

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
And if the USA hadn't helped Japan rebuild financially after the war, it certainly would not have been anywhere near the level of wealth and industrializiation that it is today, so you have the US to thank.
USA    Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 08:38:01 (PDT)
Skin whitening-

Hey, it's all good! There are Japanese people who are trying to (and succeed in) tanning themselves to be as dark as I am --many of them are darker!

Japanese people don't try to whiten their skin to look WHITE. They whiten their skin to look more JAPANESE. In Japan, northern girls from Akita were traditionally thought to be more attractive than the southern girls of Kyushu. Before whites ever came to Japan, they've just had a preference (and it's just that and there are plenty of acceptions to the rule).

It just gives different options in fashion. Some people like make up others don't. I don't think it's a lack of cultural pride at all.
Black gyrl in Japan    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 23:08:10 (PDT)

I think every culture has a certain amount of ethnocentricity whether they want to outright say it or not. It's not just the Japanese.

There is a little more to it than a kid commiting suicide just because they failed an exam. Kids over here have no real social lives. Parents pump money into their schooling because these children are seen as an economic investment. If the kid fails a test, it's more than just feeling back for himself or herself. It means that they cannot ensure financial stability.

Black gyrl in Japan    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 22:59:28 (PDT)
So? American cars are still in the stone ages. Yes I beleive Asians were all one race like 5000 years ago. But who cares? Are you living in the stone ages? Obviously. And do not give credit to the USA. Japan was well on its way in conquering Asia and its natural resources when America had to butt in. Japan was already industrialized.

Ru    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 20:25:39 (PDT)
Now here is the real thing. If japan is so great then why do japanese teens commit suicide over exams and tests and worship americans. And also who beat Japan in WW2...of course the USA. And the USA were the first to industralize japan. If it wern't for us they would still have Chinese and Korean slaves. Do you think Asia dislikes you because of your technology?! ha Asia hates Japan because you guys en-slaved their people. I mean where do you think japan originated from...of course China! Both alphabets are almost identical. Yea sure japan has technology but all they do is improve items that have already came out. who made cars first anyways. The USA did while japan was still in the stone age. So before you guys start talking about how "divine" Japan is you should think before you type/talk AND LOOK AT YOUR HISTORY.
the real scoop    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 14:02:30 (PDT)
Steal Kanji characters?? That's like saying the Americans stole the English language from the English. Oh wait, the Chinese invented chopsticks. Well, Americans didn't invent the fork and spoon. Big Deal. Do you give credit to whomever invetented the fork? Chinese culture influenced the entire Asia way back then. But so did the Arabs and Indians.
Ru    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 05:19:31 (PDT)
"Japan in the number one nation in the world compared to other Asian nations and non-Asian nations. The Japanese are the most intellegent people in the world who have pride and believe in their culture. Japan is a Divine nation."

really? so why did they steal chinese kanji characters, why are the japanese teenagers so western-wanables. Pride?? don't make me laugh.
Pride    Sunday, June 02, 2002 at 06:07:26 (PDT)
"The US should have let Germans do its "thing" and Japan conquer Asia. Then sept 11 would never have happened."

What the hell kind of bullshit is that?? Are you a Nazi? So you think Hitler should have been allowed to complete the genocide of the Jews, and that would have solved all of the world's problems right? Sept 11th Is not the fault of the jews, it was the fault of crazy muslims that think that the us is big satan and that blowing up buildings is a great idea to get their message across.
you are a sicko    Friday, May 31, 2002 at 13:01:26 (PDT)
I don't think it's wrong for the US to develop supercomputers for military reasons. Japan and the US have different priorities. Imagine if that Japanese computer were used for weapons!
Windows was developed by dorky bill gates (the best?) who is apparently trying to compete with Sony in video games??? He will lose. You gotta be cool to compete with Sony.
US has all the advantages for a stronger economy-- land , natural resources, bill gates, Ford, Wal-Mart, much larger population, Indian immigrants, black entertainment etc. etc.
Japan is a divine nation that was conquered by hicks who knew the Germans and Japanese were superior.
The US should have let Germans do its "thing" and Japan conquer Asia. Then sept 11 would never have happened. j/k
Tanooki    Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 20:42:56 (PDT)
Japanese Patriot:
You really need to come off of your high horse.
Bomber Busting Baby    Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 19:56:36 (PDT)