are studying in the U.S. I suggest that you go out and meet some of these "Putrid Mud Males" so that you can at least get something out of your education before you go back and infect others with your fascist ideology.
ka    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 08:46:59 (PDT)
hey to people pointing out japanese people whitening skin etc is trying to be white, well relax! I'm not sure about the japanese exactly, but in china, a lady is supposed to be white and small lipped. Skin whitening is just trying to look good in their cultural standards. And plus, many japanese are naturally whiter than any white person
Chen Yu    Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 02:00:51 (PDT)
I was thankful Goldsea used the phrase "misrepresenting Japanese women" to headline this link today. But no matter how often one speaks out against bigotry, some will continue to tiptap away on their keyboards and foment epithets, while adding little relief to those who desire to be in a world where we all participate toward the common goal of character acceptance before racial identification. Inevitably, the struggle continues with "Korean exchange student in U.S." Could it be that it's just the same Korean male poisoned with racism who continuously visits this site under a different nom de guerre, (i.e. "James PTBC"?) - well, we can only hope that that poster saw the error of his ways. At any rate, thank you "Korean exchange student in U.S." for donating what little acumen you had for this forum, and proving that all the feelgood dogma of campus liberalism has yet to be scribed in your texts. What wealth of intellect did American academia exchange with South Korea for you: a neo-Nazi skinhead?

"My aunt's from chiba and my older brother is married to a japanese girl, so i know ALOT about japanese people." - Well, indeed, you should! After six counted family outings to the bedroom suburbs of eastern Tokyo, who could disagree? Tell me, sport: were you able to make it out of Narita Airport, or did you hop on the next flight out, fully satisfied with your time in Chiba Prefecture as having met the criteria for your Japan anthropological studies?

"(Some) white guys are just insecure losers who want asian women because they don't feel such a wimp next a woman with a body like a 10 year olds." - He is to say Asian women are leftovers for white men, and are built like children. If you, sir, have ever in your lifetime been attracted to a female of Asian extraction, are you not guilty of what you accuse white men for, as you so eloquently put it, "feel such a wimp?" Oh, was that your foot?

I like this one: "Alot of asiphlies who goes for an asian chick over his won ('own' sp?) has serious problems." - Right, just like the millions of anxious white boys lusting at the sight of a half-dressed Kelly Hu in "The Scorpion King" right? (Alert the press! White guy glances at 19-year-old Asian bettie in a baby 'T': story at 11!)

It is truly a pity that the millions of fair-minded men of Korean extraction are not here to weigh in against this rhetoric. "Korean exchange student in U.S." - let's be perfectly candid: your post reeks of petulant freshman angst where each shade of skin colour has its own cafeteria table, ethnic clique, hairstyle, "my own people," hyphenated American club, dating pool, boring and monotonous bullshit. Anyone who spends the amount of time you did sweating over a keyboard, and to offer nothing more than the predictable words of someone intoxicated with racism, only epitomizes their own insecurity.

Ellery    Monday, April 29, 2002 at 14:24:09 (PDT)