

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about Japan?
Clean courteous people | 34%
Dynamic urban life | 34%
Appealing traditional culture | 6%
Safety and social stability | 26%

What's the worst thing about Japan?
Crowding and pollution | 24%
Rigid social conformity | 39%
Stagnant economic system | 31%
Exhorbitant prices | 6%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
kusunoki masashige:
"Japan is the best nation on earth! It was the last to surrender WWII after Italy and Germany. The Japanese also had Americans so scared durring WWII"

"Japan is a divine nation that was conquered by hicks who knew the Germans and Japanese were superior.The US should have let Germans do its "thing" and Japan conquer Asia."

"Japan would have been more prosperous if it conquered Asia. And there wouldn't be any communist countries today."

With people like these still existing in japan today, I'm glad the US limit their military power. I think that japan should never ever get their military power back, cause this clearly showed that they never learned from their mistake!! And if they get their military might back they would make the same mistake again!!

And heres another fact for you "Lul" China was not yet a communist country when japan was trying to invade it. It was under Kuomintang or the nationlist party, a party supported by the US. The japanese invasion weaken the party's power and gave the communist a chance to win the civil war. So in fact it was because of the japanese that china became a communist country today!! So read up on your history next time b4 you make a comment.
fReEdeNt    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 01:55:56 (PDT)

Oh stop whining about USA R&D. That is such an old argument.

Who invented the Compass, Gunpowder and Ketchup. I don't see the Chinese bitch over these inventions.

Have you ever used Stealth Technology and Night Vision? For what to beat police speed traps and watch your neighbors undress at night?

Those 2 inventions are practically useless as they are today. But the innovative japanese companies will invention something with these useless technology that will be practical and useful.

You see the difference. I discover gunpowder, some needs to make it more practical. That's what the Japanese Companies have been doing for the past 30 years.

You may wish to lessen their achievements and say the mere improved on things. But in reality USA industry couldn't even improve on their own cars, the hallmark of USA industry.

Also a history lesson.

Automobile - Is really just an improvement of the Dutch internal combustion engine. The Karl Benz actually made the first car with this type of engine

Computers - Is really just an improvement of the Abacus

Microwaves - Was not invented it has always been there. They were discovered by an Englishman. The oven concept was a fluke by an failing American scientist.

Radio - Contributors to the radio James Clerk Maxwell, England, 1873; Heinrich Hertz, Germany, 1886; (first practical system of wireless telegraphy) Guglielmo Marconi, Italy, 1895, vacuum electron tube, basis for radio telephony) Sir John Fleming, England, 1904

Television - A lot was based on the radio. But most of the work was US. Except this guy color, compatible with black and white) George Valensi, France, 1938;

Superconductivity - USA on had a theory a majority of the practical application were done in Germany and Japan.

satellite television - All started by the Russian who beat us to space. Remember?

robotics - It was useless until the Japanese told us we could built cars with it. You were actually interested in little bugs that collect ping pong balls.
AC Dropout    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 11:37:31 (PDT)
April 9, 2001 Newsweek
Japan Finds Its Seoul

By Hideko Takayama and Kay Itoi

"Okuhara began studying Korean and in 1997 designed a Web site dedicated to what he called 'Korea envy syndrome.' The site posts essays and travelogues that celebrate Korea's attributes"

"Korean movies and pop music attract millions of Japanese fans. Korean women are idealized for their beauty, men for their prowess as lovers. Seoul is beating out London and New York as this year's coolest vacation spot for Japanese tourists. Frustrated dotcomers gaze longingly at the entrepreneurial atmosphere that has transformed South Korea into the most-wired county in the world. 'Japan envies a South Korea that can change and is changing,' says Kan Kimura, an associate professor of Korean studies at Kobe University"

Korea/Japan Lover
   Friday, July 12, 2002 at 21:15:16 (PDT)
AC Dropout.

Who invented the microwave, radio, television, automobile, computer, superconductor, satellite television.

Given Honda did invent that cool little Asimo robot, but who invented robotics?

Like I said, the Japanese improve on things.

I guess Stealth Technology and Night vision are neither impressive nor innovative.

What were you thinking when you replied to me? I guess you weren't.

Just because some of us think China should be more creative, you think we hate China. That's like me making a copy of Windows and selling it as "Wingdows". Would I be correct in saying I was just as smart as Bill Gates? Doofus!
   Friday, July 12, 2002 at 19:52:11 (PDT)
Even America produced knockoffs for Europe in the 18th century. Nothing is wrong with churning out cheap imitational products if you are not badly positioned in the market. If you don't have a large capital pool, technical savvy and core competency, it's better to take a defensive position. This strategy is well adopted by 2nd-tiered companies in the East and West.
   Friday, July 12, 2002 at 11:41:05 (PDT)
30s and 40s? Not like that was the age of technical marvel. Nippon and Nazi German heavy industry was just as advanced or more than the USA before and during WWII. And today it still is.
Japanese names also sound cooler.
Chinese names sound just as dull as GM and Ford. Gum and Fong. j/k
China will never make their OWN superior products. They will be like the USA at most. Mediocre with a huge market and military. Not like Germany and Japan- two peaceful mechanical nations.
   Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 23:56:16 (PDT)