

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

Actually i was giving my own opinon on various subjects and yes i have been to japan and i know many japanese people and i speak japanese. And for god sakes not many people want to live in japan because everything is so expensive, in fact Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. A friend of mine who married a japanese women are now living in japan and he can barly support himself and his family in japan even when he has 3 jobs. Its ridiculous! And yes its true that asian may not completly look alike now a days but its true Japan originated from China as the Koreans originated from the mongolians. I mean look at the traditions they are almost Identical. I mean Read a book. OF course all countries had some dark years but people forget that japan isn't perfect. For example my korean friend who was born in japan can't even be considered a japanse citizen because she is korean. How stupid is that. Its true that japan wouldn't be where they are now if it wasn't for the USA. On the other hand the USA wouldn't be they way it is today if we hadn't won the war against england not because of slaves. I am not saying that the USA is the best or perfect but it is a great nation even with its downfalls. We are a very diverse nation who are open to opinion.

the real scoop    Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 12:17:12 (PDT)

Actually, the Japanese didn't quite steal Chinese characters. The Chinese gave them a writing system, chopsticks and Buddhism when they were really friendly. The Japanese do have their own writing systems: hiragana and katakana which are mixed with kanji and romaji (roman letters).
Joy    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 21:58:53 (PDT)
Just like you're being racist now, asians can be even more racist, especially Japanese. Not many japanese teenagers want to be american, you'd probably have to watch your back for racism there, most Japanese in Japan are Japanese and pround, they're even mean to thir own people(e.g. if you're Japanese and can't speak it). Like a lot of people in the West like to wear things with dragons and asian character on them, asian people like to wear western things because they already have a lot of asian things. And lastly, what is with the topic of kanji?! they used the what. They gave them different sounds and put them in the japanese language. At least they didn't take the english language and leave letters out while spelling the, pronounce things incorrectly and then have the audacity to still call it "English"
Sera    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 21:11:18 (PDT)
"the real scoop"
Some of the stuff i am reading is so stupid! I'm half japanese and half australian and i too have always liked paler skin becuase it looks nice.
1)If you think they're doing that to look like americans('cause of course only americans are white) think again, yello/white skin over pink/white anyday!
2)Once again, it was only america that fought in WW2 righ? WOW! What a noble country, single handedly fighting away those mean people.
3) You'd commit suicide if you had parents that wouldn't let you live if you failed your exams. America has a poor literacy rate for a developed country and japan's is next to perfect, of course you'd have to be in the 0.000001% in america to hope to get a job there.
4)No Japan did not just originate from China, just about everyone i speak to (asian and caucasian) will tell you they look very different. Had you spoken to a japanese person you'd know that.
5) In case you didn't notice, like Japan weren't the first to invent a lot of things, so if it weren't for WESTERN countries (not just america) they might not be where they are now. But america wouldn't exist if it eren't for England and you too had black slaves. NOW look who needs to read up on their history.
6) If you haven't noticed, as much as a lot of other asian countries like Korea hate Japan, not many wertern countries like americans because of attitudes like yours. America isn't the world and just because you think it is, don't give it credit for what it's not.
Sera    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 21:01:08 (PDT)
the japanese stealing kanji isn't the same as the americans using english as the english colonised america. china did not colonise japan, china did not force japan to use kanji. koreans used chinese characters becaused they were conquered by china and were forced to use it. but look at them now, they have their own hangul charaters and no longer use chinese charaters in everyday life. so if the japanese are so divine, why dont they invent their own ideograpgic charaters instead of just STEALING kanji

And on a different point, eh no, other asian countries do not hate japan beucause of its technology, for christs sake, corea can easily rival japan in consumer eletronics and taiwan is killing japanese component sales.
Pride    Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 04:32:54 (PDT)
The USA did more damage to Japan by cutting off oil and nuking two industrial cities. Japan would have been more prosperous if it conquered Asia. And there wouldn't be any communist countries today. But no question that the US helped Japan by detroying its old industries and rebuilding a new infrastructure.

Lcl    Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 23:01:42 (PDT)
Sigh..."ru" you are boring me with your stupid statements, you obviously don't know what you are talking about. and i know about the skin darking and lighting in japan. I used to live there and they were both fashion trends. But beyond that Many japanese tend to imitate americans especially whites. Yes of course japanese want to succeed by passing exams but I beleive that japanese students are pushed too hard in which passing or failing an exam controls their life which is really bad. It would be good if they had other options to go by.
the real scoop    Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 13:32:32 (PDT)