Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the most attractive quality about Asian American men?
Good Looks |
Attractive Build |
Attitude & Personality |
Education/Culture |
Which of the following is the least attractive aspect of Asian American men?
Looks |
Build |
Personality |
Success Fixation |
Insensitivity |
Which factor contributes most to the negative image of AA men?
Large proportion of recent immigrants in the AA population |
White American men seeing Asian men as a threat |
The media catering to existing prejudices |
Asia's relatively recent emergence from poverty |
Which would most dramatically help the image of AA men?
Asian male achieving sports stardom on par with Michael Jordan |
AA male becoming elected President of the United States |
East Asia attaining living standards on par with the U.S. |
Asian male achieving movie stardom on par with Tom Cruise |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
[Okay, it's been an interesting discussion but way off topic. To pursue the "Are Indians Asian?" discussion, go to the "Asian Nationalities & Ethnicities" Forum Category in our new Instant Polls & Forums. This page is for exploring the characteristics of Asian American men. --Ed]
Interesting posts....I guess to be honest, in my mind I did always see the term " Asian American" like Chitown Rocks - to mean Chinese, Japanese, Corean, etc. Maybe this was partly due to the fact that the exposure I have had with Indian people, whether in person or via websites, magazine articles and so on, always seemed to use " Indian" as their descriptive term, and not Asian.
Clearly a map shows they are Asian however. I wonder how it can be wrong if a person can be Asian ( of the geographical location Asia) , yet also Indian, because of their nationality, and then even broken down more, into all kinds of " labels". After all, I can be North American ( my continent), American, Native American, Meskwaki...... And we could continue to label and itemize me further . NONE of which would be incorrect.
I guess I am saying that I don't understand the rejection by some to accept Indian people as Asian. If there is some irritation that they wish to be thought of as both Asian and Indian, then thats even more perplexing. An Asian person doesn't shrug off being Chinese, for example..One shouldn't need to turn away from any description of what they are comprised of, and should be able and allowed to call themselves by whatever descriptive name they prefer, as long as it is accurate. And to my eyes, I see India looking to be an Asian continent.
Also...in answer to an earlier poster...Naveen Andrews starred in " The English Patient" and stole the show. Ramon Tikaram had a long running starring role on BBC television and has appeared on Broadway in Jesus Christ Superstar. His sister Tanita Tikaram has been a successful recording artist here in the States. Bipashs Basu won the Ford Modelling Agency Supermodels contest. Diana Hayden, half Indian, half Anglo, won Miss World 1997. Lara Dutta won Miss Universe in 2000. There are more I could list. To ascribe worth to people based on how often they get leading movie roles etc ??Please...Lets all take one step back and look at that fact. That goes for people who want to denounce others as less or hold themsleves up as better. I just don't measure being a movie star as such a great thing compared to loftier ideals. For example, I think I would much rather be able to sit down for an hour with Ghandi than Russell Wong, and believe me, I LOVE Russell Wong lol!!
I am neither Indian nor any other Asian nationality, so I have no stake in the argument and hopefully no bias. Just saying it like I'm seeing okay? And I do wonder at this attitude I am seeing of rejection and not acceptance. Does make me wonder what Ghandi would think...
Just thinking   
Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 07:14:28 (PST)
Are people confusing Asian with Oriental? Indians are not Oriental, but they are Asian (there's South and East Asian).
We don't look all that much alike.
Just wondering, anyone ever seen a 1/2 Indian, 1/2 Chinese before?
Now that's tempting!
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 23:55:12 (PST)
Of course Indians are Asians. The last I checked India was in Asia!
Proud AM   
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 22:41:29 (PST)
For all you Indian folks out there, I think most people on this site are intelligent enough to know that you are Asian. You are South Asian. Korean, Chinese, Japanese are East Asian. Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino are Southeast Asian. Indians, Pakistanis are South Asian. All are Asian, but are different from another.
The problem is, here in America, the term Asian (with no prefix or no modifier) usually refers to East Asian and sometimes Southeast Asian people. Maybe you folks would agree - just read an American newspaper, or magazine. Note what the term "Asian" is used to describe. Invariably it is used to describe something or someone from East Asia (and occasionally Southeast Asia).
When someone or something from the Indian subcontinent is discussed here in America, the term South Asian is used.
It's interesting that in Britain, the term Asian (with no prefix or modifier) is used to refer to Indians and Pakistanis, whereas they use the term "Oriental" to describe East Asians. When the racial riots were occurring in Britain last year, the British and European news agencies described rioting by "Asians". I had images in my mind of pissed off Chinese dudes tearing apart the town. But no, they were discussing what we in America would call South Asians.
And, to my Indian brothers, don't be too upset that some people here don't want to include you in their "club." They don't even want to include millions of their Asian brothers from the Southeast part of Asia - people that most white people in America or anywhere else in the world would call Asian (I'm referring to Filipinos, Thais, Malaysians, etc.).
East-Southeast Asian Dude   
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 22:06:42 (PST)
Aren't East Indians classified as "Indo-Americans?" This is confusing because I always thought "Indo" meant Indonesian, where the word "Indo" meaning marijuana, came from.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 20:21:52 (PST)
Yea, Asia Carrera is hot. "Cassandra! Cassandra!".
And I have nothing against Indians or any race for that matter. Just against arrogance.
About this issue about unity, all groups inherently segregate themselves. Like when I was in HS. Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Indians with Indians, and so forth. This is human nature.
San Fran man   
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 15:51:38 (PST)
What's all this about "penis-size"...hahahahahahahaha.....I don't go around talkin' bout' women's breast sizes. hhahahahahaha...who gives. First thing I ever look at is a girl's face...shit...with no face...what do ya got?...nothing expressive. It's all about the face and personality. Nothing else...and most Asian girls got the prettiest faces ever...ya just don't get that in white girls. It's blonde/blue-eyed and bunk as shit. Naw, some white girls are hot too. Oh wait a minute, a lot em' are. But seriously, facially...it don't get no better than the Asian women's faces which Are beautiful. Stay beautiful. Die beautiful...To me there's only two kinds of Asian girls...the straight up bitches (unless you know them...which is hard to get to know them when don't even wanna talk in the first place...some Indian girls (but not East Asian in my limited experience with them) are straight up biznotches, I swear, what the f!). Then there are really nice ones who you can say anything to. My chances of ending up with either one?...hahahahaha. Probably zero to none. They're all fukin' taken anyway or they're in their own world...I hope ta hook up with one some day (preferably East Asian...if she doesn't care about the "inter-racial" bullshit)...AND SOON...in Tupac's words..."I ain't tryin' ta cash up, I just call em' how I see um'."
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 15:47:47 (PST)
Look here. Indians (Hindus), Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Nepalese are ALL their own race!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get that **** straight into your heads, people!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 13:49:24 (PST)
To All my fellow Asians...
you guys...and ladies of course...just read what I'm sayin'...and just think a little about all those points I tried to make throughout my posts...that's all I ask.....Asian unity is our only sure key to success in America/Asia or elsewhere. If you don't understand that...well, we're never gonna get anywhere. I know you all have ideas, spit em' out. If you didn't care about Asian people you wouldn't even be on this site.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 11:44:00 (PST)
By the way...us Indians feel you from all sides...like...
Every white or black dude thinks that all Asians are "Orientals" and they're all "Chinese".
They think every brown Asian are Arabs they seriously can't tell the difference between Hindus and Muslims or Sikhs and Jains...especially after Sept. 11...oh hell all Indians are "Middle-Eastern Arabs". Yeah right!...oh, like I'm so sorry to look like those 19 morons.
I was out with my friends once a couple years ago...and there was a group of Middle-Easterners with the abiya and everything on who were staying near us. My friends are actually all very racist but came to accept me over time. They kept saying those "Indian people those Indian people"...I tried to explain...and one of my friends was like "yeah, but they're still Indian," I was like ok you dumbfuk. I was real pissed. But me being the brown man out couldn't say shit. Hell, I was always the brown man out and because I listen to rap I was always refered to as black.
One day I was walkin around with one of my Chinese friends and this other guy in my school called him a "chink" straight up. Me and him turned and look at that white fat fuk...all my friend could say was..."If you said that to some of my friends they woulda beat your ass." Me and him were pissed as fuk cause' we really couldn't so shit about it.
Another great example of biased white unity is NATO...the treaty states that an attack on any one of those countries than they will take it as an attack on all the other nations. Why can't we have an Asian Pact?..China and India are the 2 biggest powers...Well, it's cause' we're too fukin' busy tryin' to decide who's Asian or not. Yall gettin' my drift.
Another great example was the USSR. Do you think it was a mistake that America had a HUGE hand in taking it down to democracy?...hell yeah...that left America as the sole superpower of the world. Why did America drop the bomb on Japan instead of the Nazis?...Obvious, the Nazis are white, they couldn't test the bomb on fellow Europeans. Why does America support Isreal over the Arab states but doesn't support India over Pakistan?...obvious.....brown India could flex too much power and Isreal is white and it's the Christian/Jewish Holy Land...(but Isreals case is different and so is the Palestinians plea)...think about what's going on logically in our country. North Korea could flex great power with an ICBM capability. If the Americans wouldn't have re-written the Japanese constitution...Japan would be a formidable military power because of it's huge economy...makes you think what the white think tank of America wants next??????????? But am I racist against whites? no.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 11:34:27 (PST)
Is it me, or are only asian americans like ourselves the only people left in the world who uses terms like, "Mongoloid", "Caucasoid", and "Negroid"? What are we, transformers? It's like those three are suppose to be somekind of primary colors and when they are mixed we get secondary colors like, mongoloid-negroid--> south asians. Caucasoid-mongoloid-->central asians. Negroid-Caucasoid-->arabs
If you read Mein Kampf, Hitler calls Jews "orientals." I guess the mid-east has to count as asians too?
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:52:21 (PST)
To Chitown rocks:
1. Well, maybe you're Indian friends identify themselves as "Indian-Americans" because they are. Just as you may be ethinically "Chinese-American or Vietnamese-American, etc." That doesn't make less Asian.
2. In the US, under the census bureau there were only 6 categories of Asians listed and all others were placed under "Other Asians". These were:
Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Japanese, & Vietnamese.
Asian Indian is the 3rd largest Asian group with 1.7 million behind...2.4 million Chinese and 1.85 million Filipinos. No other Asian ethnicities even come close to the numbers of these 3 nationalities. The 4th category is "other Asian" with 1.285 million (means Cambodian, Pakistani, etc.../...Middle Easterns are counted as white)...the next ethincity ranking 5th is...the Vietnamese...with 1.122 million. Asian Indians were the fastest growing ethnic group in the US growing an unprecedented 106% from 1990.
ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO COUNT US OUT?...cause' once we're out...we're out. We just as Indians can undoubtly hold our own across all the major fields that "Asians" have jobs in. We had the highest average income of any race or nationality (does that make us better? no.)...but if you want people to regard Asians as successful than the Indian community is one vital group.
YES, I absolutly agree that Indians don't look like other Asians...but is that the point here? You don't look like us either...and so what.
The point is, that our cultures can understand each other WAY, WAY, WAY better...than per say others. There's no doubt about it.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism & Jainism were all started in India. Confucianism & Taoism were started in China. And Shintoism in Japan. But see...per say a white Chrisian or black guy...is much less likely to understand you and what you guys do than us brown Asians. We have absolute understanding of Gautama Buddha because he was Indian! My parents and in Hindu temples and stuff do talk about Buddha often. Both our cultures as others have been widely assimilated into the Christian and western faiths b/c of various reasons. But do I hate that? no. Why?...well b/c those Christians who now actually have been practicing Christianity forever...still understand us and what our Eastern religions represent compared to the white or black Christians view of us.
Buddhism is now the major religion of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka. This means that before the westerners came to our lands...WE HAD GREAT TIES!!! But what happened?...Everything stopped because of the invasions. The other major relgion of the region is Islam as in Indonesia/Malyasia/ 12% of India/ Pakistan/ 2% of China/etc.
To chink from Calcutta:
Why did I say that I feel closer to you guys than the Middle Easterns?...Indians look a lot like Middle Easterners...but the fact that religion divides us greatly. Pakistani people have not hired Hindu Indians outrightedly b/c they wanted a Muslim and vice-versa (however Pakistanis have obvious close Indian ties). That's what the whole Kashmir/Indo/Pak situation is about. It ain't about the goddamn land. Plus the Middle East is of Islamic culture which doesn't exactly represent the beliefs of the main Eastern religions & cultures. But India is a very, very versatile country and has been influenced greatly by East Asia, Southwest and parts of the West. And IT has also influenced Southeast Asia such as Buddhism and certain parts where Hinduism is still practiced. You can even tell with clothes and stuff that East Asia and India are linked...such as silk...the use of rice as a staple food, gold, etc. etc.
LOOK PEOPLE...this is why our countries have fallen...it's because in Asia...everyone wants to be different...everyone wants to be this or that...no one wants to be ASIAN. They wanna be Chinese or Indian or Vietnamese, etc.
But here in America...we're all the same...sand niggers and chinks workin' for the dollar.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:31:08 (PST)
chitown rocks,
i dont know about chitown, but here in nyc you can turn on the local pbs station or cable access channel and find asian community shows that include indians who proudly call themselves asian.
chink from calcutta   
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 08:23:36 (PST)