Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people |
Dynamic urban life |
Appealing traditional culture |
Safety and social stability |
What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution |
Rigid social conformity |
Stagnant economic system |
Exhorbitant prices |
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"I believe the Japanese are trying their best to save the earth from global warming, while the US is developing weapons."
If Japan were being targeted by Al-Qaeda, they would be developing weapons for defense too. I think it was NYC that was attacked on September 11th, not Tokyo.
"Japan in the number one nation in the world compared to other Asian nations and non-Asian nations. The Japanese are the most intellegent people in the world who have pride and believe in their culture. Japan is a Divine nation."
If Japan was the best country in the world, why didn't they develop Windows and revolutionize the computer industry? Why is the Japanese economy so much weaker than America's? Japanese are so snobby! Wasn't that "divine nation" idea finally shaken when you were defeated in WWII?
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 11:15:49 (PDT)
I'm apalled at "non Japanese" Asians bashing the Japanese. Japan in the number one nation in the world compared to other Asian nations and non-Asian nations. The Japanese are the most intellegent people in the world who have pride and believe in their culture. Japan is a Divine nation.
Japanese Patriot   
Monday, May 27, 2002 at 22:16:01 (PDT)
I believe the Japanese are trying their best to save the earth from global warming, while the US is developing weapons.
``Tokyo 20 April 2002 The Japanese Earth Simulator is on-line and producing results that alarm the USA, that considered itself as being leading in supercomputing technology. With over 35 Tflop/s, it five times outperforms the Asci White supercomputer that is leading the current TOP500 list. No doubt that position is for the Earth Simulator, not only for the next list, but probably even for the coming two years. In the New York Times, bench mark compiler Jack Dongarra compares the event with the Sputnik, hence he dubbed the Earth Simulator "Computenik".
The Earth Simulator is a special purpose machine, made by NEC with the same type of vector technology as is available on the SX-6. This is a different approach than the Americans are taking, who base the large machines on off-the shelf technology. A clear advantage of the Japanese approach is that they "only" need 5104 processors for the Earth Simulator. The Asci White at the US Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and made by IBM, already needs 8192 processors for 7 Tflop/s.
Nevertheless, a complete new building was created for the Earth Simulator, because it is a huge machine.
The Earth Simulator will be used for research in Earth related science. It is especially suited for simulating complex linked systems, where for instance, the climate is modelled together with water flow on the earth and models of the ocean. In general, these types of applications lend themselves very good for vector processing.
Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 23:49:53 (PDT)
kusunoki- Japan didn't surrender during WWII out of foolish pride. If they had surrendered, they might have avoided Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and millions of lives might have been saved. Also the last time I checked the Nikkei stock exchange was pretty sickly, while American's is still booming along. Japan also lacks land and national resources, and there is a superiority/xenophobic complex there. No one country is "the best nation on earth".
my opinion   
Friday, May 10, 2002 at 11:46:23 (PDT)
Oh my gosh kusunoki masashige you has gots to be kidding me?! I have been to Japan several times and the air there is so dirty! In fact while i was over there I got viral broncitus. They are not trying to save no one from no pollution i mean look at their pollution problem. And I am sorry to break your confidence but Japan is not the number 1 nation on earth. If they were then why aren't they able to declare war and why do we have american bases over there to protect them. They are basically under our control. Yea Its true that Japan is a well advanced nation but thats all they have, just technology. And the students who go to middle and highschool are comminting suicide left and right because they are afraid of failing and exam. I mean what is that!? I am not trying to diss japan or whatever because there is alot of things that i like about japan but somethings there just don't make since. Hopefully thats all i have to say.
rAcCoOn 01   
Friday, May 10, 2002 at 06:59:40 (PDT)
Japan is the best nation on earth! It was the last to surrender WWII after Italy and Germany. The Japanese also had Americans so scared durring WWII, it got to the point where they locked up the Japanese Americans in interment camps! Today Japan is probably the only nation trying to save the earth from pollution.
kusunoki masashige
Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 00:14:31 (PDT)
I have visited Japan 3 times and find the people to be very honest and trustworthy. It is a safe place. Not a lot of people trying to rip you off all the time, or cheat you out of your money. The only problem is a lack of land.
jeff yaki yakijy@aol.com   
Monday, May 06, 2002 at 12:32:26 (PDT)
abc- you have no idea how popular Shiseido's UV White products are among asians. Skin whitening products are sold in Asia and Europe, but very little in the US because people think it would stir up controversy, ie everyone should look white.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 11:54:37 (PDT)