

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the most attractive quality about Asian American men?
Good Looks | 60%
Attractive Build | 7%
Attitude & Personality | 17%
Education/Culture | 16%

Which of the following is the least attractive aspect of Asian American men?
Looks | 4%
Build | 5%
Personality | 10%
Success Fixation | 17%
Insensitivity | 64%

Which factor contributes most to the negative image of AA men?
Large proportion of recent immigrants in the AA population | 22%
White American men seeing Asian men as a threat | 26%
The media catering to existing prejudices | 32%
Asia's relatively recent emergence from poverty | 20%

Which would most dramatically help the image of AA men?
Asian male achieving sports stardom on par with Michael Jordan | 6%
AA male becoming elected President of the United States | 13%
East Asia attaining living standards on par with the U.S. | 24%
Asian male achieving movie stardom on par with Tom Cruise | 57%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Blazin Red Hot Chilli Powder!
ok. I see lots of unnecessary confusion over here. I can help.
People! actors are not our concern over here, they can't help us.
All of us seem to be forgetting that the asiatic lands are the most hetrogenous and most densely populated geographical region anywhere! More than 70 percent of all humanity call the asiatic lands home.
"Mongoloid" peoples have existed in and around continental south asia for thousands of years and so not surprisingly there are thousands of south asian hybrids. (central asia including iran/afghania, pakithan, nepal, bengal/bangladesh, all himalayan regions, and proceeding into burma.)
Fierce Dravidian    Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 00:06:08 (PDT)

Asian, friendships/relationships.
ok! there are a lot of ISSUES over here. The subject of friendships/relationships seems to me to be a very daunting issue to tackle.
1) Do not close yourself out from other asiatic peoples.
2) Do not base your personal opinions about different asians based on steriotypes,instead talk to them and find out for yourself first hand.
3)Do not feel GUILTY about enjoying friendships/relationships with different asiatic peoples.
4)Shop around intensively, do not limit yourselves, biggest mistake you will ever make!!
5)In the game of life always protect yourselves. SAFE SEX OR ELSE NO SEX.
I am from those Dravidian Lands!    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 23:59:37 (PDT)
Ok, I'm gonna straighten this out.

Women. Women to me are the most beautiful thing (though they are not things) in the world. BUT...

there's gotta be a limit to that kind of insanity. Just cause' a woman's a woman, doesn't mean she's the nicest thing around and we should bend over backward head over heels for her. Women wanna be treated equal so bad, well then get treated equal. If a man had a bad attitude he's a faggot too then. If a woman is actin' bitchy or has a bitchy attitude then she's a bitch. Per defining terms...physically, she is NOT a female dog. But she would be acting like one. [that sounds funny to me]

If you're a woman, then you should be proud to be one seeing that you bring men into the world.

But men can't be runnin' around goin' gaga over women doing everything for them and being nice to them all the time despite some of their attitudes. Noooo, I never said men are the nicest things in the world.

There are crazy men who beat women. Crazy men indeed. Crazy men who should be locked up.

Verbally assaulting a woman may offend her, but the point has got to get across somehow. Verbal is where it stops.

There are women who play men all the time. That's cause' men are weak and pathetic fools for women. Women have power...and should be treated better than equally...but bad I say...I nor any other guy, wants to hear no bitches' drama.

Men are not perfect. Don't expect them to be like women. Women ARE perfect.

bringittogether    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:58:37 (PDT)
I don't care what anyone likes to be called...if a girl's a bitch, she's a bitch...let's face it. Let the truth be told. And I don't care either what race you choose not to like, you can't offend me. There are obviously equal numbers of people who hate or dislike your race get over yourself. Oh, yeh, nobody's wanna be gangster around here...what do you know about who I am...what do I know about you?...And, maybe no Indian guys have ever been attracted to you either. So, like I said...I come off politically correct bullshit. If you don't like Indians, I don't care. Neither does any other Indian. There's a billion plus of us as there's a billion plus of you...either way...who cares. And lastly...what do you know about gangsters, nobody acts gangster, what defines a gangster? We are gangsta. Me and TRG, and all your Hapa homeboyz too. later.
bringittogether    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:40:05 (PDT)

Perhaps I was a bit too hasty in judging you ... it was my first impression from your posts. Apologies :)
As I said earlier, I do appreciate your sentiments (compliments, etc.) but the profanity and gangster tone of your posts were somewhat jarring. I'm just not used to hearing that sort of language on this discussion board and elsewhere ... and certainly not from the Indian men I've been friends and classmates with or dated (all incredibly sweet and charming BTW). OK, I'll confess my deep, dark secret ... I have a preference for Indian men, and in general, find them to have
appealing personalities and looks. Thankfully the attraction is mutual. LOL ... but that's a story for another day. So I would be the last person on earth to criticize you for your preference ;) It's just the frightful vocabulary you use ....


I don't have a problem with bringit together's racial preference or compliments as I'm guilty of it myself (in reverse). Guess I came off sounding a lot harsher than I intended.
far, far away    Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:16:42 (PDT)